The Installation schedule and meeting calendar (2022 - 2023) are available to download (and print) by clicking here. Alternatively you can look at the live Google calendars by clicking here.
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Old Priory Lodge assist Sandy Bear Charity
While they were redecorating the offices of the Sandy Bear charity (a children’s bereavement charity covering the whole of Pembrokeshire), a request was made to Old Priory Lodge almoner Ian Barnes to ask if he could do something with the kitchen, which was in a bit of a mess. Without hesitation Ian replied yes, and so the process began. For the full story click here.
Neyland Lodge Annual Charity Night
On Saturday, 15th April 2023 Neyland Lodge No. 990 held their annual winter charity night at The Bar, Neyland marina. The worshipful master invited members of the lodge, friends, and their families along, with several prospective candidates in attendance. In total sixty-two people attended with all of them having a good night. The food, drink, and entertainment (from local singer Chris Didcot) were all excellent. For a little bit more detail click here.
Ian Davies - 40 Years in Royal Arch Masonry
I am delighted to be with you this evening to present a long service award to E Comp Ian Lodwick Davies to mark 40 years continuous service to Royal Arch Freemasonry. E Comp Ian, you were Initiated into the Cambrian Lodge no 464 on 2nd April 1980, 43 years ago yesterday. For the Grand Superintendent's full address click here.
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Funded entirely through the generosity of Freemasons and their families, the Masonic Charitable Foundation is one of the largest grant-making charities in the country.
Click here or call 020 3146 3333 for more detals.
September Quarterly Communication of Grand Lodge
The September Quarterly Communication of
Grand Lodge will take place at midday on Wednesday 13th September 2023 in the International Conference Centre at the Celtic
Manor Resort, just outside Newport. It is 100 years since the Quarterly
Communication of Grand Lodge was held outside London, so the fact that
it is coming to Monmouthshire is a unique opportunity for the Brethren of West Wales to attend and take part in one of the
flagship moments of our Constitution. The Provincial Grand Master, RW Bro
James Ross and his Executive Team invite all West Wales Brethren to join
them at this exciting Quarterly Communication in September. For full details click here.
West Wales Craft and Royal Arch Appointments 2023 |
The Provincial Grand Master of the Province of West Wales R.W. Bro. James Ross was delighted to announce the Craft and Royal Arch appointments and promotions for 2023 during April. For the Craft click here. For the Royal Arch click here.
West Wales Freemasons Honoured at Annual Investiture
At the annual investiture at UGLE on Wednesday 26th April, 2023 W Bro. Gareth Owen (Provincial DC) and W Bro. Alun Littlejohn (Provincial Treasurer) were both pleased to receive their new ranks as Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies and Past Assistant Grand Standard Bearer respectively. On the following day E Comp. Alun Davies ProvSGW and RA ProvAGDC) was also honoured with Acting Rank as Grand Standard Bearer of the Year in the Holy Royal Arch. Congratulations to all three West Wales Masons on their well deserved preferment.
St David's Lodge Widows Tea
The widows of St David's Lodge were invited to an afternoon tea at the Larder in Johnston on the afternoon of Thursday, 27th April 2023. There were seven widows in attendance and they all thoroughly enjoyed themselves. As did the four members of the Lodge who all suffered for the cause by having to partake in the treats available themselves. For more on this story click here.
Follow the Province on Social Media
Follow the Province (including the Provincial Grand Master) on Social Media by clicking on the images.