Our next organizational meeting:
WHAT: Columbus Community Bill of Rights organizational MEETING
WHEN: Monday, April 1st, 2019 at 7:00pm
WHERE: 88 W. Blake Avenue, Clintonville 43202

Human Rights vs. Corporate Rights - It's Up To Us!
Move To Amend Ohio Network 7th Annual Meeting
Saturday, March 30th, 10:00am to 3:30pm
First Unitarian Universalist Church
93 W. Weisheimer Road
Columbus, OH  43214
Click HERE to register on their website
(find the link to register halfway down the webpage)

Ed Fallon is less than a week away!
Columbus Community Bill of Rights, with help from Simply Living, have produced a venue for Ed Fallon, of BoldIowa, to have a presentation and a book-signing in Columbus on Tuesday, April 2nd 2019.  
You can read the flyer below for details about Ed's presentation at the Columbus Mennonite Church.
Ed will also be available at the Book Loft of German Village on Tuesday, April 2nd, from 3pm to 5pm to autograph copies of his book, 'Marcher, Walker, Pilgrim'.  This is located at 631 South Third Street (43206) in German Village.
Click the image below to read about Ed and his book, 'Marcher, Walker, Pilgrim'.  This book chronicles a 3,100 mile march in 2014 from LA to Washington D.C. to bring attention to climate action.
Ed is a very active and vocal force in support of the water protectors from Standing Rock.
Click on the image above to visit Bold iowa and to read more
Don't Miss Grassroots Ohio on WGRN

Tune in for Grassroot Ohio with Carolyn Harding.

On radio WGRN 94.1 FM every Friday at 5:00pm EST, and streaming online at WGRN.org.

Conversations with every-day people, working on important issues here in Columbus and all around Ohio!
Working with city council for water monitoring

After joining us on a Morrow County injection well tour in 2017, current city council president Shannon Hardin avowed to push for a proper water monitoring protocol for our city's watershed, to specifically protect against oil & gas waste contamination to our city's water supply.  
We are in the process of having local geologist/consultant, Dr. Julie Weatherington-Rice, meet with council and our city water department in order to begin the process of determining what is needed to ensure that this type of contamination is caught.
We have multiple concerns, as Morrow County, where our main watershed exists, has regions where the water tables have been contaminated from a legacy of disposing of oil & gas waste brines underground prior to the use of injection wells.  The concern is that over time, the legacy contaminations will migrate into our water.  Now, we have twelve operating injection wells in our watershed with permits for three new ones.  Unknown pathways could exist where injection reservoirs could connect to water sources.  Also, hundreds of brine tanker trips annually transport these toxins through our watershed from producing wells to the injection wells.  In Ohio, there have been several accidents where tankers spilled their loads onto the ground.  One such spill closed down a Barnesville water source for more than two months in 2016.
We will keep you updated on this process as it unfolds.
Statehouse reintroducing dangerous bills from 2018

More than 70 people attended Meet Your Legislator Day at the statehouse.  We all visited our Ohio legislators iterating to them why SB 33 and the coming brine-as-a-commodity bills are terrible ideas for the residents they represent.  Here are the bills:
SB 33:  was 2018 SB 250 - "increased criminal penalties for civil disobedience against oil & gas infrastructure, this democracy-stifling ALEC template is titled 'Critical Infrastructure Protection Act'.
Click HERE to read ad 'Democracy Now' interview about excessive penalties applied in Michigan

To be introduced shortly:  was 2018 SB 165 - "brine as a commodity" - was passed in the house as HB393, however it is tabled in the Ohio Senate.
We must stop these bills from being enacted.  You can read more on the Buckeye Environmental Network website under Resources and Issues.
Click HERE to read an op-ed from a Pennsylvania newspaper about brine spreading.
Lake Erie Bill of Rights Passes Muster!
Toledo voters decided it was time to take back their community right to protect their water.  
Lake Erie now joins the growing numbers of other ecosystems with rights
Click on image above or HERE to read the full article.
Appalachia's $84 billion Secret
'...the gas industry frequently "targets those they believe can't put up a resistance because they're busy surviving or are seeking a quick fix for the economy."  Already, there are thousands of abandoned fracking wells across Appalachia leaking natural gas, oil, and acid mine drainage into the groundwater, surface water, and air.  Locals pay the price - and so will coming generations..'
'And what about jobs?  Plant operations, which are heavily automated, will create an estimated 350 to 1,200 permanent jobs.  For pipelines, the number of permanent jobs will likely be even smaller.  The Brookings Institution found that the Dakota Access Pipeline will provide only 40 full-time post-construction positions.
Meanwhile, the renewable energy industry already provides five times more jobs than coal, oil, and natural gas combined in the United States.'
Click on image above or HERE to read the full article in Blue Ridge Outdoors.
The Real Elephant in the Room: Methane
Oil and Gas Fields Leak Far More Methane than EPA Reports Study Finds
A study involving more than 400 well sites and infrared cameras found that operator errors and
equipment failures, particularly tank vents, were a big source of leaking methane.
Credit: Karen Bleier/AFP/Getty Images
Click HERE to read the full article.
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
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Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it

Please visit our website.  
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!