Dear Neighbors,

As “back to school” 📚starts and fall approaches, here are your September updates.

E-Bike & Scooter Enforcement Updates
I have long advocated for a protected bike lane on Washington St., as originally designed and proposed to the City Council by Mayor Dawn Zimmer’s administration in 2016 (before I was elected), which would naturally encourage bikers of all ages and abilities to safely ride in the street, away from pedestrians, and off our sidewalks.   
However, the City Council majority has repeatedly failed to approve these common-sense bike lane improvements — allowing unsafe bike lane conditions to continue, forcing cyclists to compete with parked cars’ opening car doors into the bike lane, and to navigate around double-parked cars blocking the bike lane and forcing bikers into Washington St. traffic car, bus, and truck traffic.
Commercial e-delivery bikes — too — have improperly operated on our public sidewalks for far too long. In response to residents’ concerns about safety and the rising number of commercial e-bikes crowding our sidewalks and disobeying traffic laws, Hoboken has introduced new regulations for delivery drivers requiring they register with the city, take a test, and wear a bright vest. This initiative aims to strike a balance between supporting the delivery workforce and ensuring Hoboken’s streets remain safe and accessible for all. Click here for more details about the rules and the fines for violations, which are being enforced by the City. 

Hoboken Rent Control Ordinance: Critical November Ballot Updates
A toxic referendum, poised to gut Hoboken’s rent control ordinance, is on the November ballot.  If approved, this public question would lead to removing thousands of below-market rental units from our City. Misleadingly promoted by its sponsors as supporting “affordable housing”, it would have all rent-controlled apartments in Hoboken reset to market rate, upon vacancy, if the owner pays a one-time $2,500 feeless than an average monthly rent in Hoboken.
In August, the City Council unanimously adopted an accurate Interpretative Statement (page 541) in a resolution I sponsored — replacing the biased and misleading interpretative statement that the petitioners had prepared — and the Council’s clear and informative Interpretative Statement will appear on the ballot.
Here are the facts:
Under Hoboken’s current rent control law landlords of properties subject to rent control are limited to annual rent increases of 5% or the CPI, whichever is lower. However, landlords also can get the benefit of a “partial vacancy decontrol” which caps a rent increase upon vacancy to a maximum of 25% if a tenancy becomes vacant after three years or more.
If passed, this question would allow a landlord to increase the rent upon any vacancy to whatever the market would bear after making a single $2,500 payment per unit into Hoboken’s Affordable Housing Trust Fund.  
In July, the Hoboken City Council unanimously passed a resolution that I introduced opposing this question. There are many topics on which the City Council has disagreed during my time in office. However, this July every Council Member agreed that Hoboken residents should VOTE NO this November to save rent control.  
If this initiative passes, Hoboken will no longer have a range of price points available in our rental market. At a time when the cost of housing and rents are skyrocketing, your vote will shape the future of Hoboken’s rental market. You can read more about the November rent control referendum here. Vote No!
Register to Vote and/or Confirm You are Registered for the November Election!
The 2024 Presidential Election is fast approaching, and now is the time to ensure you're ready to have your say, as to who will lead our Country, as well as whether Hoboken’s Rent Control ordinance will provide meaningful rent protections for Hoboken’s tenants. This election will shape the future of our nation and our community. Your vote plays a key role in deciding that direction. Your vote matters!
Register to vote: Click here to register.
Confirm your registration: Double-check your registration status here and make a plan to vote by finding your polling location here.
Please make sure that you are registered and have a plan to vote! If you have any questions, please contact me at
Get Involved with the 2024 Election
Many have asked how they can get involved with the 2024 election, whether it be to help elect Kamala Harris as President or to fight the Anti-Rent Control Referendum. As a longtime member of the Hoboken Democratic Party’s Executive Committee, and an elected 5th Ward Committeeman who has served since 2005, I know the Hoboken Democratic Party offers great ways to get involved. With a rolling list of activities and volunteer opportunities, including postcard writing, fundraisers, phone banking, and door knocking, the Hoboken Dems make it easy for you to get involved. Just go to the Hoboken Dems Election Center 2024 website and check it out — you can even sign up for events right on the website.
Help Shape Hoboken's New Maritime Park Skatepark: Take the Survey!
The City of Hoboken has launched an online survey inviting residents to provide feedback on the design of the new skatepark at Maritime Park. On the Council, I have been a steadfast supporter of the Bhalla administration’s hard-fought, successful effort to acquire this land for a beautiful waterfront park that will connect our waterfront for the use and enjoyment of our community and Hoboken’s visitors. This transformative project will be a special part of our world-class waterfront to be enjoyed and appreciated by our community and future generations of Hoboken residents for many, many years.
Maritime Park will transform the city's last industrial waterfront site into public open space.  The skatepark portion of the park will serve skateboarders, scooter riders, rollerbladers, BMX riders, and more. To solicit input into this part of the park, the City has initiated a survey which you can take here before it closes Monday, September 30th at 6 pm. Construction is expected to begin in the summer of 2025. For more information and updates on Maritime Park, click here.
Coffee with Cohen next Tuesday at Mojo Coffee
On Tuesday, September 24th at 8 am I will host September office hours at a fantastic locally-owned and operated 5th Ward business, Mojo Coffee
What: September office hours with Councilman Phil Cohen 
Where: Mojo Coffee, 801 Bloomfield Street
When: Tuesday September 24th from 8 am to 9:30 am

Staying Up To Date and Seeking My Assistance
I issue this newsletter every month. You can stay up to date by following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If you have any questions, or I can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at  
Phil Cohen
Hoboken City Councilman
Hoboken, New Jersey
(862) 234-9053
P.S. You can learn more about me and my ideas for Hoboken (as well as read this newsletter and prior newsletters) on my website
P.P.S.  If you liked this Newsletter, and want to support my work, please consider a much-appreciated contribution supporting my community efforts.
Paid for by Phil Cohen for Hoboken City Council