Saturday, July 6, 2024

Summer Sing Newsletter
What's In This Issue...
  • Katie's Korner
  • Rehearsal Schedule
  • Gibbons Youth Scholarship - One More Week
  • Kganna Koloi Music Video and Pronunciation on Website
  • J'entends le Moulin Slowed Down Files and Pronunciation
  • Weekly Humor (AKA Weekly Groan)
  • Bring a Pencil
  • Links to Music
  • Nonconsensual Olfactory Overload
  • Voice Exercises and Warmups
Katie's Korner...

Dear Summer Sing,

Thank you for another wonderful rehearsal! Thank you for working so hard and tackling this Canadian piece with such positivity. Thank you for singing the beginning of Red, Red Rose soooooo beautifully. Most of all, thank you so much for being such a wonderful group of people.
A community member asked me about my summer plans recently, and I started by telling them about a small job I have for two weeks, teaching chorus electives to young string musicians at the Suzuki Institute at Ithaca College. This past week was the first week - it went very well! - and the coming week will be the second week. Teaching the choir electives is both fun and rewarding, but it is most definitely work. It takes loads of planning, gathering materials, altering those original plans, strategizing, and various kinds of management during the rehearsals. These students are fantastic - interested, positive, well-behaved, imaginative, musical - but they are still children. They definitely make me use my skills to keep everything on track.
At any rate, I was telling this person about the job and what it entailed.
"You'll be done with work for the summer after next week, then?" they asked.
"Yes, that's right! Well, I also direct an adult choir one night a week...but that doesn't feel like work!" I said. 
It's really true. Your positivity, musical energy, and joy in singing make every moment of Summer Sing a true pleasure for me. And when combined with Ed's outstanding organization and leadership, and the crew of volunteers who help him to process registration, pass out folders, set up chairs, and do the dozens of things that come with running a choir - making music with all of you feels much more like play than like work! 
So gratitude is my only real message this week - thank you so much for being your amazing selves.

Rehearsal Schedule...
Rehearsals begin at 7:00 PM sharp.  Please try to be in your seat and ready to sing!
July 10, 17, 24, 31

Gibbons Youth Scholarship - One More Week...
Summer Sing will be collecting funds for the Gibbons Scholarship for Youth for one more week.  The Gibbons Scholarship was established in 2001 by the Ithaca Community Choruses to honor the choruses' founding director, Paul Gibbons, and to provide promising high school voice students with the means for musical training.  Students in all of the school districts in Tompkins County are eligible to receive the award.  Payment of the award is made directly to the student's voice teacher. 
We have already collected donations from our other ACI choruses.  The scholarship awards for 2024 will be made this fall.
The donation jar will be on the table as you enter the rehearsal room.  Please feel free to donate what you can.  You may also make a donation on our website at
Kganna Koloi Music Video and Pronunciation Now on Website...
We have added the pronunciation to the website in addition to the video we posted of Kganna Koloi from Katie's visit to Kimberley, South Africa.  
For the video, to and scroll down the page to the link.
For the pronunciation (same as shown above), go to
and there is a link to the pronunciation page.
J'entends le Moulin Slowed Down Files and Pronunciation...
We have added new files to the J'entends le Moulin page on the ACI Website.  

Catherine Porter has created a pronunciation file to help you with the words - many thanks to Catherine for this.

We have added audio learning files that are at half speed (60 beats per minute).  There are two ways to access the files:

1.  Click on and then click on the link for J'entends le moulin, or

2.  Click on this direct link -

If clicking on the links does not work, copy and paste the link into your browser.

Please let me know if anything seems amiss

Weekly Humor (AKA The Weekly Groan)...
Why did the choir group go to the seafood restaurant?
Because they heard they had great scales!
If you have your own favorite groan, send it to and we will throw it in the hopper.
Bring a Pencil to LIGHTLY Mark Your Scores!
Links to Summer Sing Music...
All of the music we are performing this summer, including Katie's song from South Africa, can be found by following the links found on the Summer Sing website.
Bookmark this location and you will be able to listen to and practice each song:

Katie has also provided a complete set of learning tracks (14 total!) for J'entends le Moulin.  Here is the link for that page - once you load the page, click on J'entends le Moulin:
Nonconsensual Olfactory Overload..
Please remember to avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, essential oils and other scents to rehearsals and performances as they create respiratory discomfort for some of our singers.  Please do shower, however 😁 
Voice Exercises and Warmups...
Looking for a way to exercise your voice between rehearsals? Cyberbass is free website that has a selection of vocal warmups that play on your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also purchase CD's with various exercises and warmups if you choose.  Go to

Questions, Comments and Newsletter Items...
The Summer Sing Newsletter will be published weekly through the summer.  It will also be posted on the ACI Website at
If you have a question about Summer Sing, comments or suggestions for the newsletter, or do you have an item for the newsletter (items should be related to the chorus or the local music community), send it to  PLEASE - if you have an item for the newsletter, send it in completed form so we can copy and paste - we do not write material for you.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca, Inc.