Our physical location is 1/2 mile west of the Kilpatrick turnpike on Wilshire or 2 1/2 miles East of HY4
                                        Visit our website at www.Bobscottnursery.com
                    Please forward our bulletins on to all your friends on e-mail !
We would like to build our bulletin list and forwarding our bulletins to your friends is one way to do that. 
                          Free Plant with minimum purchase.
We have three free plants available depending on how much you purchase, Please ask for the free plant because we can get so busy we forget to add it to your cart.We started doing this a few years ago to give our customers a little extra for trading with us. It is fun for us and our customers seem to like it also. 
Our dahlias are starting to bloom now. We have several varieties to chose from. They are a bulb and need full sun to bloom corectly. Find them in green house number one. You can either mulch them in the fall or dig up the bulb and store in a paper bag in your garage.
                              Our Pampas Grass is looking great!
Our pampas grass has filled out it's  5 gallon containers and will start to put on the White plumes pretty soon.  
Pampas grass is a full sun grass that will grow quite well in full sun, part shade, very wet or somewhat dry conditions and will be stunning in any of those locations. find this plant in green house number three. 
                     We are putting our potted daylilies on sale!
Daylilies are a full sun plant and they will need at least 1/2 day of sun to bloom well. find them in greenhouse number two. 
            Our Hardy Hibiscus are looking very good
We are growing 4 varieties of hardy hibiscus. they die to the grown each winter and come back up in late spring after most frost danger is well past. Hardy hibiscus are drought tolerant after they get started and grow best in full sun. find these plants in green house number two. 
We are trying to reduce our inventory on hostas so we are putting some of them on sale. It is not easy to write a new bulletin one or two times per week but by midseason I try to put a new item on sale each week. The I hope a few of our customers will come out and pick up those items...ha! Other nurseries put on a special event one or two times per year and mark down the "STUFF" that no longer looks salable. I prefer to put a new type of plant on sale each week. That plant stays on sale until we reduce the inventory on that plant or plants. You have longer to foind time to come out and make your selections.   
  We have been known for our collections of hostas for over 20 years. We have around 50 varieties of them for sale. They are a shade plant and should be planted where they get no sun after 11 am. Find these plants in green house number four.
 Chitalba Trees  Desert Willows and Japanese Varnish trees!
All of these trees are unusual trees that are very hard to find. All of them will bloom for a long period of time. The Japanese Varnish trees are marked down  40% because they are getting too large to keep in the green houses. The Japanese Varnish trees always have green bark and very large leaves that give the tree a very tropicl look.The Chatalba and Desert Willows will bloom in cycles all summer long. find them in green house number three:
         Desert Willow                  Chiltalba tree Flower                         Japanese Varnish tree 
           Many viburnums are marked down 40%
I have marked many of our viburnums down 40%. This was a tough decision on my part. We grow all of our plants right here. It takes several years to get viburnums to a good saleable size plant. They should be planted more here. Most  have fragrant blooms in the spring and most have beautiful foliage in the fall. But neither the flowers or the beautiful foliage appear during peak sales season so we do not sell as many as we should. now is a great time to add a couple of these plants to your yard! 
                               Selected perennials are 40% off ! 
   These will be perennials that may have bloomed for the year or plants that were not as popular this spring as they were in years past. It is a great time to pick up a few plants to fill those bare spots in your flower beds. 
                We have 8  or 10 varieties of hydrangeas beginning to Bloom in Green House number 5 !
I have spent years collecting different varieties of hydrangeas. Some need morning sun and afternoon shade in central Oklahoma. But we have more than a few that will grow in full sun in central Oklahoma. Find all of them in green house number 5. The full sun varieties are all in the front of the green house and the ones needing afternoon shade are in the back on the south side. Images of a few are below:
                             Acanthus Spinosa
This is a fantastic perennial flower. It is very drought tolerant. It has beautiful foliage and the flowers look like GIANT BLUEBONNETS!  Once  it reaches clump form it makes a very dramatic statement. It will grow in full sun. Find this plant in Green house number two. We have moved many specimens with multiple bloom scapes on them now!
      We Have Three Colors of Vitex Trees...all marked down
Over the years we have collected all three major colors of Vitex trees, The comon Blue, And Pink and White. All three colors will bloom for months during the summer months and theym are striking when ion fill bloom. Find them in green house number one. 
        We have marked our peonies down in price! 
 We still have a great selection of peonies for sale. There are  18 varieties of peonies in the green house  this year! It is a great time to drop by and select your favorite varieties to plant in your own yard. 
Plant peonies in the full sun in any garden soil. If you have any, add some compost under the plant. The eyes of the peony should be about one inch under the surface of the ground. we have planted them correctly for you. Just dig the hole so the top of the plant mix is even with the top of your ground.
      Our red and Yellow Pokers are up and ready to sell !
  these are dryland plants that will bloom for a very long time. They require very little water once established. find these items in green house number two.
                                               We have royal Purple Smoke trees!
This is one of many hard to find plants that we carry at our nursery. They are a small decorative tree that has beautiful reddish purple foliage similar in color to red japanese maples except the smoke trees will grow in full Oklahoma sun. In fact to get the best color they must receive several hours of direct sunlight. Find these trees in green house number three. 
We are growing three varieties of this plant. They are full sun plants that will grow in a variety of soils. OGnce they start b looming, they will bloom for months. Find these plants in number two house on the south wall. 
                                                                            Spigelia Marilandica
This is a very hard to find plant that we have sold out of for several years. It will grow in full sun to filtered shade. Do not plant this perennial in wet poorly drained soil. It will bloom for months and will be the talk of your neighborhood! find this plant in Green house number two on the north wall. 
We grow a couple varieties of companulas. Pink Octopus and Church Bells. Bothj are turly spectacular! they grow in full sun or partial shade and both will bloom for a very long period. find both of these plants in green house number two. 
                                                           Dry Land Plants
 We have started setting up our cactus and other dry land plants display in front of our green houses. All of these plants need little or no water once established. Most of these  plants stay green the year around and can be quite beautiful. Most will also grow under trees so you can build a dryland shade garden. We did that under a tree going to our green houses beside our huge bark pile. 
We want to remind everyone to bring any unwanted containers to the nursery any time you are out this way. Set them off at the parking sign and we will move them. We recycle them over and over and it helps hold our prices down.