SAVE THE DATE: 18.10.2018 AT 18:00
Special guests: Dirk Sijmons, Dutch premiere 'Sun Following Prism' by Berndnaut Smilde, Ruben Jacobs.
Climate as Artifact is an exhibition program that targets at how redefining climate as a cultural artifact through artistic practice helps us to break free from conventional attitudes in order to establish new and essential perspectives. Climate as Artifact will bring together artists, designers, scientists and society to rethink our perceptions of culture and nature.
With: Berndnaut Smilde, Sachi Miyachi, Nishiko, Esther Kokmeijer, Maurice Bogaert, Aliki van der Kruijs, Jos Klarenbeek, Maurice Meewisse, Lotte Geeven, Theun Karelse, Thijs Ebbe Fokkens, Giuseppe Licari, Onkruidenier, Josje Hattink, Masha Ru & more.


At the invitation of artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006), artists and designers with local experts and scientists are developing new work for the autumn exhibition 'Climate as Artifact – Klimaat als Mensenwerk' in the Electriciteitsfabriek. Read more.
On September 8, Satellietgroep will present a Preview in the Electriciteitsfabriek during DCR Pleinfestival, and on Sunday September 9, during Festival Het Circus at the nearby neighbourhood park, De Verademing.
'Time-depht of landscape': left electricity power plant (now Uniper, venue Electriciteitsfabriek and De DCR), right garbarge incinerator (now De Verademing). Image: Archive, 1960.
Time: 15:00 - 21:00
Entrance is free
During DCR Plein Festival, you can meet several of the invited artists, like Sachi Miyachi, Onkruidenier and our current artist-in-residence Masha Ru. They take the visitors along in their artistic research into the time-depth of landscape. In addition to this Preview, Satellietgroep also offers a Review on its 12-year anniversary and a discount on a passe-partout for the exhibition, which opens on October 18th at 18:00!

Research at Electriciteitsfabriek by Sachi Miyachi (September, 2018).

Masha Ru: 'An acquired taste': smelling, licking, eating....  earth, clay, ceramics & artifacts
Within her artistic practice, Masha Ru focuses on the human-earth relationship, with a special focus on clay. During her artist-in-residency with Satellietgroep at the DCR Gueststudio, Ru, together with local experts and scientists, researches the soil under our feet in The Hague and tests the edibility of archaeological artefacts.
With special thanks to artist Marit Mihklepp, Jester van Schuylenburch and AWN, association for Volunteers in Archeology The Hague and the surrounding area.
Time: 14.30 - 16.30
Entrance is free & everyone is invited to participate, start at 14:30
Earth-Tasting and Clay Performance with guest artist Masha Ru.
In 'The Museum of Edible Earth', Masha Ru has put together a collection of edible earth from around the world.
She traveled to Indonesia, Suriname and Guatemala to conduct research on the origin of traditions and contemporary use of raw materials on location. During Festival Het Circus, Masha will present a collection of edible soils and performative experiments, in which she investigates how people react to physical contact with different types of clay. Everyone is invited to participate at 14:30
With special thanks to anthropologist/performer Fazle Shairmahomed, Jester van Schuylenburch, Alain Chaney, Joris-Jan Bos of 3TREESceramics and AWN, association for Volunteers in Archeology The Hague and the surrounding area.

Research for 'An Acquired Taste' by Masha Ru (The Hague, August 2018).

You can also contribute to the activities of Satellietgroep! Spread the word or invite us for a presentation, research, collaboration or exchange project. Satellietgroep works also on commissions. Feel free to contact us at or browse our website for ideas. 
Looking forward to meet you!
The team of Satellietgroep
Jacqueline Heerema, Francois Lombarts & Lotte Bosman. 
Artists collective Satellietgroep (The Hague, 2006) explores through arts the social and ecological impact of the sea and coastal transitions on cities, people, communities and environments, and vice versa the influence of mankind on coastal transitions and climate change in The Netherlands and abroad. Our aim is to enhance public and professional awareness. Satellietgroep hosts artists in residents for artistic fieldwork, collaborate with locals and experts and develop new concepts and works that reflect the resilience of coexistence of man and water, in past, present and future.
Long term projects are 'Badgast' - artist in residency program at The Hague/Scheveningen (2009 - 2014), 'Now Wakes The Sea', the international exchange residency program in collaboration with international cultural partners (since 2012). Since 2014 Satellietgroep develops the first artistic research on the Zandmotor, the newest innovation on coastal protection, called Building with Nature. In these programs artist in residencies are used as a research method to enable artists, designers, students and scientists to do fieldwork and to work on site with local partners, coastal communities and experts in order to map out and research the current status of coastal transitions and to generate new narratives and perspectives. The programs function as an alternative source for collecting. New concepts and works are developed that we connect and contextualize with reference works for public events like expeditions, exhibitions, workshops and presentations at expert conferences, often outside the artistic domain. Artist in residents are invited to critically explore and visualize the zones of coexistence of man and water and reveal different perspectives. By interconnecting coastal communities, arts and science we share local knowledge on global level to gain sustainable insights on coastal transitions that transcend local and national issues.