Monday, July 06, 2020


Dear Reader,


Please find below our latest Weekly Trend Update Report covering major asset classes and currencies.

Our apologies for the irregularity of comments last week caused by our server’s problems (which we think and hope are resolved).

Have a nice week.


Marc Bentin

Bentinpartner GmbH


Friday’s Snapshot


Global Chartbook PDF




FX Overlay Model



Global Tactical Model




Trend Following




Trend Status Update


US equities closed their best quarter over more than 20 years, led by a 30.3% gain for the Nasdaq and a 56.2% gain for the Goldman Sachs Most Shorted index. Over the past quarter as well, the Dax recovered 23.9%, outperforming France’s and Spain’s respective 13.5% and 8% rally. China’s CSI 300 gained 14.2% last quarter while EM local currency debt and currencies also rallied strongly. As the FT stated, “the innocent explanation for the extraordinary bounce is that investors concluded that the worst of the pandemic is over and that the recovery is within reach. A less innocent-but all too plausible- alternative reading is that investors now believe central banks will now exercise complete control over asset prices for the foreseeable future…”

For a more complete explanation of where we we stand, we recommend listening  to last week’s 30’ Bloomberg interview from Ray Dalio where he said that we are now facing three major risks;

- the mature state of a long-term debt cycle similar to the one encountered in the 30’s, 1945 and 1971 (which all led to currency devaluations of their own).

- an historic wealth gap leading to the rise to a “value” (serial bubbles fed by central banks) and “political” gaps (from electing populist leaders).

- the rise of a great power challenging the existing one (leading to trade, cold and sometimes hot wars).

In this interview, he also said that free markets have ceased to preside the allocation of capital as central banks de facto became the new market makers. When asked about the “limit” of this state of affairs, he said that there is none (in sight), that central banks’ balance sheets are set to (further) explode with no limiting factor, beyond a currency implosion. On that topic, he made a point that we made earlier (in all humility) debunking the “big dollar short” argument resulting from the foreign stock of USD labelled debt (which only needs to be defaulted on to disappear…).


He opined that equity markets’ PE could rise as high as 50 (just to give a number) and that this metric should not be used as a point of reference in the traditional sense anymore.

From an investment perspective, he repeated that the only valid “reflation trades” are primarily equities and gold, not cash or bonds that are essentially taxed to the tune of a large negative real interest rate.


Also worth listening to was N. Roubini’s interview (dubbed “perma bear” for a reason)  from two weeks ago. The major take away there was that the world economy is facing a supply shock from deglobalisation and productivity losses coming from the separation of the internet, 5G and technological standards between the US and China. The investment conclusion was the same that the time has come to protect oneself from inflation of goods, assets and ultimately a looming currency crisis.


Lat week, the S&P500 gained 1,6% (-3,0% YTD) while the Nasdaq100 rallied 2,5% (18,6% YTD). The US small cap index gained 1,4% (-14,0% YTD).


Tech remained market leaders amidst a resurgence of Covid 19 cases in the US and around the world. AAPL dropped -0,2% (24,0%). FB   dropped -1,0% (13,7%). LYFT sold off by -4,1% (-26,0%). AMZN rallied 4,9% (56,4%, Z-score 2,1). NFLX rallied 2,4% (47,4%). GOOG gained 1,6% (9,5%). MSFT rallied 3,0% (30,8%). INTC gained 1,1% (-1,2%).

CBOE Volatility Index sold off by -14,1% (100,9% YTD) to 27,68.

The Eurostoxx50 added strong gains last week, gaining 2,9% (-10,4%), outperforming the S&P500 by 1,3%. European markets were supported by a solidifying support in Germany for more fiscal stimulus and the vote on Thursday closing the controversy on the Constitutional Court Ruling that had deemed the ECB asset purchase program unconstitutional and against the statutes of the ECB.

Diversified EM equities (VWO) rallied 2,6% (-7,6%, Z-score 2,1), outperforming the S&P500 by 1,1%, mainly led by Chinese markets which reacted positively to the golden cross formation that was comforted by surprisingly strong Chinese data later last week. With this latest burst, Chinese stocks took the lead on the score card for the year, at the same time as it broke technical key resistance levels on Friday. CSI300 Chinese equity index (ASHR) rallied 6,3% (5,1%, Z-score 2,8) for the week.


The Dollar DXY Index (UUP) measuring the USD performance vs. other G7 currencies dropped -0,1% (1,2%) while the MSCI EM currency index (measuring the performance of EM currencies vs. the USD) gained 0,4% (-4,1%).  USDRUB rallied 2,3% (15,2%, Z-score 2,0) last week despite a further rally in oil prices and risk appetite with RUB adversely hit by seasonal weakness as Russian companies sold RUB to pay for dividends (according to a JPM report). RUB may still be slightly over-owned as a convenient “carry trade” but remains fundamentally (and grossly) undervalued. We are reinstating the RUB overweight closed last week in our paper model FX overlay. The USD traded erratically vs. G7 counterparts and remained in a trading range (with downside potential in our view). There is no real FX safe haven anymore (besides CHF to a point) as FX volatility increases and we remained underweighted JPY (in what remains largely a contrarian trade).


10Y US Treasuries dropped 3bps (-125bps) to 0,67%. 10Y Bunds climbed 5bps (-25bps) to -0,43%. 10Y Italian BTPs dropped -4bps (-16bps) to 1,26%, underperforming Bunds by 4bps.

US High Yield (HY) Average Spread over Treasuries dropped -5bps (264bps) to 6,00%. US Investment Grade Average OAS dropped -10bps (47bps) to 1,48%.

In European credit markets, EUR 5Y Senior Financial Spread dropped -9bps (24bps) to 0,76%.


Gold was unchanged on the week (16,8%) while Silver further played further catch up, adding 1,2% (0,9%). Major Gold Mines (GDX) rallied 3,5% (23,5%).


Goldman Sachs Commodity Index rallied 3,9% (-30,7%). WTI Crude rallied 4,8% (-34,0%). Despite all the (now convenient) talks about deflation, technically at least, the floor could be in sight for commodities in general. Most cyclical up-moves in commodities have in the past started with Gold, then followed by silver (which has recently turned the corner vs. gold as suggested by the gold/silver ratio). Even copper which has recovered 36% from its lows is supported by revival expectations in China. 





Nikkei +1.2%; CSI300 +3.3%; S&P500 future +37 points





Trend Score Card





Click here for technical terminology.



Trend Scorecard   



US & International Equities

Check out US and International Stocks’ Technical Trend Status.





Sector Trend & Momentum

Check equity sectors’ trend and performance …and when they break out!


Sector Analysis   



Fixed Income

Check out 10Y US Treasury and Bund yields, their trend, expected Fed rate moves and speculative positioning in 10-year Treasury Futures.


Fixed Income



US Recession Risk Radar

A comprehensive list of economic indicators to compare the current situation with previous recessions.


US Recession Risk Radar



The Dollar

Check out where the Dollar stands Trendwise and Breakoutwise vs. G7 and EM counterparts.


The Dollar


Get the Score card of all major currency pairs in terms of Trend, Momentum, Carry, GDP and Current account differential





Precious Metals

Check out where precious metals stand Trendwise and Breakoutwise. Get a sense of options (cumulative open interests on calls and puts) and futures traders’ sentiment (non-commercials open positions).


Precious Metals


Check out how precious metals, the dollar and the Stock market correlate with each other and speculative futures positioning on Gold and the Dollar.


Gold vs. USD vs. SPX



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Our Portfolio Management and Advisory Services


BentinPartner GmbH is a Swiss registered independent financial adviser. We offer four different portfolio management mandates:


- The “Global Strategic” (GS) mandate invests your portfolio according to an optimized strategic benchmark. This allocation delivers the “beta” (or markets related) performance of your portfolio while we seek to generate additional “alpha” (“skills related) performance with tactical adjustments, using a predefined maximum “value at risk” envelope. Most of the portfolio’s performance is derived from the strategic Benchmark (beta).

- The “Global Tactical” (GT) mandate invests your portfolio without tracking a strategic asset allocation (or benchmark) and pursues a “total” as opposed to “relative” return objective. With this mandate, we seek to beat the best of “cash” or of the MSCI World Equity index, applying mostly tactical considerations, using a predefined maximum “value at risk” envelope and targeting not to exceed a predetermined overall portfolio volatility.

- The “Trend/Momentum” (TM) mandate, builds a diversified “All Weather” investment portfolio and applies a rule-based Trend/Momentum methodology to adjust this “trend neutral” allocation. We track trends across asset classes on a daily basis and adjust your portfolio in a semi automatic (there is always a pilot in the plane) fashion applying trend changes signals.

- The “Currency Overlay” (CO) mandate seeks to generate “alpha” applying a currency overlay with a limited leverage (not exceeding 100% of NAV). You control the portfolio allocation (which can be a pool of cash, stocks, bonds or gold) and we manage in overlay the FX exposure of your portfolio, seeking to add a total FX return of 4% to 7%.


For more information on our risk management and investment methodology, please check our web site.


We deliver transparent, professional, tailor-made, and competitive asset management services, seeking to fulfill our fiduciary duty at all times.



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