News for ICC&CS                                                  January 2, 2025 
Director:  Gerald Wolfe
Visit the ACI website:
Contact the ICC&CS Steering Committee:
Please email all newsletter related items to:

From the Director
PLEASE SHARE Gerald's interview with @WSKG's Bill Snyder as widely as possible:
Crunch Time for Concert Publicity
Now that the concert is only TWO WEEKS (gasp!) away, we really need to kick our publicity into high gear.
1)  POSTERS:  Please share/post them widely (print hard copies to hang around town, email digital versions to friends and family, and/or post them on your social media accounts).
2)  SPREADSHEET:  Note which community calendars, church newsletters, etc.  you have submitted concert info to at
3)  TICKETS:  Sell, sell, sell!
Please bring the money you've collected for sold tickets, as well as any unsold tickets, to rehearsal.  More tickets will be available if you run out!
Concert attire
Basically:  plain, solid black and long. 
Specifically:  long-sleeved, solid black shirt or blouse; full-length, solid black pants or long, solid black skirt; plain black socks/tights/stockings; black shoes.  No obvious patterns, neck ties, colorful accessories, or sparkly/glittery jewelry.
Gifts for Our Director & Accompanist
There will be envelopes on one of the back pews at both orchestra rehearsals (January 15 & 17) in which you may deposit cash toward gifts to show our appreciation for Gerald and Bill.
Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY  14851