In This Issue:



Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:
  Leah Boden (C) 
  Andrew Bannister (M)

A warm welcome to new group members:

  James Bell (C) 
  Cathy Newman (C)
  Andy Philips (M)

Diary Dates:

 Sat 25 Feb Group Ride
 Thu 2 Mar Positioning Talk

 Sun 25 Jun
 Prescott Bike Festival
Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



February 2023
Chair's Introduction
Yesterday I saw Snowdrops for the first time this year. As one of the first flowers of spring, they often symbolise new beginnings, hope, rebirth and the ability to overcome challenges. That bodes well for 2023.
The year has started with unseasonably warm weather although the coldest winter days so far sadly coincided with our monthly group motorcycle ride which has now been postponed twice (we plan never to ride on ice).
Glos RoADAR was formed in 1983 and this year is our 40th anniversary. Thank you everyone who answered the recent survey about how to mark the occasion.
We’re heavily into planning 2023’s event calendar and if you’d like to volunteer to run something then please let us know. The more the merrier.

We urgently need volunteers to become Approved Car Tutors.
 Please read the article below for details.
Stay safe all.

Group Motorcycle Ride
Date: Saturday 25th February 2023 (third attempt - thwarted previously by ice)
Eligibility: Suitable for all abilities (mainly A & B roads with a little dual carriageway).
Route: Total 151 miles with 3h30 saddle time.
Fuel is available at the start/finish point (Tesco opposite) and multiple locations en route.
Briefing: 8:50 a.m.
I will be there approximately 8:30-8:40 a.m.
Start time: 9 a.m.
Start point:
Costa Coffee, Unit 3, Retail Park, St Oswalds Rd, Gloucester GL1 2UE.
N51 52.391 W02 14.809

Morning stop:
Coffee #1, Corn Square, Leominster HR6 8LR
N52 13.618 W02 44.260

Lunch stop:
Baffle Haus, Baffle Culture, The Cedars, Abergavenny Road Penperlleni, Pontypool, Wales NP4 0AD
Afternoon stop:
The Anchor Inn, Tintern Abbey 2 Saint Mary Street, Tintern, Chepstow NP16 6TE
End point:
Costa Coffee, Unit 3, Retail Park, St Oswalds Rd, Gloucester GL1 2UE.
N51 52.391 W02 14.809
End time: Approximately 4:30 p.m.
** Please note **
The lunch stop can get particularly busy especially if the weather is nice.
If you intend to ride, please let me know either via email (click name below) before 14th February 2023 to enable me to contact the venue with approximate numbers and hopefully arrange some reserved parking. Thanks.

Car Tutors Wanted - URGENTLY!
 Glos RoADAR is facing increasing demand from car applicants due to the demise of
 neighbouring RoADAR Car Groups and the extreme shortage of Tutors (we have 5).
 We desperately need more Car Tutors!

 At present we are having to ask new members to wait for an available Tutor and
 even then travel extensive distances to meet their Tutor for training. Unfortunately
 the delay and travel means we sometimes end up recommending that applicants   consider joining the IAM instead.

 Not very satisfactory but there's nothing else we can do at present.

 We have very few car Tutors and urgently need more.

 If you have passed the Car Advanced Test at Gold or Silver then you are eligible to
 become a Tutor. If you have previously been a car Tutor and would like to return to
 that role we would be very pleased to welcome you back.

 On Thursday 2 March Geoff Brown is running a technical talk evening all about   positioning. This event is titled 'Tutor Training', is open to all members and
 would be a great opportunity to ask other Tutors what being a Tutor is all about.
 If you're keen to attend please let Geoff know at

 The Positioning event was advertised in last month's newsletter (click for link).
 If you're interested in being a Tutor and would like more information please contact
 Please help. 
AirCar – The world’s first-ever licensed and registered flying car designed by Professor Štefan Klein and Anton Zajac and built by Klein Vision of Slovakia. The vision.
This flying masterpiece, powered by a BMW 1.6 litre, 4-cylinder engine, will reach an altitude of 18,000 feet with a range of 621 miles and runs on normal petrol. Once on the ground it takes 2 minutes to transform from plane to car.

The AirCar transforms from road vehicle into air vehicle in less than 3-minutes. Useful for leisure and self-driving journeys, and also as a commercial taxi service

AirCar, a dual-mode car-aircraft vehicle moved closer to production this week, fulfilling a key development milestone in a 35-minute flight from the international airport in Nitra to the international airport in Bratislava on June 28th, 2021
Videos (click on pictures):
2:59 mins
1:51 mins
Zajac said the company had already started to take orders from "selected" clients, and expected deliveries to begin in late 2023. The AirCar will cost anywhere between $500,000 and $1 million (£404K-£808K / €459K-€918K).
The design was type-certified as an aircraft in January 2022 in Slovakia. 
The prototype takes off at around 120 kilometres per hour (75 mph), after a run of 300 metres (980 ft). Cruising speed in the air is said to be 170 kilometres per hour (92 kn) Range is estimated as 1,000 kilometres (620 mi), at a height of 2,500 metres (8,200 ft).

The current version of the car can reach heights of 4,572 metres (15,000 ft). 

Tutor 1st Aid Training - A photo essay

On 21st January 2023 nine Tutors attended the inaugural First Aid For Tutors Course led by Cam Mowbray, one of our Group Motorcycle Tutors.

The course combined Basic Life Support and Catastrophic Bleeding Control and was specially designed by Cam to meet Tutors' needs when conducting advanced driving / riding training.
The guide publication for the day
Cam discussing first principles on arrival at a scene
Some of the learners: Nigel, Tony, Brian, Geoff and Rossy
The Primary Survey acronym
Nigel checks casualty's breathing
The casualty, Geoff, in the recovery position
Nigel delivers CPR to unresponsive / not breathing patient
The importance of the head tilt to open casualty's airway
Brian uses the Automated External Defibrillator (AED)
Tony (CPR) and Geoff (AED) help a non-responsive casualty
The second guide publication
Various types of Tourniquet
Cam demonstrates bandaging on Paul's arm
Nigel practises the 'Abdominal Thrust'
manoeuvre on a choking casualty
All attendees successfuly passed both parts of the course and received certificates
An excellent and very professionally run day.
Thank you Cam.
Eckington Wharf Picnic Place

Pershore Road, WR10 3DD / Grid Reference: SO923422 /
Eckington Wharf is a minor waterways place on the River Avon, Worcestershire (Lower Avon Navigation) between Great Comberton (2 miles and 3 furlongs and 1 lock to the east) and Eckington Bridge (¼ furlong to the northwest).
No longer used commercially, this wharf provides public moorings, a canoe launching slipway and picnic area. Mooring here is unrated.
The nearest place in the direction of Great Comberton is Swan's Neck; 4¼ furlongs away.
The notice board has an Ordnance Survey Map
and gives details of circular walks.
Eckington circular walks (click on pictures for details)
3½ miles / 5.6km
8.6 miles / 13.9 km
Eckington Bridge

(click picture for more information)
The Eckington Bridge crosses the River Avon on the B4080 in the south of Worcestershire County. This minor road runs from Tewkesbury to Defford.
Sadly, the bridge was damaged in 2022.
The first bridge at the site was built in 1440, replacing an earlier ferry, but this fell into disrepair and was replaced by the current red sandstone bridge in 1728 as It consists of six arches built of red sandstone with the piers being protected by cutwaters. The eastern piers are carried up to form refuges. It is a Grade II* listed building and has been scheduled as an ancient monument.
Upon Eckington Bridge, River Avon

 PASTORAL heart of England! like a psalm
Of green days telling with a quiet beat--
O wave into the sunset flowing calm!
O tirèd lark descending on the wheat!
Lies it all peace beyond the western fold
Where now the lingering shepherd sees his star
Rise upon Malvern? Paints an Age of Gold
Yon cloud with prophecies of linkèd ease--
Lulling this Land, with hills drawn up like knees,
To drowse beside her implements of war?
Man shall outlast his battles. They have swept
Avon from Naseby Field to Savern Ham;
And Evesham's dedicated stones have stepp'd
Down to the dust with Montfort's oriflamme.
Nor the red tear nor the reflected tower
Abides; but yet these elegant grooves remain,
Worn in the sandstone parapet hour by hour
By labouring bargemen where they shifted ropes;
E'en so shall men turn back from violent hopes
To Adam's cheer, and toil with spade again.
Ay, and his mother Nature, to whose lap
Like a repentant child at length he hies,
Nor in the whirlwind or the thunder-clap
Proclaims her more tremendous mysteries:
But when in winter's grave, bereft of light,
With still, small voice divinelier whispering
--Lifting the green head of the aconite,
Feeding with sap of hope the hazel-shoot--
She feels God's finger active at the root,
Turns in her sleep, and murmurs of the Spring.
'Upon Eckington Bridge, River Avon' is reprinted from
An Anthology of Modern Verse. Ed. A. Methuen.
London: Methuen & Co., 1921.
Voter ID

We can no longer vote without a Photo ID.

Please apply for one as soon as you can and share the link with your friends, family and colleagues.

It is free and all you need is a selfie picture and a National Insurance number.

Local elections are on 4th May! Please share and tell others.
Pedestrian Crossings - By Mike Hall, Car Coordinator

Did you know that there are at least 8 types of pedestrian crossing going from the earliest Zebra to the latest ‘intelligent’ installations? However, not all crossing types are mentioned in the Highway Code!
1.    Zebra Crossing
Possibly the most easily recognisable of all pedestrian crossings, these have flashing yellow beacons on each side of the road situated on poles painted with alternating black and white segments emulating the painted road crossing markings. The beacons are named after Lord Hore-Belisha – the then Minister of Transport - who introduced them in 1934 following a record number of road casualties in the UK, with 7,343 deaths and 231,603 injuries being recorded.
   i.   There are no traffic lights or button controls.
   ii.  Once a pedestrian has placed one foot on the crossing below the kerb,
        drivers must give way and stop.
   iii. Drivers are not permitted to proceed until pedestrians have crossed
        completely and have reached and stepped onto the opposite kerb.
2.    School Crossing – Lollipop
Drivers are legally obliged to obey school crossing patrols as part of the Road Traffic Act 1988. Anyone disobeying signals and signs by patrols could face a fine of up to £1,000 and three penalty points on their licence.
3.    Pelican Crossing (Pedestrian Light Controlled Crossing) Pe-Li-Can
These are signal-controlled crossings where flashing amber follows the red 'Stop' light
   i.   You MUST stop when the red light shows.
   ii.  When the amber light is flashing, you MUST give way to any pedestrians
        already on the crossing.
   iii.  If the amber light is flashing and there are no pedestrians on the crossing,
        you may proceed with caution.
4.    Puffin Crossing (Pedestrian User-Friendly Intelligent crossings) P-U-Ff-In
The most ‘intelligent’ of all pedestrian crossings in Great Britain these lights have no flashing amber phase, so the lights act and change just like a normal traffic light at a junction.
   i.   Infra-red cameras similar to those used to find trapped earthquake victims
        are used on these crossings.  These cameras extend the red-light time so
        elderly or disabled people aren't at risk from oncoming traffic.
   ii.  This system also uses heat sensors to tell if pedestrians are waiting on the
   iii.  It reduces delays to drivers and improves crossing conditions by automatically
        varying the crossing times.
5.    Toucan Crossing (Two-Can Cross)
In addition to pedestrians, cyclists are permitted to ride across the road.
   i.   The lights have no flashing amber phase, so the lights just change like a
        normal traffic light at a junction.
6.    Equestrian Crossing (AKA Pegasus - for horse riders)
The crossing works in the same way as ordinary traffic lights.
   i.   For riders there is a high-level push button to operate the crossing.
   ii.  Because this is placed on the traffic-light support post, the horse has to be
        close to the road in order for the button to be pressed.
7.    Parallel Crossing
Parallel crossings are a combined pedestrian and cycle crossing which has priority over the road which it crosses. They enable cyclists to cross a road safely and with the same level of priority as a Zebra Crossing gives a pedestrian.
Parallel crossings are also known as a CYCLOPS crossing, mainly in Manchester, which stands for Cycle Optimised Protected Signals.
The crossing looks similar to a Zebra crossing but also includes a cycling crossing area which is parallel to the Zebra crossing area, this is marked by broken white lines. They were first introduced in the UK in 2015.
8.    Pedestrian Refuges
These crossings are rarely seen by drivers but they are numerous and usually found on dual carriageways where a Zebra crossing either can't be constructed or, if it were, would be too dangerous due to the volume and speed of traffic.
They are more usually found where a long-established public footpath has been interrupted by the construction of new dual carriageways.  Pedestrians cross one half of the road to a refuge place in the middle to wait to cross the other half. Drivers have priority at these crossing points.
There are others, some short-term and temporary e.g., as deviations for road works plus one or two which are specific and permanent such as the set of lights one occasionally sees for cattle crossing.
Finally, for interest, are you aware that whilst using a pedestrian crossing is something many people take for granted, but for the blind and visually impaired it can often feel frightening?
Most people will be used to listening out for the bleeping at a pedestrian crossing to indicate that it is safe to cross.  However not all pedestrian crossings have this feature;  an audible signal can also be of little help to pedestrians who also have a hearing impairment.
Many pedestrian crossings however actually have useful hidden features to allow people who are blind or are visually impaired to cross safely and independently!  Located on the underside of many pedestrian crossing push button control boxes, you’ll find a small plastic or metal cone. 
It has easily-felt tactile ridges when the spinning motion, which starts when the green man shows, lets you know it is safe to cross the road. Take a look (and feel) next time!
Tetbury Ford
I’m always on the lookout for interesting places to visit when driving / riding around the county and in mid January I visited the Tetbury Splash (AKA Cutwell Ford) at
The splash is located on Cutwell in Tetbury ( in a designated Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
It crosses a part-time tributary, whose water level rises above the 3ft mark from time to time, of the River Avon that flows just east of Tetbury which was designated a conservation area in 1971.
Tetbury Splash usually looks like this in the summer.
This is how it looked when I visited on 14th January 2023
Inevitably the road is closed when the waters
rise too high for safe crossing.
Evidence of over-optimistic drivers’ costly adventures.
There’s a wide footpath, easily accessible
by wheelchair users, beside the ford.
No way was I going to ride through this depth of water
as the air intake on my BMW R1250RT motorcycle is
only about 20 inches off the ground.
It looks like a wide, raging torrent but is actually
fed by a relatively small stream.
The view from the far side of the ford.
Next time I visit I think it'll be with a picnic...

Knife Angel

The Knife Angel at Gloucester Cathedral
[click for details)

In 2017 the British Ironwork Centre, Oswestry, produced the National Monument Against Violence and Aggression, created by sculptor Alfie Bradley - affectionately known as the Knife Angel - for which it was awarded the prestigious Rotary International Peace Award for a National Anti-violence Campaign.

The Knife Angel is a huge, 27-foot-high, stunning contemporary sculpture of an angel made out of confiscated knives received from 43 Police Forces across the UK. It weighs in at a hefty 3.5 tonnes. 
It is on tour of towns and cities around Britain raising awareness of the issues of knife crime. 

Knife Angel with sculptor Alfie Bradley
Click on photo for time-lapse video of sculptor Alfie at work.

As part of its National Anti-Violence Tour, the Knife Angel is outside Gloucester’s iconic Cathedral between 1st and 27th February 2023. 

The Ironworks' Aim
"It has always been our intention for the Knife Angel to be displayed in London on Trafalgar Square’s fourth plinth, where we believe it would have the largest public impact." 
More general details here and more 'Getting it to London' details here
Wanted - Marketing Officer

Now that we have a large cohort of Tutors it's time to capitalise on all the foundation work done by the Committee, and many other volunteers since October 2021, to attract more new members in support of our core mission: to improve road safety.
We have run / are running a number of recruiting initiatives such as: Prescott Bike Festival Exhibitor Stand; BikeSafe; CourierSafe; SkillShare as well as online advertising with local driving and riding groups (mainly on Facebook) and need help.

We're looking for a volunteer, with some marketing expertise, who can help us publicise our road safety mission and refine the way we engage with the public. 

If you have some marketing knowledge / experience and would like to join the Committee as Marketing / Publicity Officer then please e-mail any Committee Member, listed at the end of this newsletter, and let us know.
 Please help. 

Did You Know? 

The Ridgeway (click picture for more information)
 The Ridgeway is the UK’s oldest road – it dates back over 5000 years. It may not be
 the first Tarmac road, which was built in 1902 in Nottingham, but the Ridgeway, running
 from Wiltshire to Berkshire, has been used for thousands of years and continues to be
 used today.
 The distinctive black Ridgeway signposts are made from 'Plaswood', an environmentally
 friendly and maintenance-free plastic material made from recycled waste.
 The Ridgeway passes near many Neolithic, Iron Age and Bronze Age sites
 including Avebury Stone Circle; Barbury Castle, Liddington Castle, Uffington
 Castle, Segsbury Castle, Pulpit Hill and Ivinghoe Beacon Hill, all Iron Age and Bronze
 Age hill forts; Wayland's Smithy, a Neolithic chieftain burial tomb; the Uffington White
 Horse, an ancient 400-foot (120 m) chalk horse carved into the hillside near Uffington
 Castle; and Grim's Ditch, a 5-mile (8 km) section of earthwork near Mongewell created
 by Iron Age peoples as a possible demarcation line. 
 Who knew?
Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown

Membership Secretary - Duncan Keen

Car Coordinator - Mike Hall

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Duncan Keen
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton