News for ICC&CS January 16, 2025
From the Director
Our second basset horn player, Luca Vukelic, needs a place to stay Friday night after rehearsal. If you can do this, please email Gerald at
Call Times
For Friday rehearsal and Saturday concert (in choir loft, ready to sing):
Chamber Singers 6:00
Chorus 6:45
All money you've collected for sold tickets, as well as any unsold tickets, must be turned in at Friday's rehearsal.
Don't Forget . . .
. . . to bring a little cash for those two envelopes on the back pew if you're so inclined ;-)
Newsletter Items?
If you would like to include a brief item in the ICC&CS e-newsletter, send text ready to copy and paste by Thursdays at 6pm to Notices should be related to the chorus or the local music community.
Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca
P.O. Box 622
Ithaca, NY 14851