Dear friends of Dance Parade, 
I know you share our values in making the world a more joyful place--particularly when today's news can seem so bleak. We at Dance Parade are rising above default world events and are really excited to invite you to celebrate the 11th Annual Dance Parade and Festival--The single most diverse dance event in the world– as thousands unite together under the 2017 theme, “Dance for Peace.”
The free parade and festival we produce doesn’t just happen on its own—We need your help to raise $25,000 by December 31st. Your support will help subsidize dance groups, their floats, pay for insurance, audio, stages, and fund our Community Engagement programs—dance residencies to deserving kids and seniors in all five boroughs of New York City.
In this past year, we presented 81 unique styles of dance in the parade to over 75,000 people. Donations from individuals like yourself enabled us to get 300 kids to attend free in-school and after-school programs and to have 140 seniors culminate their dance programs with participation in the parade.
Think about how good you will feel this holiday season when you know that you have given the gift of dance to a child or senior through one of our Community Engagement Programs. Just watch Jayson, who confidently tells us why he loves Dance Parade in this video, and I think you’ll see how so many kids can be transformed through classes with one of our fabulous teaching artists and a chance to be in Dance Parade. We can’t thank you enough for making his life and the lives of so many others – more meaningful and more connected to our common humanity through dance.
Please consider making a donation to Dance Parade before year-end, earn the tax deduction and help us continue our education programs to ensure that the city's underserved populations can use dance to inspire their lives.
Thanks so much!
Greg Miller
Director, Dance Parde, Inc
A 501(c)(3) Registered Charity
Left: Education Programs for schools, seniors and community centers. Middle: Students culminating work presented in the Parade. Right: Funding supports 5 stages at DanceFest after the Parade (Photo Credit from left: Shireen Dickson, Peter Cai and Joon Shin)
Dance Parade really needs your support and any help you can give us is appreciated. At Dance Parade, we are grateful for every tax deductible donation no matter how small. Here’s how you can help:
Dance Spirit: $50
· Your donation will be used where it is needed most.
· Get mailed a personal thank you letter from our Director that includes a receipt letter for a 100% tax deductible donation
· Join in Dance Parade and have a blast knowing you helped make the World’s largest display of diverse cultures possible!
Mover & Shaker: $100
· All of the above and . . .
· Get a commemorative Dance For Peace refridgerator magnet
· Join us as our guest at the February 26th Season Launch Party at the Taj
· Sponsor a Dance Organization of your choice in the 11th Annual Dance Parade and Festival
· Recognition on our website as a Mover & Shaker
Gifted Dancer: $150
· All of the above and . . .
· Get a commemorative Dance For Peace Tote bag
· Get a signed photograph with the group you sponsor in the Parade and Festival
· Recognition on our website as a Gifted Dancer
Dance Angel: $250 or more
· All of the above and . . .
· Complimentary admission to the After Party
· Cosponsor a Diversity Workshop in a New York City public school
· Get acknowledged by a personal Tweet and post to our Facebook Page
· Recognition on our website as a Dance Angel
· View the parade as our guest in the Grandstand in Astor Plaza
How to donate:
· Make check payable to “Dance Parade” and mail to 789 Westminster Road, 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11230
· Click on the Donate button and pay by credit card (PayPal account not needed):