“Dance is meditation
in movement, a walking into silence where every
movement becomes prayer.”
~Bernhard Wosien
(Sacred Circle Dance founder)1908-1986
Non Profit Board of Directors:
Erik Bryan Slavin (Chair)
Nicola Creary
Jerry Goldman
Mahayana Landowne
David Leventhal
Greg Miller
Philip Ribolow
Steering Commitee:
Greg Miller, Executive Director
Carlye Eckert, Education
Michelle DeBlasi, Marketing
Jamila Holman, Festival Production
DJ McDonald, Curatorial
Mark Schmidt, Curatorial
Hal Lamster, Web
Donnie D'Amato, Web
Howard Gibbs-Hobgood, Volunteer Coordination
Rebecca Myles, Media
Audrey Ross, Media
Bianca Rodriguez, Finance Director
Natalya Grigoriev, Finance
Brian Austin, Creative
Jason Parrish, Creative
Chauncey Dandridge, Social Media
Renee Krivine, Government Liaison
Honorary Committee:
(Power Team & Grand Marshals)
Garth Fagan
Carmen de Lavallade
Robert Battle
Mary Verdi-Fletcher
Rekha Malhotra
Savion Glover Jawolle Willa Jo Zollar
Hex Hector Jacqulyn Buglisi Baba Chuck Davis Louie Vega Ashley Tuttle Elisa Monte Bill Shannon Trevor Hochman Peter Zehren Samir Bitar Mel Alvarez Jonathan Peters Charles Reinhart “Billy Elliot” (Joseph Harrington) Kat Wildish Amy Marshall Jellybean Benitez Elizabeth Zimmer Ellenore Scott Don Campbell "Campbellock" Morocco (Carolina Varga Dinicu) Luis Salgado Luigi Kool Herc Danny Tenaglia Djoniba Mouflet
Advisory Board:
Jeanne Fleming
David Katz
Teddie Kern David Koren
Anil Kumar
Joseph McElroy
Fred Shequine
Tasha Blank
Sponsorship Team:
Greg Miller
Mindy Kahn
Dawn Spalding
Nikki Creary
Phil Ribolow
Parade Production:
Cristin Lafata
Erik Bryan Slavin
Gabriel Kutik
John Dalton
Dan Rosenstark
Daniel Kahn
Disco Mike Park
Bobby Speakerwire
Wandalynn Miftahi
Cheryl Gant
Phil Ribolow
Mekeshia Brown
Marjorie Liebman
Wandalynn Miftahi
Peter Vassilatos
Ollie Chase
Tim Golding
Alia Kubicek
Diane Dejesus
Claudia Lazo
Freddy Cosmo
J-Royce Jata
Alia Kubicek
Michael Fry
Rhina Valentin
Sharon Colchamino
Tatianna Bisono
Jamee Schleifer
Beatriz Cardo
Dayana Guerrero
Doris Martinez
Michael Witt
Miriam Ross
Festival Production:
Jamila Holman (Chair)
DJ McDonald (Curatorial Chair)
Mark Schmidt (Curatorial Vice-Chair)
DJ Sweat
Shiela Jamison
Ben Vazquez
Ameca Holman
Bianca Rodriquez
Donnie D'Amato (Emcee, Main)
Shireen Dickson (Emcee, Family)
Educational Outreach
Carlye Eckert (Chair)
Valerie Feit
Shireen Dickson
Leslie Pieters
Bianca Rodriguez (Chair)
Natalya Grigoriev
Elizabeth Zaklama
Victoria Behr
Carmen Casado
Jerry Goldman
David Leventhal
Paul Llewellyn
Renee Kinsella
Kaye Scholer LLP
Greg Miller
Brian Austin
Jason Parrish
Hal Lamster
Amanda Alston
Luis Vargas
Lawrence Capici
Media & Promotions Team:
Rebecca Myles
Audrey Ross
Lawrence Capici
Chauncey Danridge
Shiela Jamison
Special thanks:
·New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
·NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
·Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
·City Council Member Rosie Mendez
·NYC Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl, Deputy Commissioner Eddie Torres, Assistant Commissioner Kathleen Hughes and Program Officer Stephanie LaFroscia
·NYC & Co Foundation
·NYPD Lt Christopher Cheng and Sgt Patrick McGuire
·NYC Department for the Aging
·New York State Council on the Arts
·Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
·NYC Parks & Recreation Director Claudia Pepe, District Supervisor Terese Flores, Mark Schultz and Deputy Director Venus Melo
·NYC Dept of Sanitation Superintendent Thomas Lincoln
·NYC Dept of Transportation Event Coordinator Ivory Henderson-Robb and G.I.S. / Events Coordinator Shuan Bruney
Dance Parade
graciously acknowledges
our 2016 Sponsors and Partners:
Interested to sponsor
2017? Contact greg"at"danceparade.org
for more information!
Support by getting a 2016 Commemorative T-Shirt
Just $20 plus
shipping and handling
Greetings friends,
Summer came and we "moved" on and got busy with all things dance. This newsletter is full of a myriad of ways on how to move or be moved by dance:
This Sunday experience Table of Silence at Lincoln Center, a prayer for peace by 100+ dancers as a moving tribute to 9/11.
Our Ageless Action program starts next week with Salsa Wednesdays where you can take FREE afternoon lessons at the Hudson Guild Senior Center.
There's lots of ways to participate--Vote for our 2017 theme, sign up to help plan the Dance Parade and Festival or join our Dance Parade Worldwide initiative--Feels great to make dance happen in all its forms!
Dancingly yours,
Greg Miller
Executive Director
Dance Parade, Inc.
Sunday, September 11, 2016, 8:15 AM
Josie Robertson Plaza, Lincoln Center, NYC
"Awakening our humanity through the art of dance"- Jacqulyn Buglisi
photo by Terri Gold
Preview The 9/11 Table of Silence Project
Join us with former Dance Parade Grand Marshal Jacqulyn Buglisi in her "Movement for Peace".
The 9/11 Table of Silence Project is especially poignant this year, not only since it marks the 15th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, but because its message of peaceful co-existence is timely, and essential to our daily lives.
You can still support the Kickstarter campaign. Donations help produce the livestream broadcast of the performance tribute, and ensure the widest possible global reach
our call for peace.
Having brought together a record 81 styles of dance and culture, Dance Parade has become the largest celebration of diversity through the art of dance in the world. We are seeking lead funders and globally recognized dance celebrities to represent global peace initiatives and are in discussions with inter-government and non-governemental organizations to present the parade in 14 countries by 2020.
To become involved in Dance Parade Worldwide, email dpw@danceparade.org |
One of Dance Parade New York's heartfelt values is PARTICIPATION. We all
love to pitch in because it makes us feel good to promote a passion of
dance and culture that we all love. Some of us pitch in a few hours a
week, some of us just once a month and many get involved only around
parade and festival time in May.
Here's a way you can be invovled just by voting. Click here to select
from our Steering Committee's theme nominations or add your own to be
considered for next year! |
To apply to be on Dance Parade New York's volunteer team, please fill out the brief volunteer form here.
Shengfeng Arts & Cultural Group
This past year Dance Parade has presented dance residencies at 10 locations throughout all 5 NYC boroughs that all ended with participation in the 10th Annual
Dance Parade and DanceFest. We look forward to offering the same programs for 2016/2017:
Ageless Action:
Serving older Americans through the joy and movement of dance.
Community Kinect:
dance to instill a life long enthusiasm for physical fitness.
Cultural Residencies: Multi-week residencies focusing on culturally specific dance forms.
Workshops and Performances: Single day performances for films, festivals & more!
Are you an older American in NYC? Join Walter Perez at Hudson Guild Senior Center (119 9th Avenue at 18th Street, 10011) as he teaches FREE Salsa every Wednesday from September 14th through November 16th, 2-3pm!
Circle dance, or chain dance, is a style of dance done in a circle or semicircle to musical accompaniment, such as rhythm instruments and singing. Circle dancing is probably the oldest known dance formation and was part of community life from when people first started to dance.
in a circle is an ancient tradition common to many cultures for marking
special occasions, rituals, strengthening community and encouraging
togetherness. The dance can also be enjoyed as an uplifting group
experience or as part of a meditation. Circle dances are choreographed
to many different styles of music and rhythms.
Unlike line
dancing, circle dancers are in physical contact with each other; the
connection is made by hand-to-hand, finger-to-finger or
hands-on-shoulders. It is a type of dance where anyone can join in
without the need of partners. Generally, the participants follow a
leader around the dance floor while holding the hand of the dancers
beside them. The dance can be gentle or energetic.
SUPPORT The Parade, Festival & Community Engagement Programs!
If you danced your heart out, were enthralled by any one of the 155 performances, took a free dance lesson at DanceFest, or just love what we are about, we invite you to make a donation to pitch in to strengthen our community run municiple events and programs. As a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, we rely on generous donors to make our the Parade, Festival and Dance Education programs possible.
Click here to pitch in with a 100% tax-deductible donation--Any amount will help and we appreciate your support - Thank you so very much!