"I'm not interested in fame and glory. It's just that I would like others to know what a happy dance this is."
--Frankie Manning
1914 - 2009
Non Profit Board of Directors:
Erik Bryan Slavin (Chair)
Nicola Creary
Valerie Feit
Jerry Goldman
Mahayana Landowne
David Leventhal
Greg Miller
Philip Ribolow
Steering Commitee:
Greg Miller, Executive Director
Jenny Boissiere, Parade Production
Celia Kutcher, Parade Production
Carlye Eckert, Education
Valerie Feit, Education
John Dalton, Sponsorship
Michelle DeBlasi, Marketing
Martha Ma, Marketing
Jamila Holman, Festival Production
DJ McDonald, Curatorial
Mark Schmidt, Curatorial
Hal Lamster, Web
Donnie D'Amato, Web
Howard Gibbs-Hobgood, Volunteer Coordination
Jessii Parham, Volunteer Coordination
Rebecca Myles, Media
Bianca Rodriguez, Finance Director
Natalya Grigoriev, Finance
Brian Austin, Creative
Jason Parrish, Creative
Chauncey Dandridge, Social Media
Xi Zhu, China Committee
Honorary Committee:
(Power Team & Grand Marshals)
Maurice Hines
Frankie Bones
Mestre Joao Grande
Rosie Mendez
Garth Fagan
Carmen de Lavallade
Robert Battle
Mary Verdi-Fletcher
Rekha Malhotra
Savion Glover Jawolle Willa Jo Zollar
Hex Hector Jacqulyn Buglisi Baba Chuck Davis Louie Vega Ashley Tuttle Elisa Monte Bill Shannon Trevor Hochman Peter Zehren Samir Bitar Mel Alvarez Jonathan Peters Charles Reinhart “Billy Elliot” (Joseph Harrington) Kat Wildish Amy Marshall Jellybean Benitez Elizabeth Zimmer Ellenore Scott Don Campbell "Campbellock" Morocco (Carolina Varga Dinicu) Luis Salgado Luigi Kool Herc Danny Tenaglia Djoniba Mouflet
Advisory Board:
Jeanne Fleming
David Katz
Teddie Kern
Anil Kumar
Joseph McElroy
Fred Shequine
Tasha Blank
Sponsorship Team:
Greg Miller
John Dalton
Nikki Creary
Phil Ribolow
Parade Production:
Jenny Bossiere (Co Lead)
Celia Kutcher (Co Lead)
Cristin Lafata
Grace Marinao
Jenn Converse
Erik Bryan Slavin
Gabriel Kutik
John Dalton
Dan Rosenstark
Daniel Kahn
Disco Mike Park
Bobby Speakerwire
Wandalynn Miftahi
Cheryl Gant
Phil Ribolow
Mekeshia Brown
Marjorie Liebman
Wandalynn Miftahi
Peter Vassilatos
Ollie Chase
Tim Golding
Jerry Goldman
Akil Davis
Alia Kubicek
Diane Dejesus
Claudia Lazo
Freddy Cosmo
J-Royce Jata
Alia Kubicek
Michael Fry
Rhina Valentin
Sharon Colchamino
Tatianna Bisono
Jamee Schleifer
Beatriz Cardo
Dayana Guerrero
Doris Martinez
Michael Witt
Miriam Ross
Festival Production:
Jamila Holman (Chair)
DJ McDonald (Curatorial Chair)
Mark Schmidt (Curatorial Vice-Chair)
DJ Sweat
Shiela Jamison
Ben Vazquez
Ameca Holman
Bianca Rodriquez
Donnie D'Amato (Emcee, Main)
Shireen Dickson (Emcee, Family)
Educational Outreach
Carlye Eckert (Chair)
Valerie Feit
Caryn Cooper
Shireen Dickson
Leslie Pieters
Jamee Schliefer
Bianca Rodriguez (Chair)
Natalya Grigoriev
Elizabeth Zaklama
Victoria Behr
Carmen Casado
Jerry Goldman
David Leventhal
Paul Llewellyn
Kaye Scholer LLP
Greg Miller
Brian Austin
Jason Parrish
Hal Lamster
Martha Ma
Sarah McGlaughlin
Amanda Alston
Luis Vargas
Media & Promotions Team:
Rebecca Myles
Teresa Bigelow
Chauncey Danridge
Michelle Deblassi
Kevin Farley
Shiela Jamison
Special thanks:
·New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio
·NYS Governor Andrew Cuomo
·Manhattan Borough President Gale Brewer
·City Council Member Rosie Mendez
·NYC Cultural Affairs Commissioner Tom Finkelpearl, Deputy Commissioner Eddie Torres, Assistant Commissioner Kathleen Hughes and Program Officer Stephanie La Froscia
·Community Boards 2 and 3
·NYC & Co Foundation
·NYPD Lt Christopher Cheng and Sgt Patrick McGuire
·NYC Department for the Aging
·New York State Council on the Arts
·Lower Manhattan Cultural Council
·NYC Parks & Recreation Director Claudia Pepe, District Supervisor Terese Flores, Deputy Director Venus Melo and Kevin McClain (Citywide)
·NYC Dept of Sanitation Superintendent Thomas Lincoln
·NYC Dept of Transportation Event Coordinators Michael Callery, Ivory Henderson-Robb and G.I.S. / Events Coordinator Shuan Bruney
Dance Parade
graciously acknowledges
our 2017 Sponsors and Partners:
If you're in NYC then there's "One Chance To Legalize Dance" on Monday!
Whuuuuuttt you say?
Yes well, Dance Parade was founded 11 years ago in reaction to the New York City Cabaret Laws when a judge ruled that social dancing wasn't considered expressive enough to be protected by the 1st Amendment.
After a lot of hard work by many advocates and the work of City Councilman Rafael Espinal, the 1926 law that limits dancing to a handful of heavily regulated venues will be reviewed in an Oversite hearing this Monday 6/19 at 1pm (Press Conference on the steps of city Hall at 10am!).
Overflow the Chamber at this historic event on Monday. You can RSVP on Facebook here! Can't make it? Sign the petition that the legalizedance.org folks are doing.
Dance Strong! |
Greg Miller
Executive Director
Dance Parade, Inc.
Congratulations Photo Contest Winners!
This year 44 photographs participated in the photo contest. A group of 7 judges who were dancers from the parade and parade staff each went through nearly 600 photos and choose their top photos in two rounds of selectinons. In the final round there were nine photographers who amazingly had one photograph each in the running: Annie Vercruysse, Leonard Rosmarin, Mark Sklawer, Miguel Chavez, Ning Kang and Peter Cai Robert Dea and Susan Dillwort--you were all amazing!
Congratulations Leonard Rosmarin for this festive photo of Choreographer Amy Rogers and The Hoop Movement!
Looks like a colorful group of lovely young dancers won the hearts of our judges with this photo. Congratulations to Miguel Chavez for 2nd Place!
Magical ribbons captured judges in this photo by Ning Kang.
One Chance to Legalize Dance: Monday June 19 at City Hall!
Dance Advocates rally to reform the city’s antiquated no-dancing law on the steps of City Hall before a hearing by those affected
Monday, June 19th at 10 Am on the Steps of NYC Hall
Monday, June 19th at 1 PM in City Hall Council Chambers
City Hall—On Monday June 19th at 10am NYC Council Member Rafael Espinal, Chair of the Committee on
Consumer Affairs leads dance advocates in a Press Conference Rally to
raise awareness for Cabaret Law reform and the creation of a nightlife
taskforce. The hearing at 1pm held in City Hall Council Chambers is the
first time the Council has held an oversight hearing on the 1926 Cabaret
The law requires a cabaret license to dance at any venue
selling food or drink. Beyond denying to all New Yorkers a fundamental
right of cultural expression, this law also has become onerous on small
businesses, who already have to secure several permits and licenses
related to safety.
Click the above image to watch the 3hour production of Dance Parade on NTD TV. |
Dr. Sally Sommer, Dance Professor, Writer, Film-maker's sneak peak of her testimony at the NYC Cabaret Law Hearing
I would like to address what I
consider the underlying question concerning the latest ruling upholding
the 1926 Cabaret Law, reasoning, “social dancing was not an expressive
activity protected by the 1st Amendment.”
First if social dance is not an expressive activity, what is it? The entire world dances. Dancing is
an essential cultural identifier: “I dance this way because I belong
and come from this country, this group, this family, or even this
Dancing is product exchanged and exported throughout the
world to everyone’s advantage. It is system of nonverbal communication,
embodied knowledge, passed on from person to person, as basic as the
body-to-body communication between mother and infant. What happens is
that we just grow up. Then we start dancing, keeping up that nonverbal
communication with more people than mom.
There is no legal
definition of dancing. In the most general definitions, which try to be
as simple and all-encompassing as possible, dance has been defined as
“rhythmic movement performed to music” or “formal mobilized rhythmic
Our Charitable work to ENGAGE COMMUNITY
2017 Dance Programs:
We employ Teaching Artists at our programs in all five boroughs of New York City. Each program ends with participation in the May 20th 2017 Parade and Festival!
Ageless Action:
Serving older Americans through the joy and movement of dance.
Community Kinect:
dance to instill a lifelong enthusiasm for physical fitness.
Cultural Residencies: Multi-week residencies focusing on culturally specific dance forms.
SUPPORT our Mission and Why We Dance
Our Mission is to promote dance as an expressive and unifying art form by
showcasing all forms of dance, educating the general public about the
opportunities to experience dance, and celebrating diversity of dance in
New York City by sponsoring a yearly city-wide dance parade and dance
Dance Parade really needs your support and
any help you can give us is appreciated. At Dance Parade, we
are grateful for every tax deductible donation no matter how
Here's how to donate:
· Make check payable to “Dance Parade” and mail to 789 Westminster Road, 1st Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11230
· Click on the Donate button
from danceparade.org and pay by credit card (PayPal account not needed)