Dear friends of CCBOR, ... |
given the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic we have decided to temporarily suspend our signature gathering.
Our Community Bill of Rights is much too important for Central Ohio. We cannot allow our system to leave an unsafe environment for us and future generations. Once the crisis subsides we will be back working to get our local rights-based initiative on the ballot as soon as it is deemed safe again to interact publicly. In the meantime, we will lobby the city to extend the the mandated one-year period for turning in our petitions.
Our movement values the life, health, environment, and rights of ourselves and our communities. Therefore, we urge all people to practice social distancing to help "flatten the curve" of expected cases so that the health system has more chance to treat all the patients who need help.
We realize, as you all are aware, that there are a lot of unknowns at this point. We thank you all so much for your help and support during our previous campaigns and the current one!
With great appreciation and hope,
The CCBOR Team
We now have .
Please consider an online donation!
Thank you!
JOIN US for our webinar on Friday, March 27th
'America's Radioactive Secret' - Justin Nobel and Dr. Julie Weatherington-Rice
We are presenting an online event where you can join us and at the end, there will be a Q&A with the two presenters. This event has changed from a venue at the First Unitarian Universalist Church to a web event due to the Coronavirus pandemic.
Join us for this online event on Friday, March 27th, at 7:00pm (eastern).
Stay tuned for the instructions and link to join and log in. You can follow the event on the event's Facebook page by clicking HERE. We will also update in our next newsletter.
You can watch Justin Nobel's presentation in St. Clairesville, Ohio, in January, by clicking HERE. We want to give our appreciation to Jill Anteres Hunkler from Belmont County, for organizing the event in St. Clairesville.
The "Brine Bill" is Back!

On March 10th, 2020, Ohio state Rep. Adam Holmes (Dist. 97 R-Muskingum) introduced HR 545. This is the fourth attempt of Ohio legislators to drastically deregulate the environmental disposal of radioactive oil and gas production brines. Advocates cannot understand why elected officials' continue attempts at dumping highly radioactive wastes where we are exposed to them.
Since 2017, hard data has continued to build that has unmistakably demonstrated that conventional oil/gas waste brines test with radium levels that are many multiples higher than EPA safe limits. Latest data in 2019 using split samples demonstrated that AquaSalina, the road deicing product that ODOT uses throughout Ohio (exclusively on the Ohio Turnpike), weighs in at as much as 40 times the EPA environmental discharge limit for combined radium-226/228.
Radium-226 (half-life of 1600 years) is a highly-dangerous radionuclide that is water-soluble and bone-seeking. In other words, it travels freely through watersheds once introduced. When spread on roads, it attaches itself to dust particles. Once ingested, either through drinking it or through breathing the dust, approximately 20% of it will remain in our body where it will be treated like calcium. Once lodged in our bones, it will create free radicals in the nearby cells for the rest of one's life, risking the development of cancers.
This bill would allow stores to sell AquaSalina, and worse, it would restrict radium testing of the product to a maximum of 4 times a year! EVERY batch needs to be tested, as the radionuclide levels vary widely from different wells in Ohio. What they all have in common, however, is that almost every batch sample tested of not just AquaSalina, but all conventional produced brine oil and gas wastes, have shown to be over the environmental discharge limits that our regulators have deemed safe.
PLEASE CALL YOUR OWN LEGISLATORS AND also call Rep. Holmes and his co-sponsor, Rep. Riedel.
Rep. Adam Holmes: (614) 644-6014
Rep. Craig Riedel: (614) 644-5091
TELL THEM NOT TO SUPPORT HR 545, because oil and gas brines have levels of heavy metals and especially radiums that put the health of all Ohioans' futures at risk for hundreds of years.
Court Stalls Fracking Leases
in Ohio's Only National Forest
Ruling: Feds Overlooked Danger to Air, Wildlife, Watersheds
Click HERE or on the image above to read the full press release on the CBD website about how a federal judge stalled the leasing of Wayne National Forest.
GrassRootsOhio - Oil & Gas BRINE
Carolyn Harding with Greg Pace and Teresa Mills, regarding oil & gas brine, and why we should not use this on our roads for ice or dust! Also, they explain the current status of HR 545, the "brine bill".
Click on the image above to listen to the radio show broadcast on 3/13/20.
Please visit our new website pages
Click on the image above to watch our video 'We're All Downstream'
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Remember, this is OUR
Participatory Representative Democracy
If we don't use it, we lose it
Toxic Radioactive Waste Doesn’t Belong Here
Protect our Home, our Families, our Rights!