Dear Neighbors,
Here are the latest Mile Square City updates.
The Northwest Resiliency Park Athletic Field Opens Monday Afternoon!
Monday afternoon, please join me and members of our community at a celebratory ribbon-cutting of the multi-purpose athletic field at the Northwest Resiliency Park, just in time for the spring season!
While construction on the larger Northwest Resiliency Park continues, and the larger park is set to open this summer, Monday marks a major milestone for the Fifth Ward and for our community. So, come on out, grab some athletic gear, enjoy this major community milestone, and check out your terrific new athletic facility.
What: Ribbon-Cutting for the New Northwest Resiliency Park Field
When: Monday April 3, 2023 at 3:30 pm
Where: 12th and Jefferson Streets
I’ve championed this project over the last three years on the Council. This opening on Monday fulfills a promise I made to many of you, to help provide the resources and support necessary to open this park for our community. I couldn’t be prouder to see the field will be ready for our recreation leagues this Spring season.
Exciting Updates on Hoboken’s Waterfront
It’s great to share exciting news about progress on Hoboken’s waterfront. We are making great strides towards creating a more accessible waterfront for all Hoboken residents and visitors. At the Monarch site on 16th Street, new pavers are being installed by the City to provide more space for pedestrians to enjoy beautiful waterfront views. This will enhance the experience for all who walk or jog along our world-class waterfront park.
The riverfront walk is widening at the Monarch site!
It is exciting to see the City make public use of the land that just recently had been threatened to house two 11-story condominiums, until Mayor Bhalla and the City Council stepped up and settled the Monarch litigation, preserving our northern waterfront for public use and enjoyment. As we expand our waterfront park on the Union Dry Dock site, expand Harborside Park, and upgrade Weehawken Cove, we ensure that our world-class waterfront will be vibrant, connected, and publicly accessible for all to enjoy.
Good things are happening on Hoboken’s northern waterfront!
When I ran for office, I pledged to work for a fully connected, accessible waterfront. These waterfront improvements, along with our unbreakable commitment to complete our Rebuild by Design resiliency efforts, will enhance the quality of life for all Hoboken residents and make our city an even more desirable place to live, work and raise a family.
Church Square Park Vision Plan
Church Square Park is a special public space. As Hoboken grows and evolves, it is important that our cherished park remains attractive and accessible. The City of Hoboken seeks your input, through a comprehensive survey, on potential enhancements to the park's amenities, including playgrounds, sports fields, walking paths, and seating areas. With this survey and other public outreach, the City will create a Church Square Park Vision Plan to serve as a roadmap for future park upgrades and improvements and best ensure the park remains a source of pride and enjoyment for all. To learn more about the Church Square Park Vision Plan, click here.
♻️ 🚗 ♻️Progress on Public EV Charging Stations♻️ 🚙 ♻️
I am committed to the success of Hoboken’s Climate Action Plan which seeks to be carbon neutral by 2050, as we address the existential threat of our climate crisis. I am pleased that our city has been awarded a $150,000 grant from the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities to fund two public DC fast chargers, which will make it easier and more convenient for residents and visitors to own electric vehicles (“EVs”). These ChargePoint EV stations will be on Newark Street and can fully charge EVs in under an hour. This will complement 17 additional level 2 and eight new DC fast chargers planned through a partnership with Volta that includes convenient locations located in the 5th Ward for residents and visitors to charge their EVs.
New EV charging stations planned for the 5th Ward include:
- Adams Street & 13th (West Side of Adams)
- 12th Street & Adams (North Side of 12th Street)
- 2 Stations on the South Side of 10th Street between Grand & Clinton (fronting Columbus Park)
- Madison Street & 11th (West Side of Madison outside ShopRite (fast charger))
You can learn more about the City’s innovative EV charging station plans here.
Mile Square Theatre’s Latest Show Opens Tonight!
How lucky are we to have a professional, not-for-profit theater company that produces first-rate world-premiere performances?
If you missed the world premiere of Quarter Rican, you missed out, as that awesome production is now playing in New York City. MST’s latest show, "Yuppies Invade My House At Dinnertime," is a must-see for Hoboken residents and theater enthusiasts. Set in the 1980s, the play captures the era of Hoboken's newfound gentrification based on letters to the editor to the Hoboken Reporter, an era marked by numerous tragic fires that led to the displacement of thousands of tenants. The run ends April 8th, so don't miss an opportunity to see this special “Hoboken” play written by Joseph Gallo and directed by Chris O’Connor. Get your tickets here.
Tonight is Opening Night at MST!
Farewell to Chief Tremitiedi
I had the privilege of knowing and working alongside Chief Richard Tremitiedi as fellow Zoning Board Commissioners for several years, and we became friends. He was a true gentleman, kind, thoughtful, and intelligent, with a true passion for public service. Chief Tremitiedi's love for Hoboken, the Hoboken Fire Department, and our community was evident in how he lived his life, both during his career and long after he retired from active service. I offer my heartfelt condolences to Chief Tremitiedi’s family, his many friends, and to members of our public safety community. Rest in Peace, Chief.
COVID Vaccinations and Vaccination Records
To get current information on Hoboken’s COVID vaccination clinics click here. If you are a Hoboken resident and would like a copy of your vaccination record, please contact Vaccination records are also accessible for all New Jersey residents through the Docket app.
Coffee with Cohen . . . The Home Edition
On Tuesday, I hosted my 76th Coffee with Cohen community event with very special guests Lori Hetzel and Bianca Hoffer, Hoboken’s Social Workers.
Lori and Bianca discussed how they are helping people who experiencing homelessness, coordinating with our public safety community, and identifying resources to support community members in challenging circumstances, and I also addressed many other community updates. Over 140 people have watched this event and you can check it out here. This event — and many past Coffee with Cohen events — are recorded and hosted on my Facebook page which you can watch here.
Staying Up To Date and Seeking My Assistance
I issue this newsletter every other Friday. You can stay up to date by following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If you have any questions or concerns, or I can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at
Phil Cohen
Hoboken City Councilman
Hoboken, New Jersey
(862) 234-9053
P.S. You can learn more about me and my ideas for Hoboken (as well as read this newsletter and prior newsletters) on my website