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Welcome to my first Newsletter
I have not done one of these for many years, and thought I would contact those of you that have subsribed or have been in contact at some point over the years. 

In the last two years, I have been lucky enough to be a regular columnist with my popular tarotscopes for the Silent Voices Magazine, and also the Soul & Spirit Magazine.
I am currently working on a calander with wise words of wisdom from my guide Godfrey, hopefully available December time. I am also working on my own deck and hopefully that will be published next year! for those of you that follow Godfrey's messsages on my facebook page, I am putting together his own deck with messages to help and guide you.
So a lot going on here but very exciting too, i will keep you all updated........
Book a reading with me,
Click on the links below for information and to book a reading with me

Readings from £5 and discounts
for newletter subscribers only
Message from Godfrey with card that is drawn for you.
2 question Facebook / Email Reading
Relationship/ Finding Love Reading/ Getting Back With An Ex Love
Click the image for more details

Godfreys words of wisdom for you is with the year flying by, and soon approaching the end of 2012.
It is time to start to think about 2013, and what you want to happen, where you want to take your life. 2012 is about tying up loose ends, clearing out the clutter in your life, and making room for the new to come into your life.
Its been a tough year for many of you, stagnant, and frustrating, this phase will soon pass. As the storm clears, the sun will shine, and your own personal rainbow will start to show, bringing you happiness, and a sense of renewed hope. Keep working hard, getting situations sorted out, you are on the right path, and heading in the right direction.
Be proud of yourself for the achievements you have made so far. There is still a way to go, but you can get there, there is nothing that is out of your reach, or that you cannot achieve.

Online Tarot Course
For anyone that is interested in learning the tarot. I teach an online 12 week tarot course, via MSN or Yahoo. For only £15.00 a week for an hours lesson, and you will get a certificate at the end of the course too.
 Anne Marie Kell www.annemariekell.com