Packlets Pattern by StudioKat Designs.

Luci Purse Pattern by Sallie Tomato.

Cupcake Basket Pattern by Aunties Two.

Manhattan Bag! Pattern by Vanilla House Designs.

Foxy Pocket Purse Pattern by Vanilla House Designs.

Style & Swing Handbags Pattern Book by That Patchwork Place. $9.99, 63% OFF!
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Betty Bowl Bonnets Pattern by Lazy Girl Designs. PDF DOWNLOAD!

Gertie Gift Boxes Pattern by Lazy Girl Designs. PDF DOWNLOAD!

Lucy Lunch Wraps Pattern by Lazy Girl Designs. PDF DOWNLOAD!

Molly Maker Bag Pattern by Lazy Girl Designs. PDF DOWNLOAD!
Purse organizers make great gifts!

Posh Ladybugs Purse Insert by Pouchee
$10.99, 60% OFF!

Posh Spring Chicks Purse Insert by Pouchee
$10.99, 60% OFF!

Purse Organizer, white with black polkadots
$12.99, 19% OFF!

Purse Organizer, fuchsia with black polkadots
$12.99, 19% OFF!