Dear Neighbors,

Here are your July updates.

Protecting Tenants From Unfair Rent Algorithms 
Recent national investigations and lawsuits have revealed troubling practices among property management companies that use software to unfairly inflate rental prices. These property managers share real-time, non-public price and lease information with property technology companies, which in turn use algorithms to recommend rents for large portions of the market, effectively suppressing competition and driving up rental prices.
One leading property technology company has boasted that its rent-pricing software enables landlords to "outperform the market" by 2-5%. Shockingly, a company executive admitted that their software could be responsible for rent increases of up to 14.5%. These practices are unacceptable and contribute to the growing financial strain on our residents, making it harder and harder for our families to stay in their homes and continue living in our community.
As your Councilman, I am committed to shedding light on these unscrupulous practices that artificially increase rent levels in our City. That is why I introduced a resolution this week calling on State legislators to ban the use of an algorithmic system by two or more landlords to recommend or set the price and supply of apartments or home rentals which is similar to a resolution recently passed by Jersey City’s governing body. 
Thanks to my Council colleagues for unanimously supporting this resolution that sends a clear and unequivocal message to our representatives in Trenton. You can read more about this here, here, and here.

Update on Threatened Vacancy Decontrol Petition

I previously shared with you information about a petition deceptively promoted to Hoboken residents as supporting affordable housing, that, if adopted, would remove hundreds of rent-controlled, below-market units from Hoboken’s housing market and have a negligible impact on Hoboken’s affordable housing stock. In May, I introduced a resolution condemning the petition sponsors' misleading signature collection tactics.
Unfortunately, this week the Hoboken City Clerk certified that the Petitioners have collected enough signatures for their question to appear on the November ballot. In response, I introduced an emergency resolution at this week’s Council meeting, opposing the proposed referendum, and urging residents who support rent control protections to vote No if the Petitioners choose to place the question on the November ballot.  
Thanks to all my Council colleagues for speaking in a unified, clear voice — unanimously opposing the Petitioners’ proposed question, and urging residents to vote no, if the question appears on the November ballot.
The resolution also commits to work with Petitioners on a compromise to address flaws in our City’s Rent Control Ordinance that would remove the threatened question from appearing on the ballot. I am committed to seeing if a reasonable compromise can be found to make our Rent Control Ordinance more fair, without gutting Hoboken’s rent control protections
The Historic Preservation Commission Seeks New Commissioners to Serve

The Hoboken Historic Preservation Commission (HPC) serves a critical role for our community. HPC Commissioners review and consider property owners’ applications for any exterior addition, renovation, or alteration visible to the public on properties in Hoboken designated historic districts. Would you like to serve with this important group addressing the future development of our City?  Would you like to learn more? Click here to submit an application to serve, or send me your questions at

ResilienCity Park Updates
ResilienCity Park, New Jersey’s largest resiliency park — and perhaps the largest in the country — has transformed Northwest Hoboken. Not only does this extraordinary public space retain up to two million gallons of stormwater runoff in a neighborhood historically plagued by flooding, but the park has added so many new uses to a long underserved neighborhood. I proudly helped authorize funding for this park in my role on the Council and worked hand in hand with the Bhalla administration to ensure it was completed as soon as possible. What is perhaps even more remarkable is that this park was funded through a variety of grants and funding through Hoboken’s dedicated Open Space Trust Fund, to ensure that it does not currently have any impact on our municipal tax rate.
Now, we not only have a beautiful park, brand new athletic fields, playgrounds, lawns, and gardens, but an amazing new cafe, Alessio’s Terrace, that celebrated its grand opening earlier this summer.  Known for its breakfast sandwiches, pizza, and treats galore, Alessio’s Terrace is rated by Hoboken Girl as a must-try new restaurant that you should check out.
Alessio’s Terrace (Photo: Matt McCann + TapInto Hoboken)
This summer, residents are enjoying Movies Under the Stars in ResilienCity Park on Wednesday evenings. Check out movies in the park with family and friends, and experience this great addition to the 5th Ward. "The Sword in the Stone'' will be shown on July 31st and "Spaceballs" is coming August 7th. Movies start at 9 pm in July and 8:30 pm in August. Residents should bring a picnic basket, a blanket, or a low-back chair and enjoy! 

Movies Under the Stars (Photo: TapInto Hoboken)

Church Square Park Concerts
The 35th Annual Church Square Park Wednesday Evening Concert Series is in full swing, and you can enjoy free concerts every Wednesday evening through August 28, starting at 7 pm, providing a wonderful opportunity for families, friends, and neighbors to gather and enjoy. 

A Special 100th Coffee with Cohen next Tuesday at The Hive
On Tuesday, July 16th at 11 am I will host my 100th Coffee with Cohen community event at The Hive!! 
When I was first elected to the City Council in November 2019, I committed to be accessible and responsive and to host regular office hours. My 100th Coffee with Cohen event reflects my continued commitment to you as your representative and is a hallmark of my public service. Join me and special guest Mayor Ravi Bhalla for coffee, croissants, and conversation about issues that matter to you at this special 100th Coffee with Cohen event. 
What: July office hours with Councilman Phil Cohen and Special Guest Mayor Ravi Bhalla
Where: The Hive, 1000 Park Avenue
When: Tuesday July 16 from 11:00 am to 12:30 pm
Staying Up To Date and Seeking My Assistance
I issue this newsletter every month. You can stay up to date by following me on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram. If you have any questions, or I can be of assistance to you or your family, please do not hesitate to contact me at  
Phil Cohen
Hoboken City Councilman
Hoboken, New Jersey
(862) 234-9053
P.S. You can learn more about me and my ideas for Hoboken (as well as read this newsletter and prior newsletters) on my website
Paid for by Phil Cohen for Hoboken City Council