Dear Friends,
If you are in Berlin please join me for the launch of my new book The Color of Politics published by Bom Dia Books. It features the works I exhibited at the Kunstverein Rosa-Luxemburg Platz Berlin, Pizzagate ( ) and The Statisticon Neon (
Pizzagate is presently on display at Priska Pasquer Gallery in Cologne, Germany ( )
As you can see from below, we will have a DJ and Drinks starting at 7pm at Bar Babette, Karl-Marx-Allee 36 , 10178 Berlin 
Hope to see you there. 

☼ Two exciting book launches are coming up! ☼ 

Haegue Yang VIP’s Union 2001–2018 June 23rd @ ELGARAFI BOM DIA   Warren Neidich The Color of Politics June 25th @ Bar Babette

Haegue Yang
VIP’s Union 2001–2018

Come join us for the book launch at our new space ELGARAFI BOM DIA. Fresh coconuts and untempered chocolate will be provided.

Solmsstr. 27
10961 Berlin

Saturday, June 23
4-7 pm

This book is printed on the occasion of Haegue Yang’s nine-month presentation of VIP’s Union at Kunsthaus Graz. The exhibition unfolded in two phases: Phase I involved furniture, loaned by private individuals, which was widely used throughout the building; Phase II collected and presented the objects in one of the exhibitions spaces, altering their status from (usable) furniture to exhibits. VIP’s Union at Kunsthaus Graz followed mutations of the project at Art Forum Berlin (2001), Arnolfini, Bristol (2011), M HKA – Museum of Contemporary Art Antwerp (2014), Bonner Kunstverein, Bonn (2014), and Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul (2015). A genealogy; reference projects; texts by Nav Haq, Katrin Bucher Trantow, and Barbara Steiner; and a conversation with Haegue Yang provide multiple views on the nature and evolution of the project over the years.

Warren Neidich
The Color of Politics

Neons and drinks are on the menu for this book launch taking place at the peculiar Bar Babette, a former beauty salon built in the GDR in 1960.

Bar Kosmetiksalon Babette
Karl-Marx-Allee 36
10178 Berlin

Monday, June 25
7 pm

This publication is based on the exhibition of the same name hosted by the Verein zur Förderung von Kunst und Kultur am Rosa-Luxemburg-Platz e.V., Berlin, April 28 to June 24/August 19, 2017. Accompanying the two major neon sculptural installations from that exhibition, The Statisticon Neon and Pizzagate, it is an analysis of the emerging political conditions of late-stage cognitive capitalism, conditions in which the brain and mind exist as the factories of the 21st century. Of particular interest in this analysis is the brain’s neural plasticity, and the role of new technologies in harnessing its potential. Also crucial is the role of art in creating new, distinctive methods, atmospheres, and intensities with which to thwart new methodologies of subsumption.