Voices Newsletter
Friday, September 27, 2024
Sing of Celebration!
Rehearsal and Performance Schedule...
Rehearsals begin at 7:00 PM sharp.  Please try to be in your seat and ready to sing!
September 30
October 7, 14, 21, 28
November 4, 11, 18, 25
December 2, 9

Dress Rehearsal - First Baptist Church, Friday, December 13, 7:00 PM 

Concert - First Baptist Church, Sunday, December 15, 1:00 PM call for 3:00 PM concert

Special performances:
First Baptist Church - Sunday, October 27, 9:00 AM call
Unitarian Church - Sunday, November 17, 9:00 AM call

Ramblings From Ross...
Yet another productive rehearsal...thanks for showing up, and giving it your all on Monday nights!
Here is a link to the schedule for the Fall semester, also passed out in hard copies (grab one this Monday if you missed it this week). Use it at your leisure to prepare for each week's rehearsal. 
This week, you may benefit from a little "prep work" for Pengyou Ting. We will be starting to learn the pronunciation, and I've found it helps drastically to have hints written in the music somewhere. Look at the last page of your piece to find a very comprehensive way of thinking about each sound, and consider adding these hints as necessary before our time together. You could also listen to this video for extra reinforcement.
See you on Monday

Mike's Musings...
Vocal Assignments

As we move through the semester, Ross sometimes tweaks the voice assignments in different pieces. If your notes aren’t clear or you miss a week, I am adding those assignments to the practice track pages here:

To date, notes have been added for “Niska Banja” and “Only I.”
Why Sing with VOICES? 

We will be updating our webpage and social media with a section describing why one might like to sing with VOICES. It occurred to me that the best source of that content is you! You can help out by reflecting on why you sing with VOICES and jotting me a note at: voicesmusic@acithaca.org It will be fun to see what we come up with.
Practice Tracks...
Practice tracks (https://acithaca.org/groups/voices/music-files-for-practice/) by vocal part are available at the Voices website for all but one of our songs for the semester. Mistakes do creep in during the creation of these files, so please note any you find and communicate which song, track, and measure(s) need correction. If you can specify the correction (e.g., missing note tie, wrong note, etc.), even better. Send corrections to voicesmusic@acithaca.org

Always Bring A Pencil...
  As we learn and rehearse our songs each week, we will be given notes and corrections by the directors.  You may lightly mark your scores with a pencil - not a pen, marker or highlighter.  Keep the pencil in the pocket of your music folder so it does not get misplaced.
Voice Exercises and Warmups...
Looking for a way to exercise your voice between rehearsals? Cyberbass is free website that has sizeable list of vocal warmups that play on your computer, smartphone or tablet. You can also purchase CD's with various exercises and warmups if you choose.  Go to

Nonconsensual Olfactory Overload...
Please remember to avoid wearing perfumes, colognes, essential oils or other scents to rehearsals and concerts.  We sit close together and some members experience respiratory discomfort when exposed to those smells and chemicals.  
Showering is encouraged, of course. 😁

About the Newsletter...
The Voices Newsletter is sent out every Thursday during the semester.  Sometimes, it may be a day late depending on glitches and brain cramps.  In normal times, it will appear in your email in-basket sometime during the day on Thursday.  It will also be posted on the website - go HERE to go the that page.  
If you have a question about Voices, a comment or suggestion about the newsletter, or if you have an item for the newsletter (items should be related to the chorus or the local musical community), send it to musicinfo@acithaca.org.   PLEASE - if you have an item that you want to appear in the newsletter, send in in plain text completed form so we can copy and paste - we do not write material for you.

Affiliated Choruses of Ithaca, Inc., acithaca.org