In This Issue:


Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:
  Will Jones (M)

A warm welcome to new group members:

  Phil Cavanagh (M)
  Adam McKissock (C)

Diary Dates:
 Sun 20 Aug
 Motorcycle Group Ride

 Sat 2 Sep
 Signpost Rally
 Sat 23 Sep
 Glos Police Open Day

 Sun 30 Sep
 Motorcycle Group Ride
 Thu 5 Oct
 Tue 7 Nov 
 Avon & Somerset Police
 Roads Policing Talk
Articles needed

If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know. 

All contributions welcome.

Wanted: Group Ride Leaders 

We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.


Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.



August 2023
Chair's Introduction
It's been an odd couple of months weather-wise hasn't it? Hopefully you haven't been affected too much. 

Thinking about the weather led me to set up our first Signpost Rally for group members and their loved ones / friends - details below - for drivers and riders. Even the BBQ can be held indoors as the venue will easily accommodate us all. It should be a cracking day, hope to see you there.

The AGM is quite close now when we'll be electing committee members. Hopefully we'll be able to fill the still-vacant posts of Membership Secretary, Marketing Officer and Events Coordinator. It will be followed by a presentation of interest to all. More about that next month.

If you're keen to help the group thrive and grow and can spare some time then please contact any committee member and let us know. Thank you.

In early November there's a really interesting presentation by Avon & Somerset police -  details below - and I encourage as many as possible of you to attend and bring as many family, friends and colleagues as you can. It's completely free, open to all and 100% aligned with our aim to improve road safety. 

I'm off to buy the latest DVSA app - see the 'Did you know?' item below.

Stay safe all.

Signpost Rally - Saturday 2 September 2023
This event is for Glos RoADAR car and motorcycle members (and family members or invited guest), on Saturday 2 September from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

You must book a place to be able to take part

It’s an orienteering-style detective hunt for signposts and clues around the Cotswolds by car or motorcycle. You’re given photographs of the signposts, work out where they are, plot your own route to visit 12 of them then have a leisurely drive / ride around the gorgeous Cotswolds - maximum 100 miles round trip - collecting answers to fiendish clues.

This is a perfect activity for both car drivers and motorcyclists as it's NOT a race, competition or timed (except the need to get back in time for the food). It is also weather-proof unless we face an unexpected cataclysmic event... 

The recce’s been done and 16 signposts selected ranging from: easy-to-find to needs-some-thought to where-on-earth-is-thatIf you prefer, you could tackle this event as a small team with a fellow car / motorcycle member(s), family or guest. Plenty of opportunity to meet, greet and share experiences. 

This is the free map you'll be given.

The map includes a code so you can download it to a smartphone or tablet for use offline. It's a brilliant idea that may suit those who prefer to use device-based rather than paper maps for finding and plotting routes.

Please note though that the venue is NOT WiFi equipped so you'll need to use your phone as a hotspot to enable the download.

Click here for Ordnance Survey
In case you're wondering, the signpost is here: 


After your tour, return to the start point for answer checking, prize giving and a BBQ that's being provided by a specialist local business who uses local meats and produce. You will not need an evening meal afterwards. 

Here's an example of the process.

This signpost has plenty of placenames to be able to work out the rough area.

We know we’re looking for a crossroads that's really close to Burmington and there’s only one that fits the bill.

Next, work out the signpost's grid reference - SP267377 - and mark it on your map. After that, work out your route to visit 12 of the 16 chosen signposts (due to 'Treasure Hunt' regulations).

Once you reach the signpost, answer the clue that came with the photograph. It may be something like: “Close to the signpost is a wooden-gated field entrance. On that gate is a warning sign from the field owner. What is their name?”

This event has been subsidised by Glos RoADAR on a Member 40% / Group 60% basis. Individual contribution is only £15. This includes a free 1:25 000 Cotswolds map worth £10, hot drinks, biscuits and, at the end of the day, prize-giving and a BBQ with soft drinks - bring an appetite!

   Witcombe and Bentham Village Hall
   Pillcroft Rd, Witcombe, Gloucester GL3 4TB
   N51 50.554  W02 8.416 Grid Ref: SO904160


   0900 Welcome, hot drink & biscuits
   0915 Briefing notes and signpost photographs handed out
   0915-1100 Signpost plotting and route planning (visit 12 of 16 signposts)
   1100-1500 The Rally; driving / riding and collecting clues (maximum 100 miles)
   1500 Return to start point, hand in answers, prize giving
   1530 BBQ
   1700 Event ends / Depart
Want to join us for what promises to be a fun day bimbling around the Cotswolds?

If you have questions, want to book a place or ask how to pay please e-mail Stephen Wilkinson-Carr at 
We look forward to seeing you on the day.
Please book your place by the end of Sun 20 Sep.
They’re being snapped up.

Avon Police: Introduction to Roads Policing - Tue 7 Nov 2023

A FREE event open to anyone interested whether an
advanced driver / rider, group member or not.

Members of the public are very welcome to attend.
Introduction to Roads Policing & Road Safety” input with Avon and Somerset Police Road Safety Team.

The team will be providing an interactive, informative & thought-provoking presentation to the group to highlight local & National Road Safety objectives.

 6:45 p.m. for 7 p.m.


Witcombe and Bentham Village Hall
Pillcroft Rd, Witcombe, Gloucester GL3 4TB
N51 50.554  W02 8.416 Grid Ref: SO904160

Please bring friends and colleagues.

Hope you can make it.
Gloucestershire Police Open Day - Saturday 23 September 2023

Gloucestershire Constabulary and Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner's (OPCC) Open Day returns on Saturday 23rd September 2023 from 10am to 3pm at:
Gloucestershire Constabulary Headquarters
No 1 Waterwells, Waterwells Drive,
Quedgeley, Gloucester,
Glos GL2 2AN (centre of show area)
The open day is a free, fun-filled, family friendly event that is suitable for all.  
There will be plenty to see and get involved in on the day. So far, the following activites have been confirmed: 

  • Thrilling arena displays showcasing our brilliant police dogs, powerful police horses, and our dynamic public order team
  • Engaging talks and insights into exciting careers in policing
  • Fascinating tours of our Custody facilities and cutting-edge Force Control Room
  • Getting scientific with the Forensics team
  • Meeting our Rural, Wildlife and Heritage Crime team, and finding out how they police our rural communities
  • Stepping into the world of Roads Policing and connecting with the dedicated people who help keep us safe on the roads every day
  • Learning more about the role of the Police and Crime Commissioner and the OPCC
  • Engaging with the inspiring projects supported by the Office of the Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC)
  • Embarking on a journey through the rich history of the Gloucestershire Constabulary with our Archives zone
  • Joining the team from Gloucestershire Fire and Rescue Service in their dedicated zone
  • Relaxing by listening to the Band of the Gloucestershire Constabulary
  • Indulging in a diverse range of local and cultural culinary delights.
This is a major recruiting event for us.

Volunteers needed. Can you help?
We will have an exhibition stand and are asking for six group volunteers to help run it for just 2½ hours each.
The timings for volunteers will be:
Vol 1 – 0830-1630 Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
Vol 2 – 0830-1100 (to help build the easy-to-setup stand).
Vol 3 – 1030-1300
Vol 4 – 1030-1300
Vol 5 – 1230-1500
Vol 6 – 1230-1500
Vol 7 – 1500-1600 (last hour / help dismantle our stand)
As we are a joint car and motorcycle group it would be really good to have at least three car section members help run our stand.
If you have time and are keen to help then please contact me at
Hope you can help.
18-Wheeled All-Terrain Vehicle

The first prototype all-electric, all-season, all-terrain vehicle being tested over rocks.
Speed up to 110 km/h
Weight about 140 kg
Load capacity 2 riders 80 kg each + 20 kg of cargo
Range from 4 to 8 hours depending on battery type and conditions. 
Click on the picture for more information about this intriguing 18-wheled ATV
I want one...
Did You Know?

The Stationery Office has launched a new Highway Code app.  

The app is for all road users and makes it even easier - and more fun - to keep up to date with the rules of the road. 

What's new?

  • Instant access to the very latest version of the Official Highway Code while on the move, on tablets and mobile devices
  • Quizzes and timed challenge features, that help users check their knowledge of the Highway Code and track their progress.
  • A voice over option enabling users to listen as well as read.

The app costs £3.99 and is available to download on both Android and iOS platforms.
Apple link                  Android link

Who knew?
Recommended Books (Clickable)

The Committee

Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr

Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton

Treasurer - Geoff Brown / Treasurer Designate - David Blackledge

Membership Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton (Interim)

Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith

WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Duncan Keen
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton