On Saturday 17 October 2020

Support the Sans-Papiers

Demand #PapersForAll     

Immigrants without papers – the Sans-Papiers – have marched across France since 19 September and are arriving in Paris Saturday to meet President Macron at l’Élysée, his official residence.



They are demanding Papers for All, Close down detention Centres and Housing for All. Sans-Papiers collectives, 280 organisations including national unions and city councils have supported their movement in France, and so have numerous organisations in Europe and beyond.


Outrageously, President Macron has refused to meet a Sans-Papiers delegation or even answer their requests, the police have so far forbidden them to reach l’Élysée.


It is critical to support them.  Like millions of other immigrants, they demand the same rights, entitlements, and resources as everyone else. People have the right to reclaim the wealth that was stolen during slavery, colonialism and right up to the present day – wealth that has enriched corporations, governments, institutions and the elite.


The All African Women’s Group and Global Women Against Deportations are sending a message of support. Please circulate on social media and send your support with hashtags and handles:


#PapersForAll  #RegularizacionYa




@EmmanuelMacron   @Msolidarites


While Sans-Papiers have been keeping society going during the pandemic, as carers, health workers, cleaners, agricultural workers, food deliverers and more, they have not been financially supported. Women Sans-Papiers pay an even higher price, doing more caring and survival work, facing more violence in the home and outside, and doing justice work protecting loved ones from racist violence and immigration controls.

The Sans-Papiers movement has a fantastic tradition of organising that we can learn from – more here including an historic video La Ballade des Sans-Papiers (1996) documenting their church occupation and hunger strikes led by African women. When they win, we’re all stronger. 


For more information on the Sans-Papiers:

Marche des solidarités  and on Facebook Marche des Solidarités 

For contact:  marche.des.solidarites@gmail.com   @Msolidarites

Circulated by Global Women Against Deportations & Payday men’s network

asylumfromrape@womenagainstrape.net   payday@paydaynet.org