Exciting opportunity for the Growing Roots and Rights for Just Communities Conference this September 29 in Columbus at Quest Conference Center -
why not register TODAY! After all it's a GREAT DEAL at only $10 for the entire day including lunch!!
Besides presenting great key note addresses Dr. Melina Abdullah and Mari Margil will also participate in our Community Conversations where issues such as police accountability, rights of nature and sustainability, fair elections, worker rights, treatment and legalization of drugs instead of mass incarceration, will be discussed with the following participants sharing their experiences with audience members and inviting audience members to participate as well:
Dr. Bob Fitrakis - Columbus Free Press, author and educator - Susie Beiersdorfer – Geologist, educator and community rights activist - Mike Ferner – Author, former Toledo Councilman, peace and environmental activist - Ben Price – National Organizing Director for CELDF and author - Kevin O’Donnell – Ohio Student Association organizer and social justice activist - Cathi Steele – Founder Mid-Ohio Worker’s Association and activist fighting poverty issues for over 20 years -Chad Nicholson – Pennsylvania Organizer CELDF - Saraquoia Bryant – Local business owner from Athens, community rights activist and marijuana legalization activist - Tish O’Dell – Ohio Community Rights/CELDF Organizer and activist.

Registration has already begun and seats are limited. Sponsorships and tabling opportunities to get your organization’s name in the program and to be affiliated with this “first in the state” conference bringing together activists from environmental and social justice groups focusing on their common issues and possible solutions are also available on the registration site.
Registration is only $10 to reserve your seat for this sure to be enlightening and eye opening conference and that price includes lunch.
AND, if you purchase your ticket by August 25, you will be entered into our drawing to receive a basket of community rights resources valued at over $75.
So what are you waiting for? REGISTER TODAY at
Ohio Community Rights Network
"The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don't have any."
Alice Walker