Dear Neighbors,
Our nation faces a rising amount of extremism, racism, incivility and just plain hate. While Hoboken remains a welcoming community, the number of recent incidents demonstrates that we are not immune from these disturbing national trends. Simply put, it is important that we speak out and push back whenever hate surfaces and strive in our political communication to not treat people with whom we disagree as enemies as opposed to fellow citizens.
Recently, a member of our community pled guilty to harassment and admitted under oath to sending anonymous packages with racially tinged and sexually offensive messages to the homes of private citizens as well as Mayor Bhalla and Council President Jabbour. A member of our community expressed vocal and virulent antisemitic sentiments at a City Council meeting. Now, we have learned that Mayor Bhalla has received death threats with vile anti-Sikh messages.
In this environment it is especially important that our elected and community leaders set a positive example of civility and fact based communication and refrain from launching personal attacks. Unfortunately, I believe the incumbent Councilwoman Tiffanie Fisher has too often fallen short of this mark through her own rhetoric, and hasn't forcefully denounced unacceptable conduct directed at her opponents.
I believe we can and must do better, focusing on practical problem solving and seeking common ground so we can move Hoboken forward with a spirit of cooperation. And I will stand up to hate, intolerance and bigotry in our community whenever it surfaces. Please join me in demanding better.
Marla Decker
Follow me on Facebook here, and check out my website here.
Paid for by Marla Decker for Hoboken City Council Ward 2
1500 Garden St.
Hoboken, NJ 07030