In This Issue:
Well done to the following members who have passed their advanced test / re-test:
Advanced Tutor
  Gareth Davies (C)
  Geoff Brown (M)
  Marcus Fewings (M)
  Mark Sugden (M)
  Rupert Clarkson (M)
  Brian Davis (M)
Diary Dates:
Sat 21 Jan
  Tutors' (all) 1st Aid course
Sat 28 Jan
  Group Ride: Baffle Haus
Thu 2 Mar
  Tutor training (Positioning)
  open to all members
Sat 13 May
  Tutor training
Articles needed
If you have interesting snippets or would like to write a short article for this newsletter then please let us know.
All contributions welcome.
Wanted: Group Ride Leaders
We need more volunteer Ride Leaders - No experience required, full training given.
Call Stephen Wilkinson-Carr on 07976 644485 for more details.

January 2023
Chair's Introduction

New Glos RoADAR Chair needed in September 2023
(Call me for a chat if you want to know more)
In 8 months time, at the September AGM, I will be stepping down as Chair due to predicted conflicting priorities in my family life.
I feel privileged to have been invited to become Chair and will have spent two very productive years leading the group out of the Covid-imposed doldrums. I met all group and self-imposed objectives and the group is again in a very healthy position in terms of member engagement / communication, training, recruiting, marketing and finance - all of which greatly enhance our ability to achieve our core mission: to improve road safety.
I couldn't have done it without the patience, wisdom, help and contributions of many people, Glos RoADAR committee and members, Wilts RoADAR colleagues, friends and family who deserve all the credit. Thank you all.
The person who really deserves the most credit is my wife, Kath, who has shown the patience of a saint and given unstinting support during the many: "I just need to ..." moments I stole from our time together.
I'm pleased to announce that monthly member events return in April and we'll tell you more about that next month (much still to organise).
Advanced Tutor - Gareth Davies
Many congratulations to Gareth Davies on passing the car Advanced Tutor test on 2nd November 2022.

Gareth said:
"I am delighted to have had the opportunity to become an Advanced Tutor and I appreciate very much the time and support that colleagues in both the Gloucestershire and Wiltshire Groups have provided for me. The examination and assessment process itself - conducted by Paul Crabtree - was also a highly valuable learning experience for me. In due course, I look forward to using my AT experience to support others who similarly seek to improve their standards of driving and tutoring.”
Speed Cameras
Targeting Gloucester Hot Spots
Between 2014-2018 there were 130 fatal traffic accidents, 1224 Serious and 4211 Slight injuries on Gloucestershire roads.
The National Safety Council estimate that speed is a major contributing factor in at least 26% of all traffic fatalities.
Two Gloucester roads notorious for speeding - the southern end of Secunda Way in Hempsted and Castle Meads Way - are now being targeted by speed cameras.
In the first two weeks of August 2021, 38% of vehicles on Secunda Way were driven at speeds which could lead to prosecution.

According to these locations are where people were caught in the past:
  • Estcourt Road, Gloucester (40mph) 54; 1 using a mobile phone, 11 not wearing seatbelts and 2 incorrect Vehicle Registration Marks.
  • Bracelands, Eastcombe (30mph) 36; 1 incorrect Vehicle Registration Mark.
  • Grove Lane, Cirencester (40mph) 48; 1 not wearing a seatbelt.
David Collicott, Road Safety Campaigns Manager (and RoSPA Motorcycle Examiner) from the Criminal Justice Department said:
"As drivers and riders we all have a responsibility for the safety of ourselves, our passengers and other road users irrespective of the vehicle we are using.
We are reminding road users to pay attention to the speed limit signs and keep within the limit."
Gloucester Speed Camera Map:
Green = Fixed, Blue = Mobile, Red = Traffic light
Gloucestershire towns' collision maps (fatal and serious).
Tutor Training (CPD)
Open to all members
On Thursday 2nd March (1930hrs to 2200hrs) there will be a tutor training session, led by Geoff Brown, focusing on ‘Positioning’.
This will be held at the Witcombe and Bentham Village Hall
Pillcroft Rd, Witcombe, Gloucester GL3 4TB
N51 50.552 W02 8.412
Whilst all tutors should attend as a part of their continued development, it is open to all members who feel they could benefit from the event. It is an opportunity to debate a key element of the system and hopefully stimulate some ideas to take forward.
Please let Geoff know if you are attending
Group Motorcycle Ride
Date: Saturday 28th January 2023
Eligibility: Suitable for all abilities (mainly A & B roads with a little dual carriageway).
Route: Total 151 miles with 3h30 saddle time.
Fuel is available at the start/finish point (Tesco opposite) and multiple locations en route.
Briefing: 8:50 a.m.
I will be there approximately 8:30-8:40 a.m.
Start time: 9 a.m.
Start point:
Costa Coffee, Unit 3, Retail Park, St Oswalds Rd, Gloucester GL1 2UE.
N51 52.391 W02 14.809

Morning stop:
Coffee #1, Corn Square, Leominster HR6 8LR
N52 13.618 W02 44.260

Lunch stop:
Baffle Haus, Baffle Culture, The Cedars, Abergavenny Road Penperlleni, Pontypool, Wales NP4 0AD
Afternoon stop:
The Anchor Inn, Tintern Abbey 2 Saint Mary Street, Tintern, Chepstow NP16 6TE
End point:
Costa Coffee, Unit 3, Retail Park, St Oswalds Rd, Gloucester GL1 2UE.
N51 52.391 W02 14.809
End time: Approximately 4:30 p.m.
** Please note **
The lunch stop can get particularly busy especially if the weather is nice.
If you intend to ride, please let me know either via email (click name below) before 14th January 2023 to enable me to contact the venue with approximate numbers and hopefully arrange some reserved parking. Thanks.
Hazard Perception Test
Many of Glos RoADAR members took their initial driving test quite a while ago, mine was in 1974, and may never have seen the hazard perception or driving theory tests.

I was curious as well, found a couple of videos that explain everything and hope they're of interest (click on images for video).
(50 questions - Suitable for hearing and visually impaired)
Reporting potholes
Not that long ago I hit a large, unavoidable and virtually invisible pothole at night and damaged the front wheel of my motorcycle.
It was in the middle of a very faded square of spray paint, the kind used to show maintenance crews where and what to repair. A local came out to commiserate and revealed the pothole had been marked that way for at least 8 months without being repaired.
Long story short: I claimed from the council who admitted full liability, as they had not expedited a known repair issue, and paid the full cost of a new wheel (£765).
Damage to our roads is a serious problem, recognised by a government investment in highways maintenance of £25 billion in 2021. The first instalment of £500m was given to councils, enough to fix an estimated 10,000,000 potholes.
The Asphalt Industry Alliance, many of whose members repair potholes, has claimed that one in five local roads in England and Wales is in a poor condition. The group also says that about £8 billion is needed to make the repairs.
Kwik Fit’s annual Pothole Impact Tracker (PIT) report (click here), published in March 2022, shows that the total repair bill to vehicles from pothole damage over the past year rose to £1.7bn, up over half a billion pounds on 2021.
Source: Kwik Fit PIT Report 2022
Of the 13.3 million drivers who experienced damage after a pothole impact, the research found that 50% faced damage to their tyres. This was followed by wheel damage in 29% of cases, damaged suspension (also 29%) and steering (18%).
For 12% of drivers facing with damage the impact was severe enough to cause bodywork damage, while for 10% damages were to engine components.
So what can you do if your vehicle is damaged by poorly maintained roads?
Here’s a very clear guide from the Consumer’s Association ‘Which?’ magazine to the steps to take to claim for pothole damage to your vehicle.
Your local Council might not have been told about the problem so please report the pothole to them by using this website.
I hope you never have to use that advice but it’s worth noting. Just in case.
Severn Freewheelers - Blood Bikers Wanted
Many of you will be aware of Severn Freewheelers, the local blood bike charity, that provides a free out of hours service to the NHS. Since 2007 the charity has been providing the service and a number of members are already a part of the organisation.
If you feel you would like to get involved as a rider, coordinator or fund raiser or all three, then please get in touch. There is a current need for riders in the Gloucester area.
Our website is here which itself needs some support to bring it up to date.
For those who live in the Worcester area and are an advanced car driver, the charity replenishes the air ambulance based at Strensham every two days using a charity owned car which is another way to potentially get engaged in a wonderful charity.
Why Advanced Driving / Riding?
What are the benefits?
These are some of the benefits enjoyed by advanced drivers and riders after training with Gloucestershire Advanced Drivers And Riders:
Increased safety; keep yourself, your passenger(s) and other road users safe
Reduced risk; using anticipation and planning skills
Increased awareness; being more observant and using enhanced handling skills to anticipate changes around you
Increased passenger comfort; with good forward planning and anticipation, your driving / riding will become smoother and more relaxed
More enjoyment; experience the satisfaction of driving / riding from A to B more smoothly with more time to react to the unexpected
Greater control; by understanding and knowing how to deal with the various forces that affect your vehicle
Increased confidence; learn how to anticipate and deal with expected and the unexpected road and traffic situations
Reduced wear and tear; get more out of your vehicle by learning advanced machine control methods
Discounted insurance; many insurance companies offer a discount to advanced drivers / riders
Save money on fuel; using defensive driving / riding and forward planning techniques to achieve greater control and better fuel efficiency
Enhance your CV; gain a professional qualification you can put on your CV
What is advanced driving / riding?
Advanced driving / riding is the ability to control the position and speed of the vehicle safely, systematically and smoothly, using road and traffic conditions to progress unobtrusively with skill and responsibility.
This skill requires a positive but courteous attitude and a high standard of driving / riding competence based on concentration, effective all-round observation, anticipation, and planning. This must be co-ordinated with good handling skills.
An advanced driver / rider will always have their vehicle in the right place on the road, at the right time, travelling at the right speed with the correct gear engaged and can always stop safely on their own side of the road in the distance they can see to be clear (DSA, RoADAR, IAM, 1997).
What will you learn?
Our driver / rider training is provided on a one-to-one basis. All our tutors are volunteers and have passed the advanced driving / riding test, hold a current tutor qualification and are registered with RoADAR HQ.
You will learn how to drive / ride:
Safely – By being safer you give yourself more time to react, to both expected and unexpected situations, and improve your own and passenger confidence in your ability.
Systematically – By doing things in a systematic way, one thing at a time, you will learn how to ensure your vehicle is in the right place, at the right speed, in an appropriate gear and capable of being stopped, on your own side of the road, in the distance you can see to be clear. We use the Police System of Car / Motorcycle Control acronym IPSGA (Information, Position, Speed, Gear, Acceleration).
Smoothly – By learning how to use vehicle controls in a smoother, and more controlled, way you and any passenger will feel more comfortable and relaxed.
At an appropriate Speed – Learn how to drive at the appropriate speed, making progress and showing restraint when necessary.
What does it cost?
Training is free for car drivers who use their own vehicle with an assigned Tutor.
Motorcyclists pay a £15 contribution toward the Tutor’s costs per training session.
It’s important that you to commit time to regular training sessions.
Car and Motorcycle Tests
The RoSPA advanced test is widely regarded as the highest civilian driving / riding standard available. The test is based on the Police Foundation publication 'Roadcraft: The Police Drivers Handbook' or 'Motorcycle Roadcraft: The Police Riders Handbook' and the Highway Code. A thorough understanding of both Roadcraft and the Highway Code will be required to pass the test at a high standard.
Test Standards
Gold is only awarded to the driver / rider who shows a consistently high standard of driving / riding throughout the test. The driver / rider will demonstrate a confidence in their ability together with a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test.
Silver is awarded to candidates who display a skill level well above the average. They will show a thorough understanding of the principles contained in Roadcraft / Motorcycle Roadcraft and how to apply those principles to situations that occur during the test. The driver / rider will make safe systematic progress however not demonstrating the consistency, final polish and smoothness of the Gold grade candidate.
A Bronze grade will be awarded to those candidates who show that they have an understanding of, and the ability to apply, the principles of advanced driving / riding demonstrating a good level of observations and anticipation, but not doing so consistently throughout the test. They will however drive / ride in a safe and legal manner, to a standard that is significantly above that required to pass the appropriate DVSA test.
Wanted: Marketing Officer
We have run / are running a number of recruiting initiatives such as: Prescott Bike Festival Exhibitor Stand; BikeSafe; CourierSafe; SkillShare as well as online advertising with local driving and riding groups (mainly on Facebook) and need help.
We're looking for a volunteer, with some marketing expertise, who can help us publicise our road safety mission and refine the way we engage with the public.
If you have some marketing knowledge / experience and would like to join the Committee as Marketing / Publicity Officer then please e-mail any Committee Member, listed at the end of this newsletter, and let us know.
Please help.
Did You Know?

Ever wonder where the word 'honeymoon' comes from?

It comes from the Scandinavian custom of giving newlyweds a moon, or a month's worth, of honey mead, "an alcoholic liquor made by fermenting honey and water", as it was thought to increase the likelihood of pregnancy.
You would do this during the first month of married life, or in other words, the first cycle of the moon.
Who knew?
Recommended Books (Clickable)
The Committee
Chair - Stephen Wilkinson-Carr
Secretary - Rebekah Yarranton
Treasurer - Geoff Brown
Membership Secretary - Duncan Keen
Car Coordinator - Mike Hall
Motorcycle Coordinator - Paul Smith
WebMaster - Phil Wesley

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Membership Secretary: Duncan Keen
Secretary: Rebekah Yarranton