An essay on oblivion
Roy Baker

on the Scottish borders, childhood home of
Andrew Thompson,
first European owner of Scotland Island
Death has dominated the news of late, perhaps turning our
thoughts to our own demise, or that of a loved one.
Writers from Irvin Yalom to Macklemore have pondered
existential dread, concluding that what haunts us most is
that one day we will cease to exist even in memory.
I doubt whether erasure from history was a primary concern
of the elderly woman whose passing, at her palace in
Scotland, recently filled the airwaves. To a lesser extent
the name of Andrew Thompson is also assured longevity.
Many offshore residents, including myself, live on
Scotland Island’s Thompson Street, named, of course, for
the island’s first non-Indigenous owner.

Hill, as seen from Yetholm. Some suggest that
Scotland Island's topographical similarity
might have prompted Thompson to give the
island its name.
Last year Annegret Hall published her thoughtful and
highly engaging biography Andrew Thompson: From Boy
Convict to Wealthiest Settler in Colonial Australia.
The title says it all. In 1791 Thompson, aged 19, was
transported to New South Wales, but rapidly rose to become
one of the fledgling colony’s richest landowners: Scotland
Island represented only a tiny fraction of his estates.
Andrew had a remarkable life, cut short when, at 37, he
died from illness apparently contracted from rescuing
flood survivors on the Hawkesbury.
Hall’s book depicts Thompson as a thoroughly decent man:
brave, personable and surprisingly erudite, given his
humble origins. Hall even suggests that Thompson may have
been innocent of the burglaries that led to his
transportation. Thompson pleaded guilty, but the only
evidence against him was the discovery of stolen items
among his possessions. Hall surmises that the guilty plea
may have purely been to avoid death by hanging.
While Thompson’s role in Sydney’s evolution is noteworthy,
what interested me during my recent trip to the Scottish
borders was what Andrew left behind. He grew up in the
small village of Yetholm, nestled among the Cheviot Hills.
It’s a beautiful place, but I was there to look for the
Thompson legacy.

Yetholm. The Thompson children's grave
is in the immediate foreground.
‘John Thompson? We buried him last week’, said the elderly
woman I met in the village church. This I found somewhat
alarming, given that John Thompson, Andrew’s father, was
born in the 1720s. It transpires that the surname Thompson
is particularly common in that part of Scotland, to the
extent that apparently half of the people in a
neighbouring hamlet are called Thompson.
Soon I was finding Thomsons and Thompsons everywhere. (The
difference in spelling is, I am told, insignificant.) One
local Thomson is celebrated for composing the lyrics to
‘Rule Britannia’. More impressive, I think, is that a
Thompson has won, on no fewer than three occasions, the
prize for growing Yetholm’s best leek.
But where was our Thompson? Surely there must be some
trace of his existence. And then, in Yetholm’s churchyard,
I came across what Hall confirms is the grave of two of
Andrew’s siblings.
Thompson’s brothers play a significant part in his story.
It was the house of his eldest brother, William, that
Andrew allegedly burgled. Shortly after Andrew’s trial,
William received violent threats from others in Yetholm.
What motivated these threats? Hall speculates that a small
Scottish community would have seen theft by a teenager
from his brother as a strictly family matter, resolvable
without recourse to the law. Might William have planted
evidence against his brother, spurred by sibling rivalry?
We can only wonder.
Andrew was driven by a need for respectability. He loved
his mother, but we don’t know how his Scottish family
regarded the son who had brought them so much disgrace.
Years later, after Andrew had died a rich man, another
brother, Walter, refused the legacy Thompson bequeath him.
Was this out of shame, guilt, or some other motive?
In Yetholm’s tranquil churchyard I contemplated the
heartbreak and squabbles, doubt and betrayals that
governed the lives of the multitudes now laid to rest.
Andrew was one of six children, and it’s obvious from the
Thompson gravestone that it was intended as a memorial to
them all. ‘Here lyeth the children of John Thompson’, the
inscription begins. It names the two who died prior to
Andrew’s transportation. And then silence. The rest of the
stone remains bare, as though the calamity of Andrew’s
conviction required the family’s erasure from Yetholm.
Indeed, a number of family members departed the village
soon afterwards.

grave of Andrew's sister Margaret and brother
Robert, both of whom died in childhood.
As we recite all our dead monarchs, we might recall a
familiar aphorism: we only truly die when our names are
spoken for the last time. Thanks to his riches, Andrew’s
name will live on a while longer, William’s and Walter’s
less so. But read the Yetholm gravestone and you will find
reference to a fourth brother. Robert Thompson died in
1773, aged three.
Little Robert is gone, and the stone is crumbling. His
name and memory will soon face the obliteration that
awaits us all. But let us not despair. As Yalom says, to
face our doom and still say yes to the life we have is
what takes real courage.
Information on Annegret Hall’s biography of Andrew
Thompson, as well as her other works, is available here.
A super weed
CB Floyd, with Ben Dray

vine is an invasive climbing vine with
fleshy heart-shaped leaves and aerial
Some of you may have
noticed islander Ben Dray, out and about on road verges
around Scotland Island, carefully pulling out weeds, and
wondered what he’s up to. The answers is that Ben is a
member of the SIRA Roads, Drainage & Environment
Subcommittee (RD&E), and over recent months he has
focussed on controlling and eradicating the South
American invasive Madeira Vine ( Anredera cordifolia)
from the island’s parks and road verges.
Why Madeira Vine?
There are many weeds on the island: lantana,
tradescantia, morning glory, asparagus fern and more.
Bush regeneration groups, as well as garden owners,
tackle these weeds regularly – and so they should. But
Madeira has been singled out for this special campaign
for a few good reasons.

Dray tackling Madeira Vine on Scotland
Firstly, it is incredibly fast spreading. It’s
potato-like tubers can lie dormant underground for
years, ready to grow at any time. It produces hundreds
of clusters of aerial tubers that can snap off from the
lacework of vines that it wraps around fences, bushes
and trees. Once these aerial tubers fall, they
disintegrate and spread. It takes just one small piece,
no bigger than a small button, to rest on the ground and
sprout a new vine that can choke trees and bring down
Secondly, Madeira is considered a weed of National
Significance and is one of the top weeds on the
Australian government’s priority invasive plants list.
It’s banned from sale in Australian nurseries.
Finally, with all the rain, the South American invasive
Madeira Vine infestation is on the rise. Offshore
residents who have dealt with it know that it's a very
efficient invasive weed and hard to eradicate. In short,
it’s a super weed. If you do nothing about it, it takes
over your garden – and then will infest your neighbours’
garden and, even worse, adjacent bushland.
What is the SIRA RD&E Subcommittee doing to
combat this infestation?
Ben is methodically surveying and mapping island roads
as well as the reserves and private property infested
with this vine. Also, as an information gathering
experiment, a section of road verge on Richards Road,
starting from Carols Wharf, has been cleared
successfully and is being monitored. The aim is to weed
out Madeira Vine all the way to Bells Wharf.
The primary method he has used is to collect all of the
plant, (and that means all of it!!!) - tubers, roots and
all, and bag it for landfill. It is NOT suitable for
council vegetation clean up. No herbicide is being used
since the vine is being cleared from road verges where
poisons could leach into catchments that drain into
How is the vine
Tips on how to identify the
weed, as well as photos, are available on the NSW Dept
of Primary Industries web site: click here.
What can you do?
1. Check your property for the vine.
If you are aware of the weeds on your neighbours’
property, talk to them. A collaborative effort with your
neighbours is definitely the most effective way to
attack Madeira Vine.
Remove the Madeira Vine. These resources may help:
• For a video from Pittwater
Ecowarriors showing step-by-step how to tackle large
plants using herbicide, and how to dig out and bag
smaller plants, click here.
• For a factsheet from the Dept of
Primary Industries containing instructions on dealing
with the weed, as well as lots more photos to help
identify it, click here.
3. Dispose
of the weed cuttings. Ben says they can be mulched
in a fully sealed container but a normal compost heap
will just not work. Almost any part of this plant will
regrow and start a new vine. Collection bags must be
sealed by tying them firmly, then put them in garbage
4. Follow up
2-3 months later. Ben stresses that this is
vital, as it is almost impossible to completely rid your
property of the weed in one session. You may need to
repeat this, in collaboration with your neighbours, for
several years.
Obviously we share a responsibility to keep invasive
plants out of our reserves and parks. That starts with
making sure the weeds we have around our homes don't
spread into neighbouring bushland. If we work together,
we can address this invasive weed problem, and build on
the work that Ben and SIRA’s RD&E Subcommittee has
If you have any questions or need advice, please call
Ben Dray on 0411 403477.
A SIRA initiative

residents' artworks on display at the 2021
Festival of Making
Are you an artist or maker
of craft ware? Would you like to be included on a
special page on the Scotland Island community website?
The offshore communities
are home to many talented artists and those who enjoy
other types of creative endeavours. We are putting
together an Artists and Makers page on the website; a
directory where artists, potters, sewers, photographers,
knitters, graphic designers etc can promote their
business or hobby by providing links and/or contact
details to sell or display their wares. It’s also the
perfect place for community members to find one-off
hand-made gifts while supporting local talent.
To get yourself listed,
fill out the Directory Request Form, available here. If you list yourself in the
directory, please select ALL applicable categories. For
example, select ‘Artists and Makers Page’ and then hold
down the 'Control' key and also select ‘Art and Craft’.
Feel free to include a link to your
website/Instagram/Facebook page, as well as an image.
A survey
It’s that time of year
again! Our Carols Afloat choir is now coming into its
fourteenth year. For those who are not aware, the choir
meets during November and December for a few rehearsals,
culminating in one offshore performance before we all
float over to Church Point for a second performance at
the wharf. Contrary to popular belief, you don’t need to
be able to sing to join this choir!
Your trusty Carols
Committee are busy making plans and we have earmarked 15
December as the date for our performances.
But first, we would like to
canvas opinions on involvement levels and repertoire.
Please take a moment to answer our survey. Tell us
whether you’d like to be involved (in any capacity) and
what you would like to see in the choir performances.
Please click here to answer the survey.
The Carols Committee
Extended call for actors,
production crew and more

Benns (1838 - 1920):
an Indigenous midwife and 'Queen of Scotland
Bouffier (1857 - 1940),
whom Scotland Island's Catherine Park is
The SIRA Recreation Committee is extending its call for
anyone interested in auditioning or participating in the
production of our Island play: The Two Catherines: A
Twisted Scotland Island Tale. The play will be
staged in early 2023.
To find out more please contact the director at
This call for expressions of interest closes 7 October
A request for information
grandfather, Harold Lilja, had a cottage on Scotland
Island from sometime around World War II until the 1950s
or 1960s. He lived there from time to time.
This painting is by friend
and renowned Australian artist Roland Wakelin. It
depicts my grandfather in 1939.
I would love to know where
on the island my grandfather's cottage was. When did he
purchase it and how long did he keep it? I'd especially
like to know if there are any neighbours still living on
Scotland Island who may have memories of my grandfather,
or may remember his family.
Beryl Mitchell
Scotland Island Recreation
Most Saturdays throughout
the year
2 - 3 pm: Introduction to
Table Tennis
3 - 5 pm: Table Tennis
Groups meet most Saturdays
and anyone over 12 is welcome. Sessions are supported by
the Scotland Island Recreation Club.
Play from 2 - 3 pm is
intended primarily for those new to table tennis. The
session from 3 - 5 pm is open to everyone, regardless of
your standard of play.
Sessions do not run every Saturday. If you are interested
in taking part then it's best to join the table tennis
WhatsApp group to receive up-to-date information on who is
playing. If you would like to join the group, please email
Alternatively, you can just turn up and take your chances.
Adult players are asked to contribute $5 per player per
attendance to defray expenses.
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 4 October, 6:00 -
9:00 pm
Scotland Island Recreation
Wednesday 5 October, 10:00
am - 12:00 noon
Scotland Island Recreation
Friday 7 October, 10:00 am
- 12:00 noon
Scotland Island Fire
Saturday 15 October, 7:00
pm onwards
Look out for the link
for advanced booking on Facebook, posters around the
island and the SIRFB

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 16 October, 10 am -
2 pm
Catherine Park &
Community Hall, Scotland Island
Sunday 16 October, 10 am -
5 pm
Scotland Island Recreation
Tuesday 18 October, 11 am
- 12.30 pm
The Recreation Club runs a discussion group, meeting on
the third Tuesday of each month, from 11 am to 12.30 pm
in the Recreation Centre. Everyone is welcome.
Members take it in turn to design a session. In
September Robyn Armsworth-Brack led a discussion on
philanthropy, asking who really benefits: the donor or
the recipient?
For the
October meeting, Sarah Polomka will lead a discussion
based around cartoons. Political cartoonist Glen
Le Lievre said of the relationship between Australia and
its satirists that 'the deeper the country digs itself
into a hole, the more material we get'. With that quote
in mind, bring to the discussion a cartoon to discuss.
The group is administered via a WhatsApp group, which
will be used to distribute further information about
this and future discussions.If you would like to be
added to the group, send your mobile phone number to
Alternatively, contact Jane Rich ( for more
information or to express your interest in

Scotland Island Community
Saturday 29 October, 7 - 9
The Recreation Club
asks for $5 per person per attendance to defray
Scotland Island
5 & 6 November
Are you available
November 5th and 6th? Mandy Nolan and George Catsi are
coming to the island for a weekend workshop: The
Authentic You.
This workshop is about your story. It’s about how your
narrative intersects with everything you do. It’s the
‘why’ of you. It’s about your purpose, about what
drives you and it’s about the courage to stand in your
Performance coach, presenter, comedian, writer and
former Greens candidate Mandy Nolan, teams up with
creative producer, social entrepreneur and doctor in
persuasive performance, Dr George Catsi to present a
this unique and empowering masterclass ’The Authentic
You’. It's dynamic. It's deep. It's fun. It's a game
This could be the workshop that changes the way you
tell the story of what you do and who you are!
It has been for the hundreds of people from all over
the country who have participated in the two-day
transformative workshop.
Running over two days, 5 & 6 November, Mandy and
George will share performance techniques they utilise
to create quick rapport and real connection with their
Drawing from more than
three decades of live performance experience, Mandy
Nolan brings a wealth of practical knowledge of
working with audiences of all shapes and sizes, while
national award-winning writer and academic Catsi
brings the profound insights that will transform your
idea of standing in front of an audience!
Mandy and George will be there to guide you to the
triumph of stepping into your most authentic you!
Regards, George and Mandy

For further
information, and to book, click here.
Scotland Island Recreation
12 & 13 November,
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Art Space is very excited to be hosting a Creative
Drawing Weekend Immersion on beautiful Scotland
Island. This workshop will be tutored by Sydney Art
Space Director, artist Christine Simpson and will
focus on the figure on day 1 with the life model, and
abstraction of the figure on day 2.
Only a limited number of places remain available.
6B, 2B and HB lead pencils
Graphite stick
Willow charcoal
Putty erasure
A3 drawing pad
Drawing paper, sizes Drawing pad A3, 2 sheets A2 &
1 sheet A1
PVA Glue
Black Indian ink
Various brushes for ink and wash
2 Small plastic containers
For enrolment and accommodation options please
click here.
Scotland Island
Community Hall
Saturday 19 November,
7:30 pm

Join the Jeremy Denison trio for a night of
inspiring jazz.
Islander Jeremy Denison
is offshore Pittwater's rising star on the jazz scene.
He and his band perform regularly at Northern Beaches
venues and elsewhere.
Further details will be
included in the 1 November PON.
Scotland Island Community
Sunday 20 November, 10:00
am - 12:00 noon
The annual general
meeting of Scotland Island's residents’ association is
coming up in November. All residents are invited to
attend. At the meeting, brief reports about SIRA
activities over the last year will be provided, and
members will elect a new committee.
The Committee needs new
people to join! If you feel you can contribute to the
volunteer work that the Committee undertakes each
year, we strongly encourage you to seek nomination.
Meetings are held about once every six weeks.
Nominations are invited
for officers (president, vice-presidents (2),
secretary, treasurer) and for ordinary committee
members (5-10 people). Nominations must be sent to the
secretary at
at least 7 days before the AGM (ie by 13 November for
the AGM on 20 November).
Nominations must be in
writing, signed by two members of the association and
accompanied by the written consent of the candidate
(which can be on the nomination form or provided
To download the
nomination form, click here.

Catherine Park, Scotland
Sunday 27 November, 10 - 1
storeholders, click here.
Missed out on a previous
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would like to contribute to this newsletter, please send
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expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the
views of the Scotland Island Residents Association
or the Western Pittwater Community Association