Thursday, April 14, 2005

John 21:3a "I'm going out to fish," Simon Peter told them, and they said, "We'll go with you."


It wouldn't necessarily be odd to find Simon Peter out in a fishing boat. Simon and his brother Andrew had often cast their nets into the lake. What makes this statement of Peter's so striking is the timing of it. Consider the amazing events that had happened not long before: Jesus had risen from the dead. He had appeared to His disciples in the upper room (twice). He had sent them out to proclaim the forgiveness of sins and the resurrection from the dead -- and this is when Peter decides, "I'm going out to fish."

They didn't catch anything all night, and it was just as well, for Jesus was about to remind them that they weren't really commercial fishermen anymore.

When Christ appeared by the seashore He quickly put an end to their expedition by filling their nets full. Then He called them in for breakfast and said to Peter, "Feed my lambs . . . Feed my sheep." With tenderness and peace the Lord Jesus turned Simon's gaze away from the fishing hole and back to the mission at hand. These men would not fish in the Sea of Galilee anymore, they would fish in the world -- for souls to bring into Jesus' kingdom. This was their new calling; their joyous, fulfilling calling. And by the grace of God Peter would see far more than 153 brought to the shores of heaven.

With the same gentleness, Christ our Lord reminds us that we too are not only occupied with the work that brings food to our earthly tables, but we are given an even greater mission -- to share the precious news of His resurrection from the dead and the assurance of everlasting life with all the "fish" on land and sea. The risen Jesus will help you know where to cast your nets. And if you should see the fruits of your labors, rejoice that His Holy Spirit has so worked in the hearts of men. The Lord's word will not return to Him empty, but will accomplish what He desires.