Friday, March 24, 2006

Psalm 1:1 Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly.


Jesus could hoof it. Always on the move, He was no coach potato. Most of us would have had a hard time keeping up with Him. Walking by the Sea of Galilee, calling fisherman to follow Him. Marching through Samaria, pausing to give a poor sinner the refreshing drink of forgiveness and life eternal. Trudging down that dreadful Road of Sorrows to Skull Hill, paying the price for all sin.

If we had the money we could take a Holy Land tour and walk in virtually the same places Jesus walked. Yet we don't need to fly across the ocean to follow in His footsteps, do we? The Psalm writer says, "Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly." Walking in our Lord's footsteps means walking close by His Word and away from the wicked ways of this corrupt world. What blessings come our way as we follow where He leads us!

But how can we keep up with Him? Day after day we stumble, fall, lose our way. Time after time He must come looking for us. He must pick us up, dust us off, and give us that same drink of forgiveness and life He gave to the woman by the well.

In Him we find strength to follow. We find it in His gift of Baptism. Through that heavenly washing we have been empowered to walk in newness of life. We find it in His mighty Word. Through the life giving Scriptures our feeble knees are made strong to walk in His counsel. We find it in His Holy Supper. Through the gift of His true body blood in the Sacrament we are refreshed to walk the way He would have us go.

Let us ever walk with Jesus . . .
Flee the world, which would deceive us . . .
Faithful Lord, abide with me;
Savior, lead, I follow Thee.