The Pittwater Sustainability Principles & Checklist draft
document was adopted by council this last month as a measure to assist
with greater sustainable development in Pittwater.
The Pittwater Sustainability Principles and Checklist is the work of
the Built Environment work group (one of the work groups set up
following the development of the Pittwater 2020 Strategic Plan, over
some 5+ years, by the Community working closely with Council).
The Built Environment work group comprises some 20 community members
(including representatives from the Offshore Community) and several key
Council people.
The Pittwater Sustainability Principles and Checklist was initiated by
the Community members and work shopped through to its now draft form by
a sub group of the BE work group, including several key Council
In reading the Publicity Release (see below under Local Council
Notices), you would not be aware of all of this. It would
appear as though Council was the initiator and developer of this
important document. This is a shame because the wider Pittwater
community simply will not
realise the extent to which the Pittwater Community and the Council are
working together to produce some excellent contributions to the
improvement of Pittwater, both short and long term.
The article in last weeks Manly Daily regarding the
helipad has caused a great deal of concern to a number
of people in the community, and in particular to Karin, who
was "quoted " in the article.
In response to the article Karin makes the following comment.
"I was simply stunned when reading the article in the Manly
by Danielle Nicastri re helipads on Scotland Island (26
March). I was not interviewed for this story. The
article has caused me embarrassment and distress within our
community. I have written a letter of complaint to both the
journalist and the editor of the Manly Daily in response.
And lastly, Joy Purvis rightly notes that in the report last
month for the Clean Up Australia activity that the author has omitted
to thank herself for all her work in coordinating the important event.
So a very big thanks also to Cass Gye who does so much work for the
community much of which is not recognised.
Gwyn's Calendar
SI Kindy Report
Waterways Patrols
Koala Spotted
Grameen Bank Islander Group
Not Call Register
Ferryman's Planet Ark
Worlds Greatest Shave Update
Local Council
Island Thinking
Living Offshore
Your Right Foot
Island Maths ??
and Fitness
You Asked
For Sale
Local Guide
subscription Information
April 2010 Calendar
To download
a full version (A4 size) of this months calendar, ready for
printing, just click on the
calendar image.
You can contact
Gwyn Perkins by email at g.perkins@gwyn.com.au
file is quite large and in PDF format. To view PDF
documents you
will need the Adobe Acrobat Reader installed on your computer.
download Acrobat Reader please click here |
Scotland Island Island Kindy Report
At Scotland Island Kindy we have been very busy keeping ourselves
entertained with lots of different activities. At the moment we have
the best playdough available, thanks to Barbara. It keeps the children
entertained for hours. We have been pulling out the large mats for
gross motor skills and the parachute is constantly been asked for.
We had a wonderful visit from CSIRO. All the children were able to be
little “scientists”. We learnt scientists have to use their eyes, ears
and fingers to touch to learn about our world.
Below is a photo of Eddie and Imogen having a wonderful time with some
of the activities that were available. These included making rockets,
pretend jellyfish moving inside bottles, vortexes plus many many

I open up an invitation to our neighbours that we would enjoy others
from our community to be part of our daily rhythm. Please contact us if
there is anything you wish to contribute to our centre.
Volunteer Week: 11th to 17th May is
coming up and to celebrate we will have different volunteer groups
coming to talk to us. If you’re involved in a volunteer group and have
time to speak to the kids briefly please contact us.
They would love to hear from you.
Over the next two weeks we will be doing some Easter Activities.
staff and children of Scotland Island Kindy would like to invite
families to an Easter Hat Parade at 4:30pm on Thursday 1st April
2010. Come and look at what we have created.
Friends Week
April 2010
We will be celebrating all our special friends that touch our life
during this week and we invite you to come down and spend time with us
for an hour or two. Recommended time is between 9am and 11am. If this
doesn’t suit please phone and we can talk to you about other times that
Come along and just have a look at our notice board we get lots of
information sent to us in regards to children activities and also
parenting courses.
At the moment there is a Robin Grille “Heart to Heart Parenting
Seminar” happening 15 and 16th April at Pittwater RSL. Marian Street
Theatre is putting on a performance of “The Magic Pudding” during May
and July.
The Kindy has a new “creative corner” to enhance Literacy Skills
through day to day activities. We would love some items to add to their
learning experience eg. Old calculators that work, keyboards with power
cords cut off, postcards, magazines, old phones, teledexes and whatever
else you might have lying around that is appropriate.
Take Care and remember, Our Children will Rule the World One Day!!
Michelle Wickens

on the Waterways
Waterways and/or Broken Bay Water Police have been recently seen
conducting RBT’s on commuters on their way home. The
regulation for “drinking and driving” is the same for boats as it is
for vehicles, so be aware of your consumption of alcohol!
In addition, many of you may not be aware that the rules regarding
required safety equipment have changed in recent years (e.g. requiring
a waterproof torch and noise making device etc). Safety equipment
inspections using these new rules are being carried out. Here
is a link to Safety Equipment from the Boating Handbook and the Safety
Equipment Table.
Please take a moment to review your boating equipment and avoid a fine
or caution.

Spotted in Wirrungulla Ave.
A few weeks back I was walking with my son along Wirringulla track
towards McCarrs Creek. As we were nearing the end of the track, where
it comes to an impasse, we heard the unmistakable sound of a Koala.
Sure enough, right above us there it was. Hugging a branch of a very
tall spotted gum without a care in the world.
We observed it for some time and returned a few hours later and it was
still there, in fact it hadn’t moved an inch. We were quite surprised
as we’ve never heard anyone mention Koalas in the area when chatting
about the local wildlife. I have relayed the sighting to a few of the
residents in the bay, the news of the sighting was met with surprise
and touch of scepticism.
We have since heard Koalas several times whilst walking the track, but
no further sightings due to the density of the national park.
Does anyone have knowledge of a Koala colony in and around Elvina Bay?
Has anyone else seen or heard anything? The noise is unmistakable and
is like nothing else you’ll hear. Sighting a Koala in the wild is
something my son and I have never experienced, so each time we walk the
track we make sure we bring our binoculars with us as well as the
digital camera – but leave our imaginations back at our house!
Nick and Harrison Goss, Elvina Bay.

Bank Microfinance Islander
22 YEAR OLD Sophia Khatoon, in the tiny village of Jobra in Bangladesh
worked seven days a week making finely woven bamboo furniture, looked
twice her age, and lived in abject poverty. She had no money of her own
so a trader sold her the bamboo on condition that she sell him the
furniture at a price he would determine. His price ensured that she
could have one meal a day, one set of clothes and nothing more. Nobel
prize winner Muhammed Yunus calculated that Sophia was paying 10%
interest per day or 3000% interest per annum.
The vast majority of the world’s poor are caught in this trap. They are
thoroughly exploited by employers or the money-lending elite. The poor
cannot borrow from banks because they cannot provide “collateral”.
Yunus founder of the Grameen bank asked Sophia how much she needed to
buy her own load of bamboo and profit from her own labour. She needed
A$0.60. He gave her a few dollars and it took Sophia only a few months
to establish her own little business and increase her income seven fold
and repay her loan. Soon she had three meals a day and a second set of
Grameen Foundation Australia is expanding its activities into a range
of Asian and African countries and needs our help.
If you are interested please come to Nila’s house for a talk and to
form a Grameen Microfinance Island Group. I envisage a group that will
meet once a month and in time doners will have their own Grameen bank
account and they can track where their donations are going and how the
repayments are progressing. A few dollars can make a big difference.
WHERE? Nila and Geoff’s house 30 Robertson Rd, the log cabin on the
bend between Cargo and Tennis next to Sandy’s A frame and opposite
WHEN? Sunday April 11th 3.30pm Bring a plate for afternoon
Hope to see you there, Nila
9999 2445

ACMA Media Release 30/2010
Re-register now
to avoid telemarketing calls
It’s time to re-register for the Do
Not Call Register for people who signed up in 2007. This
will ensure you do not get any unwanted telemarketing calls.
Registrations for the Do Not Call Register are valid for three years.
Anyone who signed up when the service was launched in May 2007 should
re-register now to maintain protection from unwanted marketing calls.
The Chairman of the Australian
Communications and Media Authority, Chris Chapman, said
more than one million numbers were listed when the register was first
launched in May 2007.
‘It’s now time to re-register your numbers if you want to make sure you
don’t receive telemarketing calls,’ Mr Chapman said.
‘Any numbers not re-registered by their three-year expiry deadline will
be automatically removed from the register
‘So the best way to protect yourself from the days when you’d sit down
to dinner and the telemarketing calls would start is to re-register
your numbers now.’
More than 4.3 million home, mobile and VoIP numbers are now listed on
the Do Not Call Register.
According to a recent ACMA survey, 93 per cent of people who registered
their landlines noticed a marked reduction of telemarketing calls.
Mr Chapman said anyone in any doubt about when they listed their
numbers should re-register them anyway.
‘It’s fast, free and easy – simply call 1300 792 958 or go to
www.donotcall.gov.au, where you can learn more and re-register.’

Ferryman’s planet ark - the yacht
that’s kind to the planet
Courtesy MANLY DAILY 6 MAR 10
His day job is skippering the Scotland Island ferry but by night and in
his downtime, Inigo Wijnen is hard at it, working away on his enormous,
environmentally friendly, multi-hulled yacht known as Gaia’s Dream, a
71-foot proa design, built in Urunga in northern NSW.
All 71 feet are made with sustainable materials, while much of its
power source is derived from solar panels positioned on the deck.
With the intention of running a fossil fuel-free boat, Mr Wijnen has
installed a stove fuelled with alcohol, while the engine runs entirely
on vegetable oil.
Under motor, she can get up to nine knots in the right conditions and
17 knots while under sail.
Gaia’s Dream is the fourth yacht built by Mr Wijnen, who sailed to
Australia from Holland 15 years ago on the Gaia 2, a much smaller
version of the incumbent.
The giant yacht may be difficult to manoeuvre in Pittwater but already
Mr Wijnen says she has proved herself as a competent ocean yacht.
“This is a very fast boat that can sleep 12 people, or eight people and
carry seven tonnes of cargo,” he said. “It’s been the talk of the town
since it arrived here just before Christmas.
“I’m a boat builder and wanted to prove it’s possible to build a really
good boat that is as environmentally friendly and sustainable as
Inigo Wijnen aboard his
green-power yacht. Picture: MARTIN LANGE

Worlds Greatest Shave Update
Just a quick
shave update.
Carla, Josh and I had our hair shaved at the Pittwater RSL Club on
Friday, 12 March, and a really big thanks to Julie Rogers for her great
work and support, shaving not just us three but a host of other people
who came to the club for a shave or colour.
Also a really BIG THANKS to all those who have donated to the cause so
far. We are almost at $5500. Thanks so much.
For those who were not at the shave on the night, or not been on
Facebook to see the results, I've attached a photo of the three of us.
Cheers Tim Byrne

The Council has adopted a draft document known as the Pittwater
Sustainability Principles & Checklist to help achieve higher
levels of sustainable development in Pittwater in the future.
The draft checklist was adopted by the Council for public exhibition at
its meeting this week.
The code of practice will now go on exhibition between 27 March and 26
April for the public to have their say.
General Manager Mark Ferguson said the guidelines set down the
principles of sustainable building and their practical application.
“Using the checklist approach architects and builders can assess
relatively quickly whether their building meets sustainability
principles,” he said.
“The checklist rates a building on its design, energy and water use and
then gives a scorecard rating on how sustainable it is.”
Mr Ferguson said that sustainability principles could be easily
incorporated into most buildings, whether built or in the design phase.
“Concepts such as orienting buildings take advantage of winter sun and
cooling summer breezes are fundamentals that architects and developers
need to address,” he said.
“For existing buildings being renovated, there is a range of energy and
water saving devices and building techniques that can be utilized.”
“The checklist is a resource that can guide homeowners, architects and
all those involved in building and renovation on how to undertake a
project in the most sustainable way possible.”
To view the Pittwater Sustainability Principles & Checklist
visit documents on exhibition
Copies are also available at the Council’s
customer service centres and libraries at 1 Park Street Mona Vale and
59A Old Barrenjoey Road Avalon.
Comments must be in writing and can be mailed to PO Box 882 Mona Vale
1660 or emailed to Pittwater_Council@pittwater.nsw.gov.au by the
closing date.
Media contact: Andrew Piggott, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1163

Pittwater Council is expanding its social networking reach with a
weekly blog hosted by General Manager Mark Ferguson.
Mr Ferguson said the blog would focus on topics and issues important to
local residents and give them the opportunity to comment freely.
“We have some guidelines in place so discriminatory, defamatory or
off-topic comments won’t be posted, but otherwise the blog is open to
all,” he said.
The Council’s first blog opened this week on the topic of Pittwater’s
public wharves and how they should be maintained.
Mr Ferguson said that Pittwater’s 27 public wharves were in need of
major upgrades to take account of new legislation requiring all public
wharves to have disabled access by the year 2020.
“There are several dilemmas for the Council regarding this, not the
least is the cost. We estimate it will cost around $4 million for us to
comply with the legislation,” he said.
Mr Ferguson added that residents had raised the issue of the heritage
value of Pittwater’s current timber wharves.
“The wharves appearance will change as a result of the legislation, as
we’ll need to build pontoons and ramps to make them accessible.”
Mr Ferguson said the Council was trying to prioritise work on upgrading
the wharves and feedback from the blog would be useful.
The blog can be found on the home page at
Media contact: Mark Ferguson, Pittwater Council Ph: 9970 1105

Pittwater Council’s Coastal Environment Centre (CEC) has turned up the
fun-factor! There are now 14 interactive and field-based
activities, with eight brand new programs available during the Easter
school holidays from Tuesday 6 April to Friday16 April.
CEC Manager Gary Jackson said the program offered a diverse range of
activities across Pittwater’s amazing coastal, wetland and rain forest
‘If your children are inquisitive or you want to motivate them with
healthy, engaging, interactive activities, ‘Kids on the Coast’ is
ideal. All programs are inspiring, safe, educational and so
much fun,” said Mr Jackson.
This Easter program takes kids on eco-adventures of discovery to a
multitude of outdoor environments. These include beaches,
rock platforms, the lagoon, bushland, eco gardens, wetlands and
rain forests in the Narrabeen Lagoon catchment.
Children will also have a chance to come face-to-face with our wildlife
at the ‘Reptile Romp’, with animals proudly demonstrated by Sydney
A Fishing Clinic with the NSW Department of Industry &
Investment will teach preservation and conservation while having fun
with rules, regulations, casting & fishing. Each
child is sure to go home excited with lots of Easter surprises – a new
Shimano rod, reel, fishing line, tackle, tackle box, cap, t-shirt,
fresh & saltwater bag-limit stickers plus an eco-bag included
in the price!
Sea Educate Australia are running ‘Save a Life’ Surf Safety sessions
both in the classroom and in controlled surf environments - a must for
all Australian kids. Operated by former Australian surf
ironman Craig Riddington and his teams of surf experts, this session is
a life lesson designed to save lives now and in the future!
Other activities will excite and engage kids in outdoor-based
experiential learning. The Fun Activity Menu includes ‘Rumble
in the Jungle’, ‘Garden Grooves’, ‘Underwater Lagoon Mysteries’, ‘Rock
Platform Investigators’, ‘Octopuses Garden by the Sea’, ‘Water Rockets’
and more!
“Kids have so much fun they don’t realise just how much they’re
learning until they start showing and telling others around them.
Parents and carers also tend to feel inspired as a result,” said CEC
community educator Bianca Smith.
Two hour sessions are from 10am to 12pm or 1pm to 3pm. The cost is $20
per child per session, with all-day sessions from 10am to 3pm at a cost
of $55, including supervision between sessions. The Fishing Clinic is
$40 and ‘Save a Life, Surf Safety’ is $49.50 for a half day or $65 for
all day.
The Coastal Environment Centre is located on the Narrabeen Lagoon
foreshore at Pelican Path, Lake Park Road, North Narrabeen. Limited
online bookings are now open: www.pittwater.nsw.gov.au/cec/kidsoncoast
or call 1300 000 CEC (232).
Media contact: Tina Demetriou Ph: 9970
1676 or 0428 102 040

The next IslandThinking event
Chambers - Saturday April 17th 3.30-5ish
“Both Eastern and Western religions find their aesthetic expression in
music and mystical poetry (among other things). In this talk we will
consider one religious tradition and its underlying philosophy and then
we will see how this translates into musical and poetic forms.”
Nila’s background: Nila has been an educator all her working life. For
many years she taught migrants, refugee and indigenous students at
James Cook University and Tropical North Queensland Institute of TAFE.
She also taught in the prison system. A lifelong interest in Steiner
education led her to teach at Ghilgai Steiner School, Melbourne during
its founding years. She then went on to found the Cairns Steiner School
which she led for seven years. She has recently completed celebrancy
training to support her fellow islanders during their important
ceremonies and is currently teaching for the University of the 3rd Age
while studying for a Master’s degree in philosophy and comparative
religions. In between times she thoroughly enjoys being the mother of a
13 year old son, doing environmental conservation work and volunteering
at Greenwich palliative care hospital.
Venue: Nila’s
house - 30 Robertson Rd Scotland Island
Walking from Cargo to Tennis you will come to a sharp bend in the road
near Yambah. Our house is the log cabin on the corner, on the right
hand side. It is next to Sandy’s A frame and two doors from Dulcie’s
Please RSVP by replying to this mail to let the group know,
or to jennifer.cover@ursys.com.au or nilachambers@bigpond.com Ph: 9999

McLeay MP
Minister for Ports
and Waterways
Minister for the
Thursday, March
25 2010
Distress signalling flares can help save lives in an emergency but are
only as good as their use-by date.
Minister for Ports and Waterways, Paul McLeay and Member for Wyong,
David Harris, today visited Norah Head’s popular coastal boat ramp to
raise awareness to the issue of out-of-date flares.
“Flares are essential and compulsory emergency signalling equipment for
boats in open waters,” Mr McLeay said.
Mr Harris said the problem is they have a use-by date.
“Flares expire after three years. After this time, there is no
guarantee they will fire when needed,” Mr Harris said.
“This is why flares must be replaced before they expire and old flares,
which are classed as explosives, must be disposed of properly.”
“If trouble strikes off the coast, it can be difficult to attract help
and that is why flares are essential safety equipment for skippers
boating on open seas,” Mr Harris said.
“Every boat going on open seas should carry a minimum of two red hand
flares (for night or day use) and two orange smoke flares (for day
use), although some exemptions may apply.”
Flares can now be placed into special containers at NSW Maritime
From they are stored for collection and transported to the Sterihealth
facility at Silverwater, Sydney.
The expired flares will then be destroyed at ultra-high temperature
under strict environmental conditions.
“Some flares, it appears, may have been ending up in landfill. We now
have a disposal option that is safer and better for the environment,”
Mr McLeay said.
- The new flare disposal system was the result of
close partnership between NSW Maritime, WorkCover NSW and the
Department of Environment, Climate Change and Water.
- There are some 230,000 vessels registered in
NSW with around 10 per cent being used for offshore boating.
- The trial will run until July 2011.
For more information or to locate your nearest NSW Maritime centre

Living Offshore
Island Life
I really enjoy all the wonderful events and success of our island
community. I thought I would
add an experience which happened this morning which made me wonder at
the uniqueness
of our community.
This morning I went out to take
my son across to catch the school bus and found our boat filled with
water and in danger of losing the motor. This is the second time this
has happened in the last three months despite my boat having recently
had costly repairs.
My neighbour seeing that we were in trouble rushed out and assisted me
to pull the boat up onto the beach and secure it even though his own
children had to be at school early this morning. This is the second
time that my neighbour has helped me in this way and both times it has
been in a downpour.
I think its time to look for a new boat, but definitely don’t want a
new neighbour, I am not sure if he and his family would say the same!
I was walking off the ferry with my son
Harrison at Church Point and had my 13 pass ticket in my hand, a gust
of wind blew it into the water about 10 feet away. I watched it for
several minutes hoping it would drift back towards the exit ramp we
were standing on, but it just went further away. All of a sudden a
seagull swooped down thinking it was a bit of tucker and grabbed the
ticket in its beak. It then flew into the air and towards me about 20
feet in the air. It then realised it wasn’t edible and let the ticket
drop which came slowly fluttering down about 2 feet right in front of
me on the exit ramp!
Nothing short of divine intervention. Luckily my son and a few others
saw the whole thing...
Nick Goss

How Smart is you Right Foot?
have to try this. It is absolutely true. I guess there are some things
that the brain cannot handle.
1.While sitting at your desk in front of your computer, lift your right
foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
2. Now, while doing this, draw the number '6' in the air with your
right hand. Your foot will change direction..
You have to try this, it takes 2 seconds. This will confuse
your mind and you will keep trying over and over again to see if you
can outsmart your foot, but, you can't. It is pre-programmed
in your
Told you so! And there's nothing you can do about it! We know
how stupid it is, but before the day is done you are going to try it
again, if you've not already done so.

Island Maths : 1 x 1 x 1 = 3 ???
of MONDAY, MARCH 29, 2010
• Collections will be made only from the
• Do not place materials at public or
private wharves
• Materials are to be put out only during
the weekend prior to the collection week
• Material put out later than the Monday
of the collection week will not be collected
The total quantity per household should not to exceed 3 cubic metres (1m x 1m x 1m)....HUH
" ??

Pilates and Fitness Classes
Term 2, starting
April 12th
This term as well as the weekday classes, there will be a Saturday
Outdoor Fitness class at 8:30am in Catherine park.
To register your interest or for the new weekday timetable, email
Patrice at patrice.corrie@gmail.com or call 0406483036.
The venue for the outdoor classes does change so if you are a newcomer,
make sure you call the day before to check.

Equipment Stolen
The following message is from Morning Bay residents Michael &
Sarah and Tanya Mottl :
Two boats were robbed of equipment last week from where they were
parked at Morning Bay public wharf.
Outboard oil and a depth sounder were taken.
The light fingered person or persons left their empty oil containers on
the wharf ready to blow into Pittwater.
Alas, probably a bit much to expect them to use the recycling bins as
part of their thieving activity.
This has been reported to the Water Police. If anyone has seen
suspicious activity around wharves or has had their boats interfered
with could they please report this to the water police to help them
with their investigations.
Water Police contacts : 9910 7899 and mobile 0412 162 093
Thank you,
Michael Doherty and Tanya Mottl
Work Available..
Are you 15years or more?
Do you want up to 3.5 hour a week permanent part time work on the
We have 2 spots available to join Scotland Island Traders helping to
deliver groceries on a Saturday morning. We start at 7.30am and usually
finish around 10 to 10.30am.
This will allow you to still enjoy the bulk of your weekend, with cash!
If you are interested. either email me at
scotlandislandtraders@gmail.com or phone me any time on 0419460331.
We look forward to hearing from you.
& Maintenance
of Super-Treat Aerated Wastewater Treatment Systems
There is a Super-treat system installed at our house which was badly in
need of maintenance. I contacted the manufacturers in Nowra to find out
who was the local agent. They advised they no longer had one. After
revealing in conversation that I was a retired Chemical Engineer they
asked if I would like to become their agent.
As a result Daryl & I spent 2 days in Nowra being shown how to
assemble new units and maintain old ones (including other makes of
A.W.T.S.'s) and we agreed to take on the agency trading as Pittwater
We are both now registered with Pittwater Council as accredited
Installers and Maintenance Personnel for on-site A.W.T.S.'s
So if anyone needs a quotation for a new system or maintenance on an
old one please contact either John on 0419 432 626 or Darryl on 0415
515 133
John Thixton

If you have something for sale that
you think locals would like - let us know and we will put an
entry in the PON at the beginning of each month...
1998 25hp YAMAHA Outboard
Starts easily and goes well (regularly serviced)
Currently fitted to 1973 Quintrex Premier (
requires work but useable)
Bilge pump
Fuel tank
New fuel lead
Rear bull bar for motor protection
Registered to 29th may 2010
The lot $1,200.00
Phone 99978521 or 0417679801
A fresh coat of paint and a new laminate bench top - this kitchen will
save you $20,000 in joinery costs!
In total 16 units with cabinets with doors (7) and drawers
4 unit cook-top included, and double sink.
See picture. 3 Unit sideboard (included) is not in the picture
and oven is not included.
Also included: kitchen hutch in the same style!
Total $ 1,950
o.n.o. Removal and transport at buyers cost.
Enquiries: 9979 7678
This wardrobe costs approximately $3,000 new plus you still need to
transport it to your home and assemble it!
Good as new: 4 units, 16 drawers, 10 shelves and one hanging space.
Doors and drawers with frosted glass. Good quality!
Each of the 4 units can be used on its own and re-configured as per
your personal taste.
Dimensions: 230 cm high x 200 cm wide.
only $990
Removal and transport at buyers cost.
Enquiries: 9979 7678
HP Laser Printer 2605DN
Network and USB Connections
Full automatic duplex, ie prints both sides to save paper
includes 1 full black cartridge worth $120.00
(note : prints perfectly in B&W but colour function limited)
For Sale : $100.00
Call Tracy (0415 426 327) or Iain (0412 525 488

The Local Guide
in Pittwater - Self Editing
Event Calendar |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 |
http://www.sirfb.org.au |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 |
www.westpittwater.rfsa.org.au |
Gallery |
http://picasaweb.google.com/offshoregallery/ |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership Application - click
here to download |
West Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - http://www.wpca.org.au |
Island Water
SI Emergency Water Contacts and Guidelines for water: click
here for information and contacts
Scotland Island 'Water Agreement' - click
here to download |
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Childrens Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 8.30am - 4.30pm (Tues,
Weds & Thurs)
Playgroup @ Children's Centre every Monday, 10.00am - 12 midday
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856 or email: siocs@comcen.com.au |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: Kez on 9999 4092 or kezborthwickbolton@gmail.com |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0408 707 679 patrice.corrie@gmail.com |
Training with Samantha Moore at Inspire PT
- 0415 543 131 InspirePittwater@gmail.com |
& Modern Dance Classes for children with Sophia
Holland - 0412 851 890 |
Anusara Yoga
- Thursdays - 0421762236 dominiquemarill@gmail.com
or floydcbg@ozemail.com.au |
with Max - Watercolour classes. Phone Max on 9997 4527 |
/ The Forth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
WOW - Women on Water
- second Wednesday of the month - contact Kerry on 9999 4092
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma trysemz@tpg.com.au |
Scotland Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Catherine Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Elizabeth Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Island Rural Fire Brigade |
9999 4404 |
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
132 090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
here. Please print the
page and return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact SIRA at sirapittwater@gmail.com
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact Michael Wiener at m2wiener@bigpond.net.au |
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at https://www.ymlp.com/pubarchive.php?sira
or by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at www.scotlandisland.org.au

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor (editor@scotlandisland.org.au) or by clicking here.
Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
To get on and off
this newsletter, click
here or got to: http://www.scotlandisland.org.au/signup
To change your
address, click the 'modify' link at the bottom of this
newsletter or send an email to the editor@scotlandisland.org.au
Local Guide - Community Information
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)