June 2021

Back issues of WOWW! are archived at WOWW! Archives
To keep your email provider from shelving this newsletter as spam, place wadehayesnews@comcast.net
in your address file.
 * Appearances  - For Details including times, tickets and address/map/directions go to http://wadehayes-woww.com/wadehayestour.html
On the tour page, you'll find links to the venue and ticket buying info. On the map link on the tour page, you can click on Directions, and enter your starting address for your own personalized directions. 
Upcoming Dates in: TX, MO, FL, VA, NE,  AR, NC
June 25 Lebanon, TN - Cahoots Dancehall and Honkytonk
June 26 Weirsdale, FL - Orange Blossom Opry
July 4 Radford, VA - Bisset Park
July 17 Leigh, NE - Colfax County Fair Grounds
Jul 23 Tomball, TX - 2920 Roadhouse
August 7  Decatur, AR - Decatur Bar-B-cue Festival
August 20 Columbia, TN - Rory Feek Homestead Hall
August 21 Shelby, NC - Don Gibson Theatre
August 24 Cleburne, TX - Outskirts
September 17 Branson, MO - Silver Dollar City
November 20 - The Woodlands, TX - Dosey Doe Big Barn
Talking with Wade
In Case You Missed It or want to enjoy it again
Who Saved Who  - Wade's latest album - was released December 13
About those Wade imposters
Be Kind 

Talking with Wade
I called Wade and he answered “Hello.” My comments are in italics and parentheses. The rest are his.
(Hey there, what’s going on with you?) I just walked into the room. Your timing is good.  You doing all right? You sound like you may have a little allergy or something. (I’m just kinda croaky some days.) I’m the same way. (If it’s very early in the morning I could sing bass.) I’m the same way.  I always like to do vocals about 10 o’clock in the  morning. That’s my favorite time, because I still have a little bit of that low end from the morning. 
(I imagine it’s pretty good to be on the road again). Yes. Definitely. Things are much, much better. To have a little income coming in and having something to do. Not working on the house, but getting back into music. It’s great. I’m very, very thankful. Thinking about trying to get in and record some new songs that have been written. I’m trying to tweak one. I’ve written this song called, “John Wayne Movie” and it’s about how back in that era when movies were being made, wrong and right was very defined. You knew where you stood and these days it’s just gray lines. There’s no wrong or right. It’s about that. I’m trying to tone it down a little bit. It’s unbelievable, even writing the song, I had to worry about offending people. ‘Cause morality and right and wrong is a touchy subject. It’s a weird, weird time and I don’t see anybody hitting the brakes on it. It’s rolling and picking up steam. (You used to know who the heroes and the bad guys were.) Exactly. I’ve noticed, in modern movies, even the good guy in the story is really flawed and does really bad things. It’s weird. It worries me and upsets me. I’ve had to quit watching news.
(I saw where you did a project lately with Jimmy Yeary called “In the Chapel.” How did that come about?) He’s an old friend, and I recorded one of his songs when I was doing a little spec deal on RCA that didn’t work out. We met and became friends back then and he’s actually gone on to be a very successful songwriter. In fact, one of his songs a couple of years ago was called, “I Drive Your Truck.” - a Lee Brice tune. He’s written several hits since then. Anyway, he just called me up and asked me to come do this VLOG show he does. Of course, I agreed. It was good to see him. We did a couple of hymns and stuff that I had written and hits and stuff like that.  It was fun. He’s a real good player and singer, too. (I was surprised at Sonya Isaacs being there - the harmony on “Old Rugged Cross” was superb.) That’s his wife. She’s really good. Her family harmony - good grief - it doesn’t get any better than that.
(What’s been keeping you busy? Anything else, besides possums?) We found out - that little guy - we knew he was messed up somehow, but couldn’t figure out what it was, because he was walking funny, but found out he’s missing an eye. (Awww) But he’s growing. He seems to be getting healthier. He sleeps all day and parties all night. Possums are that way. We’ve got a little den built for him out of towels in the laundry room. He stays curled up in there all day. We’ll check on him from time to time, and he’ll show us his teeth. He comes out at night and wanders around and likes to eat. We pet him and he’s all right. We’ve read where you’re supposed to wait until they get to 3 pounds before you turn them out in the wild. We’re just trying to get him healthy. He’s still really scared. We handle him with kid gloves. 
(You talked about writing the "John Wayne Movie" song Is there anything else in the pipeline?) Yes, there’s another one, based on Romans 7. Romans is a book that resonates with me, aways has. There’s another one I’m trying to finish up that has yet to be titled. It’s laid out, I just need to put the puzzle pieces together. (I’d never heard of songwriting in that way.) That’s exactly what it is. You get the idea and the melody and you just start piecing it together. That’s how you do it. At least that’s how I do it.  (I’ve had songwriters tell me that it’s a discipline - they write from 10 to 12 every day. Another said, “It’s organic. I just go out on the back porch and wait for something to come to me.”) It’s different. Everybody’s different.  I don’t write until I have to, until it’s screaming to get out of my head. I wish I were more militant about it. I’ve tried it and it just never works out for me. I get them started that way, but finishing them, I have to wait for it to percolate.  (That’s 2 new ways for me to think about songwriting - “screaming to get out of your head” and the need to “percolate.” It’s great to talk with you. I appreciate all your thoughts.)
(Note from Helen: Wade and Lea rescued a baby possum that was abandoned in their yard.  Also, Jimmy Yeary noted at the end of the VLOG that he thought it was the best one he’d done. There’s a link below to the hour show. Very enjoyable.)

In Case You Missed It or Want to Enjoy it Again

Click on the underlined words to access the sites
Summer Echo Series - College Hill Church of Christ
This interview of Wade by his minister, Kevin Owen was recorded at College Hills Church of Christ on Wednesday evening, June 16.  Though most of you know Wade’s story, you will still surely appreciate his faith-affirming message. 30 minutes
Play it Loud
Wade tours his hometown with Adam Hampton. A well-done, interesting, insightful  30 minute live interview. So well-done that it won a Heartland EMMY Chapter nomination.  
Here’s the public release information: 
‘We are excited to announce that Outsiders picked up a Heartland EMMY Chapter nomination for the Play It Loud episode featuring Wade Hayes! And congratulations to Adam Hampton to for getting a nomination for his writing on Play It Loud!"
You don’t want to miss this delightful hour of acoustic music and conversation with Wade. Jimmy Yeary is a well-known songwriter with such hits as “I’m Gonna Love You Through it,” (Martina McBride); “I Called Mama,” (Tim McGraw); and “I Drive Your Truck,”  (Lee Brice). The Brice recording was the 47th CMA Song of the Year, as well as the 49th ACM Song of the Year. 
Sonya Isaacs, Jimmy’s wife and an outstanding singer-songwriter in her own right, joined Wade and Jimmy for the last half of the show. The 3 part harmonies on “Old Rugged Cross” and “I Saw the Light” will give you goose-bumps. (Also known as ‘chicken skin’ in Wade’s Oklahoma vernacular). As well as the gospel songs, Wade performed 5 that he had recorded.  He joins the session at the 8 minute mark of the hour show.
Grand Ole Opry
Opry performances are always special. You can tell that the audience loves him. You can find his April 9th appearance in the Friday Night Archives. His 3 song spot begins at 1 hour and 8 minutes.
This show is always a treat. As well as his vocal performances, watch Wade have fun reading the "Redneck Night Before Christmas" to his assembled "children."

Wade's newest album - Who Saved Who - was released December 13, 2019
You can order the album at Wade's official site. https://store.wadehayes.com/
You can purchase a download at Amazon.com, iTunes or other sites that have mp3 downloads available.
You can see the video of the title song at either Wade's official site or on YouTube.

About those Wade imposters on Facebook and Twitter
Wade fans - Heads up - His official Facebook Music account has a white checkmark in a small blue circle to the right of his name.
Wade doesn’t reach out personally to anyone from his official facebook page. He doesn’t ask for money for any reason. It seems when one pretender is taken down, another pops up. Their copycat sites look real.  They copy pictures from his official page. Beware. Look for the number of followers. If it doesn't have over 290,,000, it's a fake. Notify facebook and Wade’s management team if someone is trying to scam you. Wade's official Twitter account name is @wadehayes1.  Any variation on that is an illegal copycat. Don't be fooled. Lately, they've also been imitating his mother, Trisha Hayes.

Be Kind!
I’ve been asked to remind the members of this group that Private lives are PRIVATE, including Wade’s and anyone else’s. Persistent questioning of someone about private issues amounts to harassment. I’m asking those who feel they are being targeted with out of order questions and comments to send me names.

Wade's Official Web Site - includes a merchandise store
You can check out past events that included Wade on the Links page.

Wade and any other knowledgeable person will testify that Wade has some of the best, most supportive fans in the music industry. Your support of him and his music has lifted his Facebook Fan page to the stratosphere of over 145,800 likes. Way to Go! 
As Wade enters a new and exciting phase of his career, his management team wants to thank you for your past and your future support. You’ve been positive and respectful in your online comments and you’ve posted many great pictures. It is of immense help to Wade when you post your best pictures - without red-eye and without blurring. As you look at the pictures you plan to post, please eliminate any pictures that could be considered unflattering. They may well remind you of a special time, but think of them from the artist’s viewpoint. Wade is at his best now. Show him off, proudly!
Ask one of your local venues to book him. Get others to ask also. Talent buyers can email his manager, Mike Robertson, at mike@mrmmusic.com.  That email is for talent buyers, not fans. If you have questions, I'll try to get the answers. Reach me at wadehayesnews@comcast.net. 
GUIDELINES FOR USE OF HIS MATERIAL - pic, name, logo, signature
We need to call this issue to the attention of fans. Any item for sale that looks like official merchandise - that is - contains the Wade Hayes name, logo, picture or signature must have written approval from his management. All of those emblems of Wade are owned by him as part of his business. Even if they are being sold to benefit a charity, the design must be submitted to and approved by management in writing.

Social Media - 
Official Site
WOWW! Site  - Fan Club Site
Wade's Facebook Music Page 
Wade's Facebook Fan Club Page
Wade's Twitter Account

The Links page is your source for finding pics, videos, reviews on other sites.
WadeHayes-WOWW.com Links Page

Refer talent buyers to Wade's management
Mike Robertson Management
Phone: 615-329-4199
Fax: 615-329-3923
E-mail: mike@mrmmusic.com
If you want to see Wade in your local area, ask your favorite venues to seek booking information.
WOWW!, an e-mail newsletter to Wade Hayes fans, began in December, 1997. Subscribers reside in FIFTY (50) states as well as -
Australia, Brazil, Canada, England, Germany, Iraq, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Scotland, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, New Zealand, Hong Kong.
Messages for Wade can be sent to the the Robertson Management address. Mark ATTN: Wade Hayes
Wade has requested, "No presents, please."