Important Notice for iGage/CHC Users of the X90D-OPUS, X900+, X91+, X91+S, i80 GPS/GNSS (Static and RTK) receivers who are still using legacy Windows XP computers.
Automatic submission for the new secure NGS website is available


Note: If you are not using Windows XP will don't have to update the download tool.
On the 19th of December 2016, NGS transitioned to a HTTPS (Secure) website and OPUS occupation form as part of the 'HTTPS-Everywhere for Government' program. This is an excellent enhancement because it makes your interactions with the NGS private and secure.
However, the 'Internet Explorer' web browser deployed with Windows XP computers is not compatible with the new website. This means that if you run the iGage 'X9x Download Tool' from a Windows XP computer, the tool can no longer assist you in submitting files to the OPUS engine.
We are happy to announce a new https: compatible automatic upload version for users of the X9 Download tool.
Complete details can be found [ Here ]
Thank you very much for purchasing GPS/GNSS receivers from us! If you have any questions or need assistance updating or downloading, please call us. We can remotely assist you.
If this message has found you in error, you can remove yourself from the mail-list or edit the delivery address by clicking the link at the very bottom of the message. It really does work.

Again, thank you!

Mark Silver