tel:  512-280-1192                                            Friday, June 21 2013

Nursery notes: lots of sales this weekend! 20% off Crepe Myrtles -
5 gal. reg. prices: $29.99  $39.99 | 25% off Thai lime trees - 1 gal.
reg. $12.99. | 30% off all shade trees: Monterrey Oak, Bur Oak
and Chinquapin Oak: 7 gal. reg. $49.99 & 15 gal. reg. $124.99. 
Purslane & Swedish ivy hanging baskets - 2 for $20 | Lots of beau-
tiful, colorful hanging baskets including vinca, fan flower, potato
vine and chenille: $14.99 | Bougainvillea hanging baskets: $24.99.
Save the date:  Fall Tomato Growers Success Seminar  1 p.m. 
July 14. Learn from expert south Texas tomato farmer Kevin Call-
away how to grow a bumper crop this fall.
Garden design notes: "Rising like punctuation marks, spires and
globes create a flow that both energizes and unifies the border,"
writes Jeaniene Darice Smith in fine gardening. For the Austin area,
we suggest: spires: lavender, butterfly bush, shrimp plant, rosemary.
globes: hydrangeas, gomphrena (see photo above), chives, zinnias,
and marigolds.
From 'Thyme to Table:  Starting this week the nursery is proud to
offer fresh produce from Dwight Littleton's gardens, from 9 a.m
to noon, Saturday mornings. This week: tomatoes and peppers.
Central Texas Gardener KLRU TV. Learn about saving rainwater
with berms and swales from Sunflower Design eco-designer Adam 
Kirkpatrick. On tour, learn all about aquaponics from Rob Nash of
Austin Aquaponics greenhouse. Sat. noon, 4 p.m. or Sun. at 9 a.m.
www.klru /
Our friends at Wild Onion Ranch, a few miles south of Austin,
have a wedding and celebration venue that is truly breathtaking. 
In particular their landscaping style blends seamlessly with the
ranch's Hill Country surroundings, and their ranch house defines
'cowboy cool.'  a Wild Onion Wedding
  Stars of our Summer Droughts
    by Chris Winslow

As we enter these oven-hot months, I notice my life has a certain
repetitive rhythm to it: water all day long at the nursery, drive home ….
and more watering! With all these hours spent holding the hose, I’ve
had ample time to reflect on which plants are doing the best during
these arid times.  
There are seven trees which stand out: Monterrey oak, Texas persim-
mon, Texas mountain laurel, Chinese pistache, Chinquapin oak,
mesquite, and Chitalpa. They all seem to thrive on little or no water
at all. They were established trees when I moved to the property in
2001, and all are native except the Chinese Pistache and the Chitalpa
– which I find loaded every day with a profusion of flowers that the
hummingbirds love.
Some perennials and grasses that are holding their own: Mexican
feather grass (see photo above) , miscanthus (maiden grass), muhly
grass, blackfoot daisy, lantana, thyrallis (golden showers), Salvia
gregii (cherry sage), Mexican bush sage, Copper Canyon daisy, four-
nerve daisy, and esperanza.
Perhaps the showiest plant of all is pride of Barbados. Flowering
daily throughout the summer, they are providing the butterflies with
much needed nectar.
On the herbal side, rosemary, Mexican mint marigold, garden sage,
and Mexican oregano seem to be doing just fine with infrequent,
deep waterings.
We can’t forget the yuccas and agaves. No water – no problem. I
planted an Agave americana (century plant) out by my front gate 3
years ago and without any extra water it has turned into 15 plants!
For annual color, tops are vinca-periwinkle, with purslanes and moss-
roses in second place.
For another opinion  I consulted with Jerry Hinton, a landscaper in
South Austin. Here’s Jerry’s list: Mexican mint marigold, Mexican
oregano, Mexican feathergrass, santolina, dwarf Barbados cherry,
thyrallis, silver bush germander, yaupon holly, silver ponyfoot, and
Gregg’s dalea.
With a little planning and a great number of drought tolerant and heat
hardy plants to choose from, one could most certainly create a beau-
tiful and water conserving landscape.
                                  Happy gardening everyone!
  Visit the website: 
  Visit the nursery:11726 Manchaca Road, Austin, 78748 