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Do Cats Know Their Names?
New research reveals our pet felines are more attuned to us than we thought, according to new research in Japan. Dogs have a distinct advantage, though, say the researchers. After all, dogs have a 20,000 year headstart on cats, as they were domesticated first and then trained and bred to be obedient. Cats, well... they domesticated themselves by voluntarily approaching and entering our human spaces for food, safety, and possibly even companionship. Dr. Atsuko Saito, first author of the research from Sophia University in Japan, said, “There are so many studies about dog ability to communicate with humans. We think it is important to show cats’ ability.” She said the findings were not surprising. “Many cat owners know that cats understand their own names,” although until now, scientific evidence had been lacking. Below are several articles that show how well they know their own names. They just show it differently than dogs do.
Many of my cats respond to being called by name while the others choose not to, apparently. I think it's about choice, not the inability to know who they are. Because they are not dogs, they don't feel any obligation to come when called. If they do show up, it's for the food or treat. But I know they know, because I can call a specific cat from the back door and from the crowd in the yard, the one I called comes running.
Miscellaneous Links of Interest
Why do cats wiggle their butts before pouncing?
We've all seen it...our kitty does a little "twerking" before leaping, but does anyone know why? Apparently, this has not been studied, so there are only theories. Of course, I have a theory, too. To me, it looks like they are getting their hind feet into place, a kind of stepping to be sure they will have a secure and successful leap.
What do you think?
Cats Should Work For Their Food, or, Why Should Dogs Have All The Fun?
“Before cats were domesticated, they lived in the wild where they hunted for food,” said Mikel Delgado, lead author of the study and a postdoctoral researcher on cat behavior at UC Davis. “Then humans came along and took their jobs away.”
The study, funded in part by Maddie’s Fund and published this week in the Journal of Feline Medicine and Surgery, supports the notion that cats don’t just want to be fed, they want to work for their food, exercising their hunting and foraging skills.
Delgado says owners should throw away the food dishes and put their cats back to work. Using food puzzles can satisfy this need, plus it can improve a cat’s welfare by increasing mental stimulation.
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