Monday, July 3, 2006

Genesis 1:3, 6, 9, 14, 20, 24 Then God said . . .


The simple statement "God said" is repeated in the opening chapter of Genesis with each of the six days of creation. This is a statement whose authority extends beyond just these six days. The repetition of those two words establishes for us God's authority over the entire created world -- including us. This also establishes God's word as the only authority in all the earth.

It is when one questions whether or not God did say, that one finds trouble. Adam and Eve are prime examples of that. When the devil came and put that question to them, "Did God say?" (Genesis 3:1), their answer ought to have been, "Yes, God said." Because they did not say that, look at what happened!

Now, it is easy for us to sit in judgment on Adam and Eve for what they did, but we then judge ourselves -- for we do the exact same thing. Don't we too often imagine: "Well, God really didn't mean this." "God really didn't intend to say that." "God meant everyone but me!" This type of thinking is the result of Adam and Eve setting aside the word of God.

The simple statement, "God said" is to be enough for us. We are either to do or not to do according to those things that God has spoken -- no questions asked. This is simply because, "in the beginning God . . . God said." -- and that is the end of it.