Farm Fresh News - May 2016

Hi Friends,
Greetings from Bali, Indonesia!
My wife Deborah and I are deep into our Awakening project, spending each day working our new web site, recording podcasts and videos, and building on our friendship with Ibu Robin Lim and her amazing free clinic, Bumi Sehat.
Of course it's not all work and no play. We took an afternoon to visit The Green School, an incredible complex of buildings, all constructed of bamboo, which serves nearly 500 full-time students whose families travel there from around the world to experience and education build on a foundation of sustainability.

When I return on May 21rst, I will be hitting the ground running, getting ready for the Conference on Community and Sustainability May 27-29.
I am excited to announce that on Saturday afternoon and evening of the conference, Farm members will gather under our huge dome for an All-Farm Potluck and Tofu Barbecue (the best!), with live music provided by our homegrown Grateful Dead cover band, Dead or Alive.
It's going to be a fantastic party, and the perfect opportunity for you to truly feel the power of community, and experience the energy of connection when we come together behind a unified vision.
I hope to see you there.


Green School, Bali Indonesia

Don't miss the All-Farm Barbecue under the Dome, featuring live music from Dead or Alive, Saturday evening of the Conference on Community and Sustainability
The Green School of Bali, Indonesia
After watching Al Gore's film An Inconvenient Truth, The Green School's founder John Hardy knew he had to take his life in a new direction, and make an effort to create a more sustainable world. He sold his business, and put all the money (and tons more) into building a school that would instill the values needed to save our planet, and into the people who will inherit the future.

The result is one of the most awe inspiring endeavors I have ever seen. Huge, three-story buldings built from bamboo from the foundation to the rooftops, bamboo desks, chairs, walls, even a bridge! There is also a massive solar array, and a vortex hydro system from the river passing through the property that generates 12KW per hour.

Here the story and the vision from the founder in this Ted Talk.
Check out pictures from my visit on Facebook.
I will return from Bali just in time to host the Conference on Community and Sustainability, May 27th - 29th. This has been my event with the greatest number of participants, which means I am able to lower the cost. I hope this year it will include you.

Who attends this conference?
Youthful visionaries full of ideals, optimism, and the drive to do something. 
Aging boomers ready to ditch the wheel of materialism and create a new life more in sync with their core values.
All of those in between seeking inspiration, connection, and an uplifting of spirit.
You can be a catalyst in the awakening of our culture!
Register NOW!
Because of our trip to Bali, I must cancel the 
May 4-8 The Organic Gardening Intensive
Please contact me if you are interested in the June course.

A sophomore from a college at Missouri State University in West Plains is currently enrolled in a course called Utopian Criticism, and as a part of this course, reading and discussion intentional communities. 
Below, her questionnaire, and my answers. Douglas

The Farm Community Questionnaire

1.     Would you consider The Farm to be an egalitarian community?

 A: In the world of intentional communities, “egalitarian” means “income sharing.” We are not an income sharing community. However we do hold the land and infrastructure, which includes all the homes, in a trust.

2.     Do any traditional gender roles persist in the community?

A: New mothers tend to stay home with their babies to facilitate breastfeeding. That said, from my general observation, fathers play an active role in raising their children.

3.     What types of relationships are there on The Farm? Monogamous, polygamous, heterosexual, homosexual, etc.?

A: People are free to define themselves and we have all types of relationships, which are considered a private, personal matter.

4.     What holidays, if any, does the community celebrate on The Farm?

A: People are free to celebrate any and all holidays, from cultural traditions to new age pagan rituals.

5.     What would you say is the most successful institution or business on The Farm?

 A: Our most successful business is an electronics manufacturing facility.
The midwifery center is probably the most widely known.
Swan Conservation Trust recently completed purchase of an additional 1400 acres surrounding the community.
Plenty International is widely respected around the world for its relief and development work.

6.     What kinds of issues do you encounter on The Farm? Is the community divided on any issues?

 A: Life in community is a never ending source of issues and personal dramas.

7.     Do all pregnant members use your midwifery services on The Farm, or do some use public hospitals?

 A: For the most part, birth in hospitals takes place when there is an emergency or complication.

8.     Does The Farm community do any trade or bartering with any other intentional communities or businesses?

 A: We have not pursued this or found the opportunity. All Farm businesses and individuals act independently, so the community itself is not seeking service or products from another community.  

9.     Do you use herbal or holistic medicines to treat illnesses on The Farm?

 A: Yes. Generally determined by the individual to decide what to try, what works, and when it is necessary to utilize Western medicine..

10.  What type of education is encouraged on The Farm?

 A: All forms of education are encouraged.


I hope you'll make the effort to take a firsthand look at The Farm during one of my GreenLife Retreat Weekends, and that it will inspire you to pursue your dreams and find your chosen path!

Thanks again for your time and attention.
 Spread the word. Spread the dream! 
Out to Change the World and The Farm Then and Now

Out to Change the World
The Farm Then and Now

Order both and save!

Farm Experience / GreenLife Retreats and Workshops  2016 Calendar

April 15-17 Experience the Land
In addition to our regular Farm Experience Weekend activities and tours, on Saturday afternoon we'll hike to a waterfall in the 1475 acre Big Swan Headwaters Preserve. The Saturday night dinner and entertainment will be a fundraiser for Swan Conservation Trust.

May 27-29 The Conference on Community and Sustainability
Co-sponsored by the Fellowship of Intentional Communities (FIC), this weekend is an immersion in all things community and achieving a lifestyle in line with the values of sustainability. One of our most popular events that promises to be even greater this year!
June 15-19 The Organic Gardening Intensive 
A different segment in the gardening season. 5 Days of hands-on gardening and immersion in permaculture, as well as garden tours on and off-The Farm to visit permaculture homesteads, a bamboo nursery, the nearby Amish community, and more.

July13-16 The Summer Retreat 
Like a Farm Experience but with more time to go swimming, hiking, plus kid activities, workshops and always GREAT FOOD! Fun for the entire family. Watch the video.

August: Taking a break

September 16-18 Farm Experience Weekend
Celebrate the Equinox: The best overview of life in community, exploring green building and solar technology, organic gardening, midwifery, alternative education, starting a small business, and so much more. Watch the video / Farm Experience in photos/ 
Oct 16-18 Farm Experience Weekend
Fall Colors and a Fire Circle: Always a jam packed weekend. A time of reflection and introspection.

Now it's up to you. Register today! 

Midwifery Workshops:

Swan Trust Activities & Hikes   Contact:

Permaculture Apprenticeships: Learn straw, cob, earthbag, turf roofs, bamboo, thatch, clay plaster, adobe, alis, and food self-reliance at the Farm community.

Spiral Ridge Permaculture - Workshops and Classes

 Meet your host: Douglas Stevenson

Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 cell