Together we can stop the Religious Discrimination Bill
Your help has been invaluable
First, thank you for being part of Just.Equal Australia’s campaigns since we formed as a community-based, committee-led, LGBTIQA+ not-for-profit in 2016. With your help, in 2021 we made progress towards trans workplace protections in the Fair Work Act, recognising LGBTIQA+ people in the Census, enacting conversion practice bans across Australia, and allowing blood donation for gay, bi and trans Australians. Our campaign model is one of working with affected communities to raise their voice, and ensuring our goals match those of the communities we work for.
The Bill is even worse than we feared
Right now we face one of our community’s biggest challenges, the Religious Discrimination Bill. Don’t be deceived by the Morrison Government’s spin. The latest version of its Bill is the worst so far. It will allow denigration and discrimination against us. It will stymie efforts to protect LGBTIQA+ people in faith-based bodies, and bans on conversion practices for years to come. We need to ensure MPs from across the political spectrum vote against it now. There is no guarantee it will go away even if Labor forms government after the federal election.
Send a submission now
There are currently two inquiries into the Bill. One closes 5pm, Tuesday December 21st and the other on Friday, January 7th. You can send a submission to both inquiries with a click of a button at the Equality not Discrimination website that we set up in partnership with PFLAG. If you have a bit more time, you can add your own personal story. Please send a submission today:
In 2021, Just.Equal Australia expanded our committee to ensure we are in ever closer contact with community needs. We have exciting plans for 2022 which we will share with you in the New Year. Meanwhile, we will be back in touch soon with further suggestions for how we can kill this terrible Bill.
See our committee members here:
Best wishes,
Rodney Croome and Sally Golder
for Just.Equal Australia