January 2, 2017
We're excited to share another week of news & ideas with our MAiZE family. There never seems to be a shortage of ideas and the truth is that some of the best originate with all of you! So, if you ever have an idea you'd like us to pass along to the group, please just send it our way. Also, please remember that we'll be archiving these ideas on the siteowner web site, so that you can go back and view them whenever you like.
Last Chance to Enter Best of the Best Contests!
Just a reminder of today's deadline to enter the annual Best of theBest contests! We'll be announcing winners at the upcoming Corn Party, where you'll receive prizes, bragging rights and perhaps even the chance to win up to $100! Whether you're attending the Corn Party or not, we hope you'll enter as many categories as you like.
We'd especially like everyone to enter the Best Idea category, since this is where we gather the entries for the Best Ideas slideshow at the Corn Party that everyone always enjoys. Even for those who don't attend, you'll be able to watch it afterwards online.
Find more info and enter at: http://www.themaize.com/corn-party-awards
A Few Questions for Those Coming to the Corn Party!
It's the final countdown...we are now just two weeks away from the Corn Party in Hawaii! For those who are attending, we'd like to ask you to click on the link below and answer a couple quick questions to help us in finalizing a few plans.
Mahalo and we look forward to seeing many of you soon!
Ya'll Are Invited to the Texas Mini Conference
Howdy y'all from our MAiZE friends down in Texas! Each year our TX friends hold an agri-tainment conference, bringing together other MAiZE farms in Texas and neighboring states for an intimate learning weekend. This is something farms up in the northeast have done a few times as well.
This year they asked us to pass word along that anyone in the MAiZE family is invited...whether from TX or not! Anyone who wants to mosey on over to Texas March 24-26 for some awesome Spring sunshine, they want you to join them at Dewberry Farm in Brookshire, TX. If you want to be included in the emails pertaining to the conference details, please email laurie@southtexasmaize.com
Exclusive Offer from MacArt Studios

Many thanks to MacArt Studios for sponsoring our upcoming Corn Party and providing all the graphic design! For those coming to Hawaii, be sure to stop and see them in the vendor room...and as a special treat, they are providing FREE SHIPPING on all products ordered by January 31. For more details, visit http://macartstudios.com/products.html

Chat with MAiZE owners on the Facebook Forums
If you have a Facebook account, but haven't joined any of our private chat groups that are exclusive to our MAiZE family, you're missing out on a great opportunity to chat with fellow MAiZE owners!
* These forums are for MAiZE owners only to protect the privacy of the group and encourage open discussion. If you have an employee you'd like added, we will allow exceptions for full-time, year-round staff.
To access the Discussion ForumCLICK HERE and request permission to join.
To access the MarketplaceCLICK HEREand request permission to join.
To access the Haunt ForumCLICK HEREand request permission to join.
MAiZE News Archive
If you'd like to browse through past Ideas of the Week and news, you can access them by visiting the Resource section of the siteowner online toolbox OR by CLICKING HERE. This link takes you to the most recent emails. Older ones, dating back several years are also in the online toolbox.
The MAiZE Inc.; PO Box 367, Spanish Fork, UT 84660; 888-798-0596