Issue 488
  2 June 2022
To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:  
Hello, Firstname
Wednesday 8 June
Next Wednesday, 8 June, we welcome back Nick Jenkins ARPS AWPF, from Cardiff. Nick's talk will be mostly based around what initially drew him to landscapes.
Whilst Nick also photographs for clients in the construction industry too he just loves getting out and about to the country, the fells, the name it!! The sense of freedom, to choose and to photograph is just too uplifting to ignore. 
About Nick

Nick has been a photographer, under the Nom de plume of Freespirit Images - mainly around seascapes, landscapes, flora, fauna etc. 
He runs two photo businesses - one being Freespirit Images the other aimed more at commercial and industrial photography - such as architecture, construction etc.
He runs 1:1 and small group workshops around the UK and has been a group leader for 'Light & Land' as well as HF Holidays both around Europe and the UK.
Outdoor photography is his main passion and he very much tries to spread that impression amongst all and sundry!!
He is an ARPS and AWPF  - and, put simply, loves what he does and helping others. A lot of his published work is around landscapes and the great outdoors, and he does try to focus hard on the area in front of him and passing his thoughts and ideas on to everyone.
Login details:
  • Wednesday 8 June @ 19:30hrs
  • Log in: Click HERE   
  • Meeting ID: 834 0739 5832
  • Password:  876688
Lost the log in details? Don't forget that the meeting login details are always in the Members' area of the BPS website. 
A selection of images from Nick's talk to whet your appetite:

There is a change to the system for attending meetings at the clubrooms, as you will no longer need to pre-book your seat at the meeting. Instead of pre-booking, Members will be requested to sign-in on arrival. This will provide the means by which attendees can be contacted in the event of a Covid case being reported.
Competition News
Many thanks for a bumper entry. It was such an embarrassment of riches that I’ve had to make a cull of all the no. 4 prints to make the evening manageable.
The no. 4s will, however, be on display in the clubroom for members to enjoy until 8 June. The competition will be judged this year by Leigh Preston FRPS, MPAGB, EFIAP, FIPF.
The closing date for these competitions is Wednesday, 8 June. There is a box for Garmston Bowl entries on the stage in the clubroom and an additional box in Wex. It’s good to see several entries already. Presidents' Cup entries by email as usual to

As for previous print competitions, please remember to upload a jpeg of each print and a jpeg of the complete panel. I’m grateful to Barry Mead for this advice on creating an image of a panel in Photoshop:

Create "new" and make it 1600x1200 pixels. Select each image and drag on to the white one. Edit>transform>scale and scale to fit in a row: simples!!!

Each jpeg should be labelled just with your name and the print title.

The following link should be used for uploading the jpegs, please keep it somewhere safe for future use: 
If you have any questions or problems:
Prints - please contact David Alderson at
PDIs - please contact Ken Clarke at
  • Judge: Roy Thomas APAGB, Hon FWPF
For those new to club competitions, below is a brief outline of the rules for these two competitions:
President’s Cup Projected Digital Image Competition
This is open to all members, excluding holders of ARPS, EFIAP, DPAGB, EPSA and higher distinctions. Also winners of the cup in the last three years are excluded. It will be judged as a panel of 3 related PDIs on any subject. The images will be displayed at the competition individually as well as with the addition of an ‘automated’ triptych.
The Garmston Bowl Print Competition
This is open to all members and is for a panel of five related prints on any subject. The entry will be judged as a panel of five.
Creative Competition (PDI & Prints) - This is an open competition for up to three images which may be PDIs and/or prints. The Bob Faris Trophy will be awarded to the winner.
  • Closing date: 22 June
  • Judge: Rachel Domleo
To see the rules applicable to BPS competitions, click HERE
The Future Of Hybrid/Zoom Meetings 
At the last Council Meeting the matter of the continued use of Hybrid/Zoom meeting at BPS was discussed at length. The need for these meetings i.e., to protect the health of those BPS Members that are ‘vulnerable’ and who need to minimise/avoid contact with any source of infection is well understood and accepted.
Covid case numbers are falling across the country but still remain high enough to present a risk to those who are vulnerable and/or shielding. Against this background the conclusions that Council came to were:
  • We would continue with the current position of making all meetings available both at Unit 13 and over Zoom.
  • We would remove the need for members to book a place for meetings at Unit 13, essentially also removing the cap on numbers who can attend. This has already been implemented as covered in a recent newsletter. Members are asked to sign in so we have a register of attendees in case we need to contact them if a positive Covid test is recorded by an attendee.
  • There will be no Zoom membership to supplement the current full or distance membership options.
  • The continuance of the meetings will be an agenda item on all future Council Meetings, where we will review the position each time.
The use of Zoom/Hybrid meetings over the last 2 years has allowed BPS to maintain the high standard of presentations in our programme, and in fact has allowed us to receive occasional presentations from much further afield. For that we can only be thankful that it was available, we had the resource, and we had the members (Matt in particular) who could through hard work make it work ‘properly’.
Our current situation sees us having a good attendance each week at Unit 13, where the social side of the meetings is thriving in the same way we all remember pre Covid. At the same time, we have a similar attendance on Zoom, where again there is the social interaction pre meeting and in the break. Unfortunately, these 2 groups are separate and little if any interaction takes place between them. Although this cannot be avoided at the moment, it is something to take into account going forward, especially regarding new members who currently tend to see and know one of the groups, and not both.
The country is slowly returning to a more ‘normal’ pattern of behaviour regarding Covid. We are not there yet but hopefully before too long Covid will become more like Flu and we can then take an informed decision on our continued use of Hybrid/Zoom meetings.
Ralph Snook
BPS Chairman
PSA Interclub Competition - Part 2
Following the report on the PSA Interclub Competition in Issue 486, we have now received the missing results, i.e. the Nature PDI - Group C. 
The overall Standing - FIRST with a score of 217 - second place score was 208, so a comprehensive victory! That gives BPS a pretty impressive final overall tally:
  • Two third places
Well done to all who provided image/prints and to Mike Martin for organising the entry and making sure that it got to USA on time. Ed

Results for Round 3 – ALL our entries received awards!
Waxwing with Rowan Berry
Graham Pears
Wood Stork Dispute
Margaret Chambers
Mary Pears
Cheetah and Six Cubs
Ralph Snook
White Morph Arctic Fox
Richard Kay
Grey Wolf Resting
Sandie Cox
The award winning images
Graham Pears
Waxwing with Rowan Berry
Margaret Chambers
Wood Stork Dispute
Mary Pears
Ralph Snook
Cheetah and Six Cubs
Richard Kay
White Morph Arctic Fox
Sandie Cox
Grey Wolf Resting
Photography Show
The Photography Show Registration Now Open
As the destination for anyone whose business is photography, video or content production, The Photography Show & The Video Show, from the 17 – 20 September, will offer four days packed with kit, inspiration and creativity.
You can register here.
Further details here.
PAGB Awards for Photographic Merit - Once again the PAGB will have a team at the Show to help you with your potential submission for an Award for Photographic Merit, CPAGB, DPAGB or MPAGB. Bring along your Prints or PDI for expert advice which can greatly increase your chances of success! For more information and to book an appointment -
NEW - Download Issue 308 of PAGB eNews HERE    

Download the latest issue, 99, of Photography News  HERE

Exhibitions to Enter
Click on advert to follow link.
Last few days!
Trumpet Bowers' Corner
Salon acceptances: BPS photographers are now achieving large numbers of salon acceptances and constraints on time and space mean we can't include them all. So please only advise of awards or other milestones.
Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue
Items For Sale
Pete McCloskey has recently deceased member, Gordon Thomas' Durst M605 enlarger for sale.
If you are interested in acquiring this gem, please contact Pete at, and make him an offer he can't refuse!
At present similar enlargers are going for between £200 and £300 on eBay. Any moneys accrued through the sale of the enlarger will be donated to a medical charity by Gordon's partner, Margaret Collis.
If you have any photographic items for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter. Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes
Please don't forget that if you change your address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions, it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell us we can't possibly know!
Photographic Acronyms
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in"
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following:
Username - Your Membership Number            Password - Created by you
If you have any problems getting into the Members' Area, please contact Matt by email:  
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE