RHLSTP is continuing through lockdown.
Podcasts are released every Wednesday. Check them out on Acast (and everywhere else) and Youtube on these dates
Coming soon
9th Sept Bilal Zafar
16th Sept Sophie Duker
23rd Sept Sindhu Vee
30th Sept Maria Konnikova
7th October Michael Fenton Stevens
8pm Weds (though might have a week off this coming week)
I am doing lots of things on Twitch
Snooker on Mondays (and usually Tuesday)
and Ally and Herring's Twitch of Fun on Thursdays. These are also released as podcasts where you get your podcasts and videos on Youtube
New characters being added all the time. Plus songs and stings. And hopefully soon some sketches too.
Me1 vs Me2 Snooker is recorded live on Monday or Tuesday nights at 7.30pm and released as a podcast and on Youtube
And a live-streamed one that goes out on Twitch and is then put up on youtube.