Daylight Saving
Island Kindy News
Picnic Against Yamba Development Application
Yamba Picnic Thank You..
CP Post Office Notice
Easter Holiday Art Workshops
SIRFS Winter Fireshed Dinner HELP
Notices inc.
Calling Keen
Community Members
Youth Week Fun in Pittwater
Community Centre and Holiday Activities
Movie Nights & Book Sale Support
Food and Wine Fair Competition
Kids Yoga Workshop
Author Talks
Co-Op Club -
Book Launch Invitation
Found Cat
Wanted Rental Properties
For Sale
Local Contact Guide
subscription Information
Daylight Saving
5 Apr 2015 - Daylight Saving Time Ends
When local daylight time is about to reach
Sunday, 5 April 2015, 3:00:00 AM
clocks are turned backward 1 hour to
Sunday, 5 April 2015, 2:00:00 AM
local standard time instead
Sunrise and sunset will be about 1 hour earlier on 5 Apr 2015 than the
day before. There will be more light in the morning.
Change Your Clock, Change Your Smoke Alarm Battery!
At the end of daylight saving in each year, change your smoke alarm
battery with a long life battery when you change your clock. House
fires occur more frequently during the winter months, and making sure
you go in to winter with a working smoke alarm makes good sense.
If you have a hard-wired smoke alarm, these still have a battery as a
back up and the battery needs to be changed as well.
Find the Your Home Fire Safety brochure in the Fire Safety page of the
Publications section.
Smoke alarms don't last forever
Smoke alarms have a lifespan of about 10 years. After that, you should
replace them.
Most smoke alarms have a use-by date printed on them. If your alarm is
still beeping after you have changed its battery, it should be replaced
with a photo-electric model.
Old smoke alarms can be safely thrown out with household rubbish.

Scotland Island Kindy News 
Hi from Scotland Island and Offshore Children’s
Kindy has been blessed with some great donations this year,
A Massive thank you to
John Morgan for his generous donation, we were able to buy a
very cool light box along with amazing equipment to go with it, . the
Light Box has been an amazing learning tool, extending many interests
in a variety of ways. We used it to light up our tadpoles as we studied
them and have bought many other resources. The transparent coloured
blocks develop our understanding of mixing primary colour in to
secondary colours, it is a daily resource we use that the children are
drawn to throughout the day. We also bought some frog specimens to
study, as we are currently watching some tadpoles grow in to frogs, and
some grate fine motor and craft supplies.
Another huge thanks goes
to the Cardiff family for their train track and train donations
they are used every day and the children love them. We have even given
Tuesday morning the nick name, Train Track Tuesday, where the whole
group and some parents get right in to making the “biggest bestest”
train track. Train Tracks are a great way for the children (and Adults)
to extend their problem solving skills, matching the track up, with the
correct pieces, making them go the right way, even crossing other
tracks can be quiet tricky. It is always a great social and active part
of our construction corner.
The Kindy is in need of timber.
Mainly 4x4s and ply, anything over 1 meter in length, If you have any
leftover timber that is just sitting there, we could put it to good use
making shelving for our outdoor equipment.
We are also after outdoor house paint, preferably white and or grey to
give our cubby house a modern look.
Pick up can be arranged but drop off at the kindy would be Amazing.
We are using the Timber on Sunday the
12th April for our
working bee.
All working bees
There is heaps to do in
the garden, painting and some construction.
Please email the kindy, or call or text Bec with any donations you
might have.
If your children are growing out of their books or we would love them
to add to our library. Being a community run service we depend a lot on
toy and resource donations. If you are planning to pass on or even sell
your better condition books and toys, we may be interested and would
love to know about it.
Items we are looking for
- Plastic toy kitchen
- Books
- Old kitchen equipment, even spoons are great to
extend their dramatic play.
- Even A4 and or A3 scrap Paper
- Architect Paper is awesome!!
- Cardboard boxes
- Fabric
Bec 0421526434.
Kindy News, Our Program.
We have had such a great year so far, we have some new staff members,
(all studying or qualified). Our Numbers are building and we have such
a great time with the children. So far this year we have been focusing
on many of the children’s interests the predominant projects would be,
- Learning about our Island, Boats- Types and there
purpose, Sinking floating, and our adventures getting an home or
to the mainland
- Colours, not just the basic, learning about all the
colours and shades and what happens when we mix them
- Indigenous Australians- after the children made some
observations about the dream time story, ‘how the birds got their
colour’ (the colours they use, and how they might paint) we explored
indigenous art, and dream time stories
- Our native birds- we have been studying the many
birds that come to visit, drawing them, researching them, and observing
them when they come to visit, often when we eat afternoon tea. Its
great, not many services have that
- Cooking- Making bread from scratch, discovering sweet
and savoury and our senses
- Tadpoles-we have watched about 20 small tadpoles grow
into frogs, it has been the best fun and we are all learning. Did you
know that when a tadpole grows his legs he needs to breathe air with
his newly formed lungs?? We have researched our frog species and
discovered that we have the Striped mash frog, native to our area. We
have realised the fully grown frogs into a protected pond we made for
our frog friends.
Henny Penny
We are lucky to have booked in Henny Penny Eggs to come to our service.
The Eggs arrive April 20th, with an incubator. We watch the baby chick
hatch and care for the chicks studying them as they grow. It is a great
learning opportunity for the children and can lead to many more
learning interests, the more likely, animals that lay eggs, caring for
‘almost helpless’ chicks, Easter theme, Cycles of life, types of Eggs,
feathers birds, Flight and so much more.
Feel free to pop in with your children (before 9 or after 3:30) to see
the chicks and what we are learning.
All the chicks will be up for adoption if you are thinking of buying
chickens. I believe they can be sexed before you commit..
We are always wanting community involvement, if you have any experience
or profession that you could pass on to our growing minds we would love
to hear from you.
Committee Members Needed
The Scotland Island kindy is part of the fabric of the off-shore
community and has been in operation through thick and thin for over 25
It is currently undergoing an exciting phase of re-development with a
new Director, new staff, a new committee and some inspiring and fresh
ideas to help bring it into the future. The kindy is a community
concern and relies heavily on strong cooperation from the local
The Kindy’s Management Committee is currently in need of some more
members. You don’t have to have children attending the kindy to be on
the Committee, in fact not having children there would make you a
valuable and unbiased Committee Member.
Do you have a particular skill that could be of use to the kindy? Are
you a retired educator with a myriad of valuable information and
knowledge that would benefit the kindy? Perhaps you have a life skill
or an occupational skill which may be advantageous to the kindy.
Committee meetings are held monthly and typically last for 2 hours.
Please contact the Director Rebecca Tringham to express your interest
or find out more
Scotland Island Offshore Children’s Service.
Director Rebecca Tringham
73 Robertson road
Scotland Island 2015
9979 7856

Against Yamba Development
30 MARCH 2015
Pittwater offshore residents unite against
billionaire's planned resort
More than 70 Scotland Island residents gathered on the beach on the
weekend at the iconic Yamba Estate to protest against a highly
controversial commercial development on Scotland Island.
The proposal claims to be a new dwelling but closer inspection clearly
demonstrates its integration with the existing property at Yamba. The
resulting 14 bedroom resort, corporate retreat or training facility, as
it has been variously described, is to be used for short-term stays by
business executives.
“This is not a family home, this is not residential. It is a commercial
development and clearly does not meet Council’s E3 zoning guidelines,’
said Scotland Island resident and Yamba neighbour Chris Goold. “These
guidelines include a requirement to provide for low density,
residential development in keeping with the land form and not visually
prominent. It does none of these.”
With more than 15 formal letters of objection already lodged with the
Pittwater Council, and another 35 to be delivered, yesterday’s protest
of leading community members sends a clear message to Council members
that this development application is completely unacceptable and should
not be allowed to proceed.
“Scotland Island is an Environmental Management Zone with only
residential accommodation allowed. This building is termed variously as
a resort, corporate retreat and training facility and will be occupied
by different people all the time that will come for short stays and go.
They will not care about or be a part of the community, ” said
Western foreshore resident, Jennifer Knox who addressed the group.
“Apart from residential status, local residents are particularly
concerned about the size, bulk, scale and design. The towering
three-storey frontage, dwarfs the turn of the century Yamba homestead.
The new building will have floor space more than 750 square metres, is
not sympathetic to the landform, not low density and definitely would
be visually prominent across Pittwater. The building is too large for
the site but they are asking for exemption based on architectural
Ms Knox also confirmed many residents’ concerns about the wastewater
and wastewater management plan.
“How will this site possibly deal with the waste water of so many
visitors?” Not only is the Wastewater management Report based on
a variety of optimistic assumptions, its main dispersal site is a 25
metre long trench that approaches within 10 metres of the
foreshore. Foreshore soils are not suitable for absorption and
leakage of effluent into Pittwater is highly likely.
“The residence is subject to a development application that is being
processed by Council under delegated authority. It is a clever
application that is set up in the guise of a single dwelling however
very clearly is a commercial development. The residents are urging
council to not just assess the DA in terms of point by point compliance
and variation, but to look at the big picture here. It has the
potential of another Currawong-like reaction and, if approved, it sets
a very disturbing precedence for all of Pittwater,” Ms Knox said.
For further information
or to speak with Chris Goold or Jennifer Knox please contact
Chris Goold 0438
695 129
Jennifer Knox 0404 863 919
Yamba Picnic thank you..
Dear Residents,
Thank you for your enthusiastic attendance at the Yamba picnic on
Sunday to demonstrate you're strong objection to the current
development proposal.
It was great to see you all take time to attend from busy schedules.
Over 70 people attended which is a great turnout for a small community.
Being the closest neighbours who are spear-heading this campaign, we
much appreciate your support to protect this special place we all live
in. We need to stop any commercial style of development that
would have a detrimental effect on all of us, if this development is
approved in its current form or similar.
We will continue to keep you informed and assure you, we are working
hard to stop this unsuitable commercial development in our unique
residential area.
If you have not already done so, please write a personal submission to
Pittwater Council expressing your objections (DA N0066/15)
Thanks again
Susan & Chris, June, Cathy & Peter, Hubert & Maria , Judy
& Wayne
must be lodged before 8th April 2015

Church Point Post Office Notice
Worm Farms and Compost Bins
For the people who have ordered these from Pittwater Council.
Because there isn't any storage space available for
these large boxes at this PO, they will need to be collected from
Mona Vale Post Office .
Mona Vale will let me know what arrives and I will let you guys know.
One more thing, these items will be sent out in small batches, so it
could take some time for your order to arrive as quite a few have been
Thank you

Easter Holiday Art Workshop -
with Susan Murranty
On Scotland Island - Friday 10 & Friday 17 April
click images to load flyer
Contact Susan on 0402320429

Scotland Island Winter Fireshed
For the months of:
June, August, September
(Second Saturday of each month)
To cater for ONE EVENING of this coming season
(Ideas, hints, and help provided if needed)
Please contact Nathalie Muir on:

Calling all keen community
you interested in what’s happening in your local area at a local level,
with our towns and villages, the environment, the community or Council
decision-making? Or do you know someone who is?
We’d like to hear from you, and people you know in our community who
love Pittwater as much as you do.
Pittwater Council is looking for community members and organisations to
participate in our community reference groups, they play an important
role in considering the challenges and opportunities and the big issues
facing Pittwater. As a forum where innovative ideas can be discussed,
where community can find out about what is going on and have their say,
the groups help Council deliver Pittwater 2025 - Our Community
Strategic Plan.
What is involved? How do I
To find out what’s involved or how to nominate to join a reference
group visit
Nominations for reference
group membership may be made online until close of business Friday 10
Queries? Please contact David Bremner on 99701626 or email at
David Bremner
Community Engagement Officer, Pittwater Council
Ph. 9970 1262, Mob. 0466 312 335

Youth Week fun in Pittwater
will host two fun events for young people to get involved with during
National Youth Week 10-19 April 2015.
Youth aged 12 to 25 are invited to come along with their families and
friends to enjoy the free outdoor Cinema Night – screening Disney’s
Wreck It Ralph on Friday 10 April from 6.30 at Village Park Mona Vale.
Pittwater’s Mayor Jacqui Townsend encouraged families to bring their
bean bags, chairs, pillows and blankets.
“This type of event is perfect for the young and young at heart! Bring
along a picnic – settle in and enjoy the movie. There’s also ice-cream,
popcorn and coffee/tea available for purchase,” said Cr Townsend.
On Thursday 16 April, Pittwater Council in collaboration with Big Air
School will host the third leg of the Sydney Skatepark Series at Avalon
Skate Park from 12 noon.
This free event will feature scooter, skate and BMX competitions with
prizes to be won on the day. There will also be demos, a DJ,
giveaways, giant games and stalls including representatives from
headspace Brookvale.
These events have been put together with the assistance of Pittwater
youth, supported by headspace and promoted through the KALOF App.
Mayor Jacqueline Townsend said the recent launch of the KALOF (Keep a
Look Out For) App was gaining traction with our young community.
“The App, designed for youth between the ages of 12 and 25, can be
downloaded for free at the App Store or Google Play.
“It provides youth with a social media platform that can keep them
informed about events, their community, places and opportunities,”
added Cr Townsend.
For information on these events visit
or download the KALOF app.
Until then please save these dates – we look forward to you joining
with RAD.
Kim Reading
Executive Assistant to Mayor & Councillors
P: 9970 1104

Community Centre and
Holiday Activities

For each School Vacation period, Council produces its Holiday
Recreation Program which will outline the activities run at the
contributing Centres and also advertise external holiday programs being
held locally such as Surf Camps, Art classes, Sport & Recreation
programs and computer workshops.
Avalon Recreation Centre has a large selection of activities on offer,
everything from Martial Arts to Jewellery making.
North Narrabeen Community & Tennis Centre run a Tennis Camp and a
fun multi-sports and movement program designed for children.
Council's Coastal Environment Centre offer their Coastal Explorer's
program which investigates the sand, dunes and various wildlife as well
as offering art programs along their environmental themes.
We have provided the current Program brochure in PDF format which you
can download from the Document Links below or collect from Council's
Customer Service Centres in Mona Vale or Avalon or the participating
Community Centres.
January to June 2015 Community Centres Brochure
Holiday Recreation Program
Brochure outlining Council's Community Centres

Movie nights and book sale
support Soibada
Mona Vale Library’s recent movie night and book sale has raised over
$1000 for the Reading Room project in the village of Soibada, East
Pittwater Council’s General Manager praised the library for the
fundraising initiative, saying it benefited the community of Soibada by
providing access to books, which are in very short supply.
“Once the Reading Room is established, it will provide a repository for
the books which will be purchased in the appropriate language (Tetun
and Portugese). These books will be cared for by a member of
staff – who will open the room at specified hours, allowing access from
villagers of all ages.
“Pittwater Council is pleased to part of the Reading Room initiative”
added Mr Ferguson.
The movie nights, scheduled between now and June celebrate the life and
work of Robin Williams.

The next screening is Dead
Poets Society, on Thursday 2
April from 6.00pm.
Details of future movie nights are as follows:
- Thursday
7 May,
Good Morning Vietnam
- Thursday 11 June,
People’s Choice
All screenings will take place in the Pelican Room at Mona Vale
The funds, which have been raised through admission fees and the sale
of books, will go towards supporting the community of Soibada, one of
the poorest regions of Timor Leste (East Timor), through programs run
by Pittwater Friends of Soibada.
Pittwater’s Friendship Agreement with Soibada was established in 2010
as a way to support the community’s independence and well being.
As places are limited please book early to avoid disappointment.
Bookings can be made by calling
9970 1600 or at the library’s front desk. The cost for this event
is $5 per person, which include free refreshments.

Food & Wine Fair online
and wine-lovers can win a degustation lunch for four in the Hunter
Valley and a private winery tour as part of the 2015 Pittwater Food and
Wine Fair.
Other great prizes include a two-night stay at Currawong Cottages for
four people, plus a hamper of Cooks Lot wines and goodies, and a face
painting gift certificate to the value of $280.
The online competition is open until the May event with entries limited
to one per person. Visit
to submit an entry.
Winners will be drawn at the Fair on Sunday 3 May and to be eligible
for a prize in the competition, you must attend the fair and place your
ticket in the barrel.
Now in its sixth year, the Food and Wine Fair will be held at
picturesque Winnererremy Bay in Mona Vale, next to the children’s
playground and Flying Fox Cafe.
Mayor Jacqui Townsend said this year’s Fair will have an array of wines
and food on offer, cooking demos, eco-stalls and a volunteer’s expo.
“The expo will profile many different volunteering opportunities
including community transport, community service groups and disability
services,” she said.
“You can also pick up useful tips on living sustainably and protecting
our environment and collect free native plants,” said Cr Townsend.
Residents and visitors are invited to come along and sample fine
Australian wines from boutique and classic wine stalls and enjoy tasty
gourmet foods and live music at the Fair.
Recyclable/reusable wine ’glasses’ will be sold on the day from the
Council stall for $5. These ‘glasses’ will be required to buy wine
tastings from the wineries.
Attendees are also encouraged to bring drink bottles on the day which
they can fill up at the water stations provided by Sydney Water.
The fair is proudly sponsored by URM, Kimbriki, Manly Daily, McWilliams
Mt Pleasant, Pittwater RSL, Molly’s Cradle Wines and Currawong Beach
Winnererremy Bay Reserve is located at Mona Street, Mona Vale.
For more information about the Food & Wine Fair, contact Nikki
Griffith on 9970 1165 or visit
Contact: Media contact:
Phone: 9970 1119 or 9970 1172

Yoga workshop on Scotland Island for this School Holidays!
9:30 - 12:30 am
$35 per child (second
child $25) includes morning tea
A great opportunity for kids to explore their bodies
Let off steam
Have fun!
For bookings and more information please contact Nadine on 0402 7252465

A Forger’s Progress:
The Life of Francis Greenway
Author Alasdair McGregor will discuss his recent work A Forger’s
Progress: The Life of Francis Greenway at an upcoming Author Talk at
Mona Vale Library on Thursday 16 April from 6.30pm.
McGregor profiles Greenway’s landmark buildings, his meteoric rise and
his complex and fraught relationship with Governor Macquarie, along
with his thwarted ambitions and self-destruction.
This is the first biography on Greenway since 1953 and gives great
insight into Australia’s first government architect.
Alastair McGregor is a writer, painter and photographer. His
professional and creative interests span a number of fields including
natural history and the environment, architecture and design, and the
history of exploration.
Over the course of his career, McGregor has authored, co-authored or
edited seven non-fiction books in the genres of travel, natural
history, history, biography, architecture and design, and has been an
occasional contributor to edited books, periodicals, newspapers.
In 2011 McGregor was awarded the National Biography Award, for his work
Grand Obsessions: The life and work of Walter Burley Griffin and Marion
Mahony Griffin.
Bookings are essential; to book phone 9970 1600. Participants can
enjoy light refreshments prior to the talk and there will be book
signings afterwards.
Date: Thursday 16 April.
Time: 6.30pm
Venue: Mona Vale Library
1 Park Street, Mona Vale
Cost: $8 Adults, $6 Concession - Pensioner and Students (passes must be
Phone: 9970 1600
Bookings essential!

Co-Op Club Presents: April 2015 Bookings
Church Point Cafe
- Artists
play between 3-6pm
Artists play between
April 5: Robert Susz Continental Blues & Boogaloo Party :
"Continental" Robert Susz, ex Dynamic Hepnotics & The Mighty
Reapers - singer, harmonica player & songwriter has assembled his
latest soul/blues/down-home funk combo "The Continental Blues Party".
Playing a combination of "Continental" Robert's compositions (including
his national SMASH HIT "Soul Kind Of Feelin'") & treasures from the
SOUL & BLUES vaults by artists like Ray Charles, James Brown, Muddy
Waters, Cutis Mayfield, B.B. King, Joe Simon, they have been turning on
audiences with their electrifying, soul charged, R'N'B workouts since
their formation in 2007.
April 12: Bernie Heyes :
A fixture of the Sydney music scene, singer-songwriter Bernie Hayes has
spent the last 12 months collaborating with Karma County’s Brendan
Gallagher on what will be his fourth solo album, Slow Fix.
The master tapes are in Czechoslovakia now, being transformed into
magic black vinyl. In the meantime, Bernie is heading up to Church
Point to play those new tunes, plus a few of the old favourites, brewed
over the last few decades in pubs and concert halls up and down the
east coast.
He’ll be bringing with him some of his oldest musical friends: Elmo
Reed (with whom he first played in Canberra band The Shuffle before
they both spent time in The Gadflys) and John Encarnacao (who joins him
in the rare but treasured outings of the Bernie Hayes Quartet).
April 19: Ella Keysell & The Dinlows :
We featured Ella Keysell at our ‘The Future Now’ concert at the Co-Op
Club last September and we’re very proud to present Ella and her
brother Jakob with their band The Dinlows this month.
They've been pleasing Sydney audiences with their horn & vocal
harmony drenched take on jazz, reggae, garage rock and soul and now
it’s our turn to experience these young slick operators at the Co-Op
Sun April
26: The Sly Dogs :
Matt Trapnell & The Sly Dogs return to the Co-Op Club. They are our
beloved house band and the word is spreading about this very cool
outfit with their brand of dirty blues & funky grooves. Come on

Retirement Gap Year - Adapting to Retirement
by Dr. Frances Black
Book Launch Invitation
This is a baby-boomer
book, a non-fiction, memoir involving a journey which resulted in
unexpected personal growth and helped the author adapt to retirement.
Dr Frances Black's "retirement gap year" was in a sense, a gift from
her 29-year-old son, who decided buy a yacht in Germany and sail it
back home to Australia. Not as keen as her husband for extended sailing
time on their son's yacht, she formulated a plan to live in Spain and
learn Spanish. As problems surfaced, she found she had to abandon her
well-laid plans and find new ones. She discovered her unusual journey
helped her gain new skills, which she hopes will help her adapt to her
new phase in life. The book is based on a blog she kept during this
She is a retired general practitioner, who has written extensively for
both the medical and lay media.

Found Cat
Cat seemingly without a Home !
If anyone is missing a black and white un-desexed male kitten, about 24
weeks old, it has been hanging around the houses at the top of the
Bells Wharf steps.
Katherine Wykes

Body Board missing from Elvina Bay
Blue Manta body board with cord.
Blue & black Mares kids flippers.
Both were presents for my 3y.o son.
If seen please call Sam 0468718953

Wanted Rental Properties
Rental sought
I am looking for a quiet studio/ living space (for between $200 -
$350) to call my own for at least 6 months.
I would love something independent and bright with enough room to
live and study comfortably.
I am currently living in Avalon but am keen to give the island or
surrounds a go.
I guess I am what you would call a quiet 40 yr old lady.
You can contact me on 0450 831 859 or on
Short Term Rental for (temporarily displaced)
Long Term Island Residents
Due to the fire last weekend which damaged our house, we have just
discovered that we will be unable to return for probably 3 months or
We are looking for a short term rental or house sit whilst repairs are
undertaken on our home.
If anyone has a house they would be willing to let to us or know
someone who does, please get in touch with us.
Thank you so much
Matt 0404 876685
Nikki 0425 227792

For Sale 
Rotary Clothesline for sale
Very Good condition rotary clothesline for sale.
New $320 now selling for $90
Call Aggy on 0424209242
Pick up Richard road near Bell Wharf.

FREE to good home – Cliveas
Collect from Florence Terrace
If interested, call Meredith 0414 474 042

Local Guide
Scotland Island Web Site | |
click to
go to the Calendar |
Scotland Island Residents
Facebook Page |
click to go to Page |
Island Community Vehicle - 0404 103 700 |
Number, Usage & Charges |
Island Rural Fire Brigade - 9999 4404 | |
Pittwater Rural Fire Brigade - 9997-3795 | |
Gallery |
offshore gallery |
Island Residents Association
(SIRA) Membership details - click
here for details
Pittwater Community
Association (WPCA) - |
Island Emergency Water
Complete details
on website inc.
- General Information, Map & Contacts
- Emergency Water
Guidelines September 2014
- Agreement For Sale Of
Water Updated 2013
- SIRA Membership
Application 2014-2015
Island Children's Centre - (SIOCS - Scotland Island
& Offshore Children's Services)
Catherine Park (Long Day Care Service) 7.30am - 5.30pm (Tues,
Weds, Thurs & Friday)
Other services include: School Holiday Programme / Facility &
Equipment Hire
For information call 02 9979 7856
or email: |
Island Community Hall
Bookings: |
Online News
- |
Tick Fact Sheet |
Real Estate
Services, Clubs &
Island Classes
Dance, Art etc)
Meditation and Group Fitness with Patrice - 0406
483 036 |
Classes- drawing
and painting in oils, acrylics and mixed media- Marion 0431 457 431 |
Nathalie's Table - Cooking Classes - Nathalie - 9999 4449 |
Yoga - Tuesday 9.00 to 10.30 Tuesday morning - Phone Katya on
0414 187 916 |
Dynamic Yoga - Tuesday PM.
& Saturday AM. Phone Nadine 0402 752465
Tai Chi & Qi Gong classes –
Friday 10-11 am. Chris 0416221040 or |
/ The Fourth Way - Call John on 9979 5584, Marion on 9979
3993 or Anne on 9999 3478 |
Group For Catherine Park - Run by SIOCS - Emmie Collins
on 0405 330 781 |
- Women on Water
- meets 4 times a year - Jenny Frazer 0410533728 / 99994460. |
& Kids Groups Playgroup - Run by SIOCS
- email Emma |
Island Players
- contact Bob or Kez on 9999 4092 |
Park Bush Care Group,
2nd Sunday @ 9.30am, Sharon Kinnison @ 9997 6017 |
Park Bush Care Group,
1st Saturday @ 9 am, Bob Bolton @ 9999 4092 |
Thinking Group - Roy
Baker, 9999 6891, |
a capella choir
– Saturdays at 2:30 pm, SI Community Hall. Call CB on
9997 2035. |
Buses and Railways
Island Tides,
Moon phases, Sun rise & set
weather for Sydney (128k circle)
Contact Numbers
and reviewing recordings
ALL EMERGENCIES (Police - Fire - Ambulance) |
000 |
Assistance Line & Information |
1444 or 9281 0000 |
Bay Water Police |
7899 or 0412 162 093 |
Rescue Broken
Bay - Weekend
9999 3554 -
(02) 8411 1121
Rescue Broken
Bay - VHF Radio channel
Radio Channel: VHF 16
27MHz Radio Channel: 86 or 88
Island Rural Fire Service |
4404 |
Elvina Bay Rural
Fire Service
9997 3795
Lovett Bay Rural
Fire Service
9979 1612
Mackerl Beach Rural
Fire Service
9974 1162
Headquarters Terrey
9450 3000
Fire Service General Information 9265 2999 |
2999 |
Fire Service General information |
3000 |
Emergency Service, Warringah/Pittwater SES |
25 00 9486
3399 |
Parks & Wildlife Service: 000, general information |
9322 |
of Community Services: general information |
6011 |
Water |
090 |
Australia |
388, (ah) 131 909 |
can now join the
Scotland Island Residents Association by clicking
Look for the membership form link on the
page. Return the completed form to
SIRA at this address:
The Treasurer, SIRA, PO Box 70, Church Point
Please NO CASH.
Contact the Treasurer
To join the
Western Pittwater
Association, contact
Michael Wiener at
A complete set of past electronic newsletters since May 2000 can be
found and read at or
by clicking
here or
by visiting the Mona Vale Library.
The Island website is at

If you would
like to contribute to this newsletter it's easy!. Send an
e-mail to the editor ( or by clicking here. Type your
contribution (100 words or so would be fine) and assuming it is of
interest to the community, does not include matter of a political
nature and is not offensive, it will
appear next month.
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views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily the views of the
Scotland Island Residents Association (SIRA), or
the Western
Pittwater Community Association (WPCA)
