Media Diary Notice: National EIP-AGRI Conference, Athlone, 28 November 2022
EIP-AGRI projects are one of the great success stories of our agri-environment schemes. This conference, organised by the National Rural Network (NRN) on behalf of the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM), will bring farmers, researchers, farm advisers and policymakers together to discuss successful innovative approaches towards agri-environmental protection and sustainability of farms across Ireland through EIP-AGRI’s locally-led, farmer-centred approach, and discover the numerous lessons learned to date over the course of the Rural Development Programme (RDP) 2014-2020 (extended to 2022).  As well as hearing about the ‘on-the-ground’ experiences of featured EIP-AGRI Projects on the day, a representative from the Department of Agriculture Food and the Marine (DAFM) will explain where EIP-AGRI sits within the new CAP Strategic Plan (2023-2027).
Keynote: Pippa Hackett, Minister of State for Land Use and Biodiversity in the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine.
The full agenda is available here.
Where: Athlone Springs Hotel, Athlone, Co. Roscommon, N37 F9T3 (view map).
When: Monday 28 November 2022, 9.30am-4pm
Media welcome to attend. To register contact or call 086 176 9287.
Interviews available.
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