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To: Firstname Lastname
Your BPS Membership No:
Your BPS Membership renewal date:
Hello, Firstname |
Click the link to be taken to article.
Next week our speaker is Sarah Howard. Sarah should have been with us earlier in the year, but had to postpone her visit until now.
Sarah is a professional landscape photographer based in the Cotswolds. Influenced by her father, who was himself a proficient amateur landscape photographer, Sarah first developed her interest in photography some 25 years ago. Realising it was something she wished to pursue as a career. Sarah was fortunate to be mentored some years later by her idol; Charlie Waite, who in her words "helped me find my path in life”.
She went on to develop her own style of natural, authentic imagery. With a love of travel and nature, her interest has always been in landscape photography, and since launching her workshop company; Image Seen, back in 2010, she has been lucky enough to combine the two. Sarah believes strongly in getting as much right in camera as possible so that she can leave a location, knowing she has the best possible result which she will then edit in Lightroom.
This presentation covers the following:
- Preparations for a landscape photography shoot - things to consider.
- The impact of light on the landscape and how this affects your image making
- Skies - why they are so important
- The importance of composition - lead in lines, foreground interest, rule of thirds, framing, keeping things simple, perspective
- The use of filters
Below are a few images from the night: |
To see more of Sarah's work, why not have a look at her website:
Login details:
- Wednesday 11 September @ 19.30hrs
- Login: Click HERE
- Meeting ID: 856 7712 9763
- Password: 088216
The next Digital Imaging Group Meeting will be on Monday 9 September at 7.30pm.
Just a reminder, there is still time to get your images in. Last month we enjoyed a wide variety of inspiring images and projects. It’s your images that make these evenings such a success so please keep sending them in.
These informal meetings are a great opportunity to share your work with other members or simply to gain some inspiration.
If you would like some advice, to share a project you have been working on, or simply want to share some of your images outside the competition environment, then please send your images to by email or WeTransfer ideally by 5.00pm on Sunday 8 September so they can be included. I will be away from 5 - 7 September so I will pick up images on Sunday morning. There is still space, so I look forward to receiving your images.
Please number your images in the order you would like them to be viewed and resize to the usual competition size, not essential but helps to keep the file sizes manageable.
Rachel Domleo
Login details:
- Monday 9 September @ 19.30hrs
- Login: Click HERE
- Meeting ID: 869 1507 0449
- Password: 684493
Speaker |
Talk Title |
9 Sept |
DI Group |
11 Sept |
Sarah Howard |
Presentation 1 |
18 Sept |
Colin Walls |
Observational Photography |
23 Sept |
Distinctions Advisory Group |
25 Sept |
PDI Competition |
Round 1 |
25 Sept |
Closing date - Print Round 1 |
Prescribed subject - BLUE |
Print Competition - Round 1 |
The closing date for the first print round of the new season is Wednesday, 25 September and there is a box awaiting your entries on the stage in Unit 13.
For new members, members venturing into prints for the first time and, dare I say it, established members who may wish a little reminder, here are a few pointers.
Club level entrants may submit a maximum of 3 prints in each round. Intermediate and Advanced entrants may submit a maximum of 2.
Prints awarded by the judge earn points. Across the four rounds these points are accumulated. Trophies are presented in each of the 3 levels (Club, Intermediate, and Advanced) to the holders of the highest number of points at the end of the four rounds.
Prescribed Topic Challenge
For entrants at all levels, one of your 3 or 2 images may be submitted for an optional Prescribed topic challenge in each round. These will be judged together, regardless of the entrant’s level. This entry must be identified by ticking the box on the print label. Points gained for the Prescribed topic will also accrue to the entrant’s score at the appropriate level.
A separate tally of Prescribed scores will be kept, with an award for the winner at the end of the season.
You can download labels for your prints from the Members’ Portal on the BPS website. Go to Competition Closing Dates and find the download links at the foot of the list - alternatively use the links here by clicking on the version you require. The two versions are either PDF or MS Word.
Digital Copies
It’s essential that you supply a digital copy of each print you enter. This should be the same size as for the PDI competitions – 1600 x 1200 – but there is no need to give any other information than your name and the title. You don’t need to add your membership number or level of entry. Please upload the digital copies of your prints via this link:
The judge for Round 1 will be Aleks Gjika DPAGB, EFIAP and the optional Prescribed topic for this round is Blue.
Let’s hope for a great start to the print competition year! Please contact me at if you have any questions or problems.
David Alderson
Print Competition Secretary
Distinctions Advisory Group |
To all members - a date for your diary.
The next meeting of the Distinctions Advisory Group will be held at the Clubrooms at 7.30pm on Monday 23 September, when advice will be given by Pete McCloskey FRPS, Andrew Marker FRPS and Ralph Snook ARPS to anyone wishing to, or in the process of, applying for photographic distinctions.
These evenings are primarily targeted at those aiming for RPS or PAGB distinctions, but anyone aiming for a photographic distinction is welcome.
If you are already well on the way down your chosen path or just thinking about dipping your toe in the murky waters of photo distinctions, you are welcome. Bring along your pictures (PDI or prints) and you can receive suggestions and advice about your next step forward.
Click on image for further details |
Great Western Photography Exhibition
Open - NOW
Closing - 2 October
3 PDI Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
3 Print Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
Free entry for BPS members*
*Not available to distance members
Dingwall National Projected Image Exhibition
Open - NOW
Closing - 22 September
4 PDI Sections:
- Open Colour
- Nature
- Landscape
- Monochrome
Click on image for further details
30th Shrewsbury Open Photography Exhibition
Open - NOW
Closing - 29 September
4 PDI Sections
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Scapes
- Nature
50th Smethwick International Exb'tion
Open - NOW
Closing - 4 November
3 PDI Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
3 Print Sections:
- Open Colour
- Monochrome
- Nature
NEW - Download Issue 363 PAGB eNews HERE.
Download Issue 116 of Photography News HERE.
Here is a definitive list of recent FIAP distinction awards to BPS members:
Cox |
Colin Dixon |
Steve Field |
Jay Hallsworth |
Beryl Heaton |
Yealand Kalfayan |
Christine Mallett |
Derwood Pamphilon |
Well done to all concerned.
Salon acceptances: Contrary to popular belief, I do not possess psychic powers and need you to tell me if you've had successes. If you want to blow your own trumpet (or someone else's), then this is the place to do it. Please let me know and I'll include details in a future issue.
Epson WF3620 printer, ideal second desktop printer/ scanner. Complete with several additional sets of compatible inks.
FREE to a good home.
message/call 07706 868638.
Annoyingly I'm without a car at present, so you'd have to collect (Horfield) |
If you have any photographic items
for sale, drop me a line and I'll include it in the next newsletter.
Please make sure that you provide contact details, price and full
description of the sale items (pictures always help).
IMPORTANT: Personal Detail Changes |
Please don't forget that if you change your
address (home or email), or gain additional photographic distinctions,
it would be appreciated if you could let the Membership Secretary know
so that she can keep her records up to date, this will also ensure that
you continue to receive your newsletters - please email all changes to
The distinctions we have on record are those
shown at the top of this newsletter, please remember, if you don't tell
us we can't possibly know!
For those of you who aren't sure what MPAGB, EFIAP/s and many more such
seemingly random collections of letters mean, just click here to see the list.
Missed a Copy of the Newsletter?
To view past editions of this Newsletter, please click on the following link and then select the date(s) you are looking for - BPS Newsletter Archive |
BPS Website - Members' Portal "Log in" |
To enter the Members' Portal of the BPS website you will need the following: Username - Your Membership Number Password - Created by you
Bristol Photographic Society,
Unit 13, Montpelier Central, Station Rd, Bristol, BS6 5EE