Farm Fresh News October 2012  

In this issue:

There are still a few old buses in the woods!

Hi Friends,
Election Day is fast approaching. It looks good for Obama and if he does get reelected, we must continue our pressure in whatever way we can to get him to live up to the reasons we all voted for him in the first place.

In this issue, I introduce you to one of our neighbors, update you on the recent visit from CNN and deliver your invitation to the next two events from Swan Trust.

Please consider joining me for the upcoming Vegan Cooking Retreat. It is a tasty way to experience life on The Farm and will be my last retreat of the year!

Thank you for your time and attention.

Yours in community,


Tamales: Our recipe is from Guatemala, and the masa is a more delicate texture than your typical Mexican tamale.
Always a favorite!

Vegan Cooking Retreat
October 12-14

Going Veg or simply seeking some healthy, nutritious, and delicious recipes?

Yummy Sushi with avocado and other veggies

Cooking Classes include:

  • Soy and Tofu Recipes
  • Raw Foods / Raw Desserts
  • Cheese Alternatives
  • International Cuisine
  • Recipes for Kids!
  • Using Your Dehydrator

Register today!

Additional Activities:

  • Farm History Slide show with a special focus on our Diet and Nutrition Evolution
  • Yoga and Meditation
  • Saturday Night: Farm Community Dinner*

    *Activities subject to change
For activities and events on The Farm, check out:
The Farm Community Calendar Green Life Retreat Calendar
Friends of The Farm on Face book Midwifery Workshops


Part of Stephen Gaskin’s early wisdom was the importance of relating to our neighbors and that it was key to the community’s survival. Originally that meant people up and down Drakes Lane right outside the gate. Now 40 years later the “neighbors” that we connect with go well beyond the Lane and extend throughout Middle Tennessee, and include everyone from Tanya who cuts our hair at her salon in Summertown, to bank presidents and business leaders in Lawrenceburg, Hohenwald and surrounding counties.

I recently received a call from our region’s DA (who I had made campaign commercials for about 10 years ago) who hooked me up with the Democratic candidate for a state senate seat. It amazed me to be the one writing the words that he spoke from a giant LCD screen at the Middle TN District Fair.

.ty cobb
Ty Cobb, Democratic candidate for TN State Senate
Allow me to introduce Bud Runion, someone I call an honorary Farmee. In 1971, Bud walked outside the factory where he was working to watch the first buses roll through Columbia, only to find that they had parked on the land right across from his home on Drakes Lane. Today Bud works with 2nd Gen Farm member Jethro Barger in the management of our water system. He also has the contract to pick up all our trash every Friday. Bud’s pictured here with JB (Jethro's dad), who has also served as a Farm ambassador to the locals for many years since the Changeover from his mechanic shop we call the Motor Pool.

As I introduced Bud to the producer from CNN, he reminisced about The Farm and concluded, “I guess it’s worked out pretty well.” Bud wisely went on to say, “I got a lot of friends on The Farm. A’course I can’t say I am good friends with everybody here. Doug here is one of my best friends.” I was honored.
left to right- JB, Farm Member and Bud, honorary Farmee

CNN Visit

In my unofficial role as PR person, I direct the media toward various stories and then they pick and choose what they find interesting. I think it is especially intriguing to note that the people who will be featured in the upcoming 30 minute program, all moved to The Farm post-Changeover. And these are not newbies, but folks who have taken on real roles of responsibility, including terms on our board of directors.

The program will also feature one new person who has been here about a year, going through the first stages of membership. She was drawn here not because of our past history, but of what The Farm represents and is right now.


I used my interview to talk about some of The Farm's basic ideals, tried and true teachings like “Attention Is Energy” and “What you put out comes back to you” and the concept of “Right Livelihood – that your work is seamless with your ideals.” These are not 40 year old leftovers from the 70's, but essential truths that are as powerful today as they were when we first got here (we’ll have to wait and see if these statements make it past the editors). As we conducted the interviews, a part of me definitely had to smile when 21 year old Noah said, “On The Farm, work is considered to be the material expression of love.” Some things never grow old.

Air dates are planned for December/January. There will be short, 5 minute segments embedded in news shows that will be used to promote the 30 minute (20 minutes after you take out the advertising) program dedicated to The Farm. The crew comes back for a third time later this month to shoot additional material and interviews.


Saturday, October 13 - Little Grinders Creek
Registered State Natural Area, Lewis County TN
Our last hike of the year. We will meet at 11:00 a.m. at J&C’s Market, located at the intersection of Drake Lane and Hwy 20, approximately 5 miles west of Summertown.

This hike is jointly sponsored by the TN Natural Areas Program and Swan Conservation Trust.   Enjoy an October walk "in" Little Grinders Creek (bring creek shoes) and surrounding woodlands.  There are two beautiful waterfalls and three rare plants – Tennessee yellow-eyed grass, Eggert’s sunflower and grass-of-Parnassus – found in a rare community type called the Highland Rim Calcareous Seeps. Enjoy the fall colors, clear streams and lush woods.

.grinders creek
Waterfall on Little Grinders Creek

Saturday, October 27, Halloween Party
At the home of Eric and Beth Lewis
Don't miss our Fall FUNdraiser!

When: 7 PM
Where: 7978 HWY 100, Nashville, TN 37221
Donation Requested: $15 - All Welcome!

As always, lots of Great Food and Drink!
Potluck contributions welcome.

Get started on your Holiday Shopping!
Support the Swan Trust Auction with Harvey and Eric!

Please bring items to contribute to the auction!

Costumes encouraged. Prizes for the best costumes!

Bonfire - Music - Fellowship
Volunteers needed for parking, skits, clean up, etc.

For more information or to RSVP, contact:
Eric & Beth: (615) 646-6266 (931) 964-2590 (931) 626-4035 cell


Thank you for your time and attention! I look forward to hearing from you.

Read more about life on The Farm in
Voices from the Farm, available from The Farm Catalog


voices from The Farm

Green Life Retreats
A division of Village Media Services
PO Box 259 / Summertown, TN 38483
931-964-2590 - office 931-626-4035 - cell