If you have no interest in the OPUS_Upload or the OPUS_Accumulator tools, use the unsubscribe link at the bottom of this message to remove yourself from future mailings.
The Beta version of OPUS (available here: https://beta.ngs.noaa.gov/OPUS/ ) now supports muli-constellation processing. My initial tests with customer jobs collected under moderate canopy have been very positive. This new OPUS tool only supports static sessions (those longer than 2 hours.)
The latest version of OPUS_Upload (OU) fully supports this beta site, with automated control of the constellation checkboxes and (hopefully) complete support for RINEX3. Use the new 'Beta NGS' button on the Advanced tab to select the beta submission URL.
The last page of this FAQ:
describes the changes to OU.
You can download the distribution ZIP file which contains the single file executable and the FAQ, from this web folder:
Please let me know if you have any issues,
Mark Silver
Mark Silver, mark@igage.com
Office +1-801-412-0011 x16; Direct +1-801-326-0835; Cell +1-801-824-3367
iGage Mapping Corporation www.igage.com
1545 S 1100 E STE 1, Salt Lake City UT 84105 USA