Artist: Laakso
Album: Grateful Dead
Label: Adrian Recordings
Release date: April the 22nd

Upcoming single: So Happy, So Sad - Due out Februari the 5th

Time is not linear, everything happens at the same time. At the same time that Adrian Recordings preparing the release of Laakso’s 5th album we are sitting in a dorm in Uppsala 2002 getting a demo from a guy called Markus Krunegård. The tracks on the demo was then released as Laakso's debut EP “Long Beach” on Adrian Recordings. 

Laakso then became one of Swedens’s fines indie bands with a long row of hits 2003-2007. Then Markus went solo and became one of Sweden’s biggest solo artists as well as member of constellations like Serenades together with Adam of Shout Out Louds. Numerous hits, tours and rewards later he find himself together with his band mates in Laakso again. Back where it all started on Adrian Recordings.
The album is produced by Jari Haapalainen, that also produced most of the early material. It will be called “Grateful Dead” and is released the 22nd of April. First single from the album was the storming “Lack of Time”, second taster is the bittersweet “So Happy, So Sad”.

Markus Krunegård – vocals, guitar, piano
David Nygård – Krauten, dragspel, brass, glockenspiel
Lars Skoglund – drums, percussion
Mikael Fritz – bass

Hi resolution press pix:

Photo: Marcus Palmqvist

Adrian Recordings