Friday, July 8, 2005

Psalm 4:4 In your anger do not sin; when you are on your beds, search your hearts and be silent.


Anger is a strong emotion. It can be very difficult to keep it from leading to sinful activities. When anger springs up within us, most often it shows itself in a bad way. In anger we lash out against God with thoughts and words. In anger we treat our brothers, sisters, and neighbors poorly. In anger we refuse to show love where it ought to be shown. Sometimes we even defend our sinful actions with words like, "I have a right to be angry," or "I'm so angry, I'm just going to get him back!"

But anger does not always have to lead to sin. There were times when Jesus was angry. He was angry when He saw the temple being used as a marketplace, but He did not express His anger in a sinful way, instead He used His energy to clean things up and impress upon the people the proper use of God's house. Surely Jesus was angry many times at the devil. Satan tempted Him, wore Him down, and made life difficult for the people He was trying to help. Yet in His anger, Jesus did not sin -- He turned His energy and effort to the cross where the evil one was defeated once and for all. Maybe there are times when our anger too does not have to end up in sinful or hurtful activities.

The Psalm says that when you are angry, you ought to stop and think about it. "Count to ten" as your mother used to say. When you feel that emotion, lie down on your bed quietly. Search your heart to make sure the anger has not already led you into sinful thoughts. If it has, confess your sins and enjoy Christ's forgiveness. Think about how you will react now to your anger. Will you express it in a harmful way, or will you try to address the situation that made you angry in a loving, Christian way? Instead of letting your anger lead you into sin against one another, why not be "fired up" to redouble your efforts against the devil, serve, and help your neighbor?