Temple Beth Am Library Minyan  
 March 2013
 The Minyan Monthly
Daveners, Step Right Up!
One thing that makes the Library Minyan a unique prayer experience is the diversity of davening leaders who step up to the bimah each Shabbat. Because we are lay-led, without a staff of professional clergy, we depend on the willingness of volunteers, especially new faces, to keep the services vibrant and engaging. The gabayim work hard each week to find and invite a variety of daveners, both newcomers and Minyan veterans, to lead us in prayer.  Let’s make the task of the gabayim easier. If you have the ability to lead a service (perfection is not required) and would like to do so, don’t wait for the gabay to call you.  Call or email me (rosh@libraryminyan.org), or Gabayim Chair Jerry Krautman (Gabbaim@libraryminyan.org ), tell us which date and which service you would like to lead, and we will get you in touch with the gabay for that Shabbat to make it happen.  
Have a wondeful and meaningful Pesach. Chag Sameach Ukasher. 
– Scott Taryle
Thank-You to DPL Potluck Hosts
Approximately 100 minyan members participated in the Tu B'shvat/erev Shabbat potluck dinners, and a fruitful time was had by all! A special thanks to all those who hosted: Lida Baker and Paul Nisenbaum; Teri and Baruch Cohan-Link; Marlynn and Elliot Dorff; Essia and Howard Fredman; Miriyam Glazer and Anthony Elman Nina Golden and Jason Rosenbaum; Gail Labovitz and Bill Seligman; Robert and Renalee Pflug; Diane and Bob Roosth; Alana and Jon Rotter; and an extra-special thanks to Susan Grinel, event coordinator, for all her hard work!
- Val
Reminder Regarding Kippot and Talitot Task Force, April 14 Start-Up Meeting
By popular demand, a new task force is forming, led by Abby Harris, to explore issues regarding the requiring of both women and men to wear kipot and tallitot while on the bimah or performing other honors.  Abby will host the initial meeting at her house on Sunday, April 14, at 6:30 pm. 
All are invited, and we hope to have men and women on all sides of the issue, and with a diverse background of minhagim and preferences regarding the wearing of tallitot and kipot, attend and participate. Please RSVP to Abby by email (abby@harrisparty.com) if you are interested in attending, or if you can’t attend the meeting but would like to be otherwise involved. 
Did You Know?
Seder Pesach, Persian Style, by Scott Taryle
Lucky me. Not only is my wife wonderful in every way, but she also happens to be of Iranian descent. Which means that ever since marrying into her family, I have had the treat of experiencing many Passover seders, Persian style! Here are some of the interesting and unique customs of the Persian seder, as seen through the eyes of this midwestern-born Ashkenazi.
At the beginning of the seder, each participant takes a turn standing, holding the seder plate, and reciting a rhyme based on the names of the sections of the haggadah (“Kadesh, urchatz, karpas, yachatz, magid, rachtzah, motzi matzah, maror, korech, shulchan orech, tzafon, barech, hallel, nirtzah”) while the others clap in rhythm and cheer each person on.
During recitation of the Ten Plagues, a sheet or tablecloth is placed over the set table, completely covering all food, cups, plates, etc. The explanation for the custom appears to be to shield these items from the plagues.
Not long thereafter comes perhaps the most memorable and unusual Persian seder custom (and a favorite of kids).  Just before Dayenu, platters of long, green onions are strategically placed on the table. As Dayenu is recited, light-hearted pandemonium ensues, as the family and guests run around the room, cheerfully whipping each other in imitation of Egyptian taskmasters. While this custom interjects some child-friendly levity into the long seder service, it has a deeper meaning. Personally experiencing the whips of slavery is meant to enhance our gratitude for deliverance conveyed in Dayenu.
The meal is, of course, delicious. (Persians eat rice during Pesach). Persian Charoset (“halegh”) is sweeter and richer than the Ashkenazi one I grew up with, and is typically made with walnuts, pistachios, date paste, raisins, bananas, apples, and spices.
Chag Sameach Ukasher!
"Did You Know" Column Welcomes Your Responses
Have you been intrigued, or piqued, by a "Did You Know" column in the Minyan Monthly to which you are dying to respond? We would love to hear from you.  One of the aims of these columns, a project of the Library Minyan's Education Committee, is to foment discussion, exchange, and learning. Your comments are welcome and, space-permitting, will be posted here. Please send your responses to LM Education Chair Rachel Green (rachelrubingreen@gmail.com) or to Scott Taryle (rosh@libraryminyan.org).
Mishna study 9:20
Tefillot begin 9:45
Temple Beth Am
Dorff-Nelson Chapel
1039 S. La Cienega Blvd, 90035
Pesach Schedule
All the minyanim of Temple Beth Am will join together in the ballroom for each of the Yom Tov morning services for Pesach, except for the Eighth Day on which the Library Minyan will hold a separate service with Yizkor. The following services are scheduled: 
Tuesday, March 26; 9:30 a.m., chapel:  first day combined service
Wednesday, March 27; 9:30 a.m, ballroom: second day combined service
Saturday, March 30; 9:30 a.m., chapel: Shabbat Pesach, Library Minyan separate service.
Monday, April 1; 9:30 a.m., ballroom: seventh day combined service
Tuesday, April 2; 9:30 a.m., chapel: eighth day, Library Minyan separate service. Yizkor approximately 11 am.
Pressman Academy Alumni & Youth Shabbat on April 20 in Library Minyan
Graduates and current students of Pressman Academy are invited to a special joint Shabbat with Temple Beth Am, Library Minyan, Pressman Academy Alumni Association and the TBA Youth Department. Open to current Pressman Academy students, graduates, and their families. Kiddush luncheon following services. RSVP by April 15. For more information and to RSVP, contact Alana Levitt, Youth Director alevitt@tbala.org, 310 652-7354 ext. 212
Social and Hospitality – Upcoming Events
There are still a few spaces left at our yearly Diaspora Shabbat Potluck Lunch, Saturday, April 13 at the home of Larry and Abby Harris, a great opportunity to meet new members, reconnect with veteran members and schmooze with friends with whom you might never have a chance to speak during the busy week. To RSVP, contact Mark Bodenstein (bodensw@gmail.com).  
For any questions regarding general Diaspora Potluck programs, contact committee chair Val Goldstein (goldie1129@gmail.com).
Also, save the date for the following:
• April 20: Special kiddush for USY/ Pressman alumni, also sponsored by the Pflug family to commemorate the first yahrzeit of Marcia Pflug
• May  4  Library Minyan cosponsored kiddush
• May 16 Shavuot picnic lunch, La Cienega Park
The Library Minyan of Temple Beth Am, 1039 S. La Cienega Blvd 90035  www.libraryminyan.org