September 12, 2018

Detecting Storm Intensity from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning

The Deep Learning-based Hurricane Intensity Estimator is an experimental portal that uses machine learning techniques to analyze spatial patterns in infrared satellite imagery in order to predict tropical cyclone intensity.
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Detecting Storm Intensity from Satellite Imagery Using Machine Learning
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Highest Resolution DEM of Antarctica Released

Called the Reference Elevation Model of Antarctica (REMA), a new 8-meter resolution digital elevation model covering 98% of the continent of Antarctica has been released.
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Highest Resolution DEM of Antarctica Released
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Views of Hurricane Florence from space

How Plex.Earth is Used in Teaching: An Interview With Professor Martin Cajade

Eleni Natsi from Plexscape recently interviewed Martin Cajade, who teaches in the Faculty of Architecture, Design, and Urbanism (FADU) in the University of the Republic in Uruguay, about how his students incorporate PlexEarth as a data mining tool.
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How Plex.Earth is Used in Teaching: An Interview With Professor Martin Cajade
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Global Dataset of River Widths Developed from Landsat Imagery

Researchers used a combination of satellite imagery and field measurements coupled with statistical modeling to calculate worldwide river and stream surface measurements which is now available as a GIS dataset.
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Global Dataset of River Widths Developed from Landsat Imagery
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