What's Inside
1. TNR Ladies Released
2. Photo of the Month
3. Health and Welfare
4. Behavior
5. Pet food (below)
6. Natural Cat Care
7. Misc Topics
5. Pet Food Topics
Is your cat's food on a recall list?

How to avoid the worst cat foods
Shelter feed links:

Holistic feeding advice

Cats are carnivores and require animal protein to thrive.
Consider what cats eat in the wild when looking for cat food.
You want a meat-based product.


6. Natural Pet Care
For a comprehensive care regimen for your pets, this website contains information, educational courses (many are free), and product advice to help you treat your pet naturally.
How to Find a Qualified Homeopathic Vet

7. Misc Topics
Do Cats Always Land on Their Feet?

Staying With Your Pet at the End
This article is directed at dog owners but applies just as well to our cats.
Litter Box Issues - Not Always About Behavior
If you're having issues with your cat and the litter box, or if you want to avoid having problems in the future, this information may help.
After watching this 12-min. video, you'll know the top reasons cats go outside the litter box and what you can do to help your kitty use the box again.
Click here to go directly to the video:

About the Newsletter
We would love to hear from you!
Published on the first of the month. Submissions, stories, comments and questions are welcome. If you'd like to see your cat under Photo of the Month, please send it to us here:

hi_paws @ yahoo.com

Feel free to share this newsletter with your friends. If they would like to have their own subscription, send them to TheProblemCat.com to fill out the form on the upper left of the page. This is a private list and is not shared with others, certainly not any advertising companies.
Welcome to all new subscribers!
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issues, or are having trouble
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find all issues since 2005 at this link: 

Many thanks to Paul DeCeglie, an American writer now based in Pattaya, Thailand, for sending us more helpful and fascinating articles every month!

June 1, 2023  

1. Alabama "TNR Terrorists" Released  
Last month we reported on the two senior women who were arrested (cuffed and hauled off to jail) for feeding stray cats on city property last year. At the time of our report, local officials had temporarily suspended legal actions and were not pursuing the case.

Now it's been announced that charges have been dropped but no reason was given either by prosecutors or by the judge.

Details at this link: https://tinyurl.com/ucfsvsun

(Editor): When doing TNR (Trap Neuter Release) projects to benefit stray, feral and "community" cats, as well as the community of humans, it may be laudable to just do it. And one could argue it's better to ask forgiveness than permission. However, as this story illustrates, that can be a tricky gamble.

In my experience and opinion, you're more likely to be successful if certain steps are taken first. For example, check with a local shelter or rescue organization to see if they do this work and if you can help. If that doesn't go anywhere, do some research into local regulations to find out if you can do it on your own. It's always a good idea to do some research.

For example, in this case, the police officer who spoke to one of the women said she was trespassing on private property without permission. She countered with the comment that city property isn't exactly private...taxpayers paid for it. Good point.
But there still could be some regulations as to its use.

Without going into greater detail, checking regulations is a good first step. Then one can assemble a plan of action...lining up veterinarians willing to help, perhaps other volunteers, and in some locations, borrowing traps from the police department (as I have done on occasion). Be sure to talk to others with experience. There are practical ways to carry out this work, including learning how to set traps and how to transport animals safely...for them and for you.

‘When injustice becomes law, resistance becomes duty.’
~Thomas Jefferson
 2.  Photo of the Month
cat reading
Learning about other species requires some research!
3. Health and Welfare

Never do this when you leave your cat alone

This 8-minute video explains nine basic points of importance if you need to leave your cat home alone for any length of time.


Calculating carbs for your cat's diet
If your cat has been diagnosed with diabetes, your vet will help you learn how to feed and care for him or her. In addition to insulin shots, you may need to adjust the diet to control the amount of carbohydrates eaten. As with humans, carbs add to the sugar load and can have a dramatic effect on kitty's health.
Lower carbohydrate diets may be beneficial for some cats with diabetes but the optimal amount and type of carbohydrates for diabetic cats is still unknown.
It's interesting, if not frustrating, to notice that cat food packaging has no information about carbohydrate content on the label. Therefore, it's up to you to calculate the carb content yourself, or your vet may help you with it. Optimally. your vet should be able to recommend the correct foods and amounts. But you may need to do your own research, too! Not all vets are experts in nutrition.
Thanks to Holly W. for requesting this information!

4. Behavior Topics 
Cats Making the Most of Nap Time
Cupid the Cat, Missing For Weeks, Found 24 Miles Away
cat lady           From your
Happy Cat Lady, Dr RJ Wright   my logo