Much gratitude to all who gave a gift to Perugia's annual appeal at the end of 2023. It takes a village to run a small poetry press, and we're honored to work alongside such a supportive community. 

Carolina Hotchandani Reading for Annual Debut Poet Feature in Poets & Writers TOMORROW!
We're so proud of Carolina Hotchandani being featured with
her Perugia book The Book Eaters in the annual debut poets showcase in the latest issue of Poets & Writers (in print and online). Read Perugia's blog with highlights of the article and
the virtual celebration reading with all the 2023 debut poets
this Thursday, 1/25, 7pm EST. Congratulations, Carolina! 

Emerging BIWOC Poet Spotlight

January 2024 Poet: Priscilla Wathington

Photo by Chad Wathington

Area C

the map emphatic with line grayed out Areas
declaratives of spellings conqueror

streets shrinking seas tell me what difference whose 
name we spit over the pothole

Fiat's coarse tires crack into earth begotten 
of sergeants swallowtails topsoil

profiling how much run off 
owl rain estrogen

below other horizons other names 
for skulls let's agree

the map self-portraiture parse 
its starvations

cannot point us south

To read more about this poet and her work, check out our blog.

* Perugia Poet News *
Perugia will be celebrating AWP 2024 in Kansas City, MO
from February 8-10. Perugia poets Catherine Anderson,
Carolina Hotchandani, Abby E. Murray, Nancy K. Pearson, Rebecca Pelky, and Lynne Thompson will all be signing their books at our bookfair table, Table #1214, and five of our poets
will read at our collaborative offsite on Friday, 2/9 from 6-8pm
at Habitat Contemporary. Stay tuned for more AWP details!
Perugia poet Abby E. Murray's poem "The New Year
Makes a Request" was published in Rattle.
Perugia poet Jennifer K. Sweeney's poem "Deodar Cedar"
Perugia poet Megan Peak’s poem “Halloween”
(originally published by Split Lip) was featured at Voguetry.
Falling Bodies" was published in The Atlantic.

Port Townsend, WA on January 25 at 7:00pm with Gary Lemons
and Barbara Sjoholm at Readings at the MeetingHouse.

in Seattle, WA on January 25 at 7:00pm with Adrienne Chung
and Alisha Dietzman at Open Books: A Poem Emporium.
PO Box 60364, Florence, MA  01062